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excited in、excited to和excited about的区别是什么?
您好!excited in,表达的是“已然从事于”,也就是“因做某事而兴奋”;excited to,表达的是“即将做某事”,也就是“做某事会感觉兴奋”;excited about,表达的是“某事让人兴奋”,但说话的人不一定去做。

be excited about和be excited todo都表示什么意思?
be excited about和be excited to都是表达兴奋或激动的情绪,但有一定的区别:1. be excited about表示对某事物感到兴奋或激动。它后面通常跟名词或名词性物主结构作宾语。例如:I'm really excited about my holiday trip. 我对我的假日旅行感到非常兴奋。2. be excited to表示对要做某事或即将...

您好,excited后接动词不定式。例如I am excited to come.to your party.

excited todo还是doing
您好,应该是todo形式。例句,I am excited to hear the exciting news.

excited in、excited to和excited about的区别是什么?
be excited in, be excited to和be excited about be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't related with your property.就好像掷骰子,如果不牵涉你的财产,你就不会动心.be excited to和be excited about意思相近,前者to后加...

be excited about doing sth跟be excited to do sth有什么分别_百度知 ...
一、指代不同 1、be excited about doing sth:对做某事感到兴奋。2、be excited to do sth:兴奋地做某事。二、用法不同 1、be excited about doing sth:基本意思是刺激某人使之激动或激励某人做某事,强调激动的强烈程度和激励的巨大作用。2、be excited to do sth:用作及物动词时,可接名词...

it is exciting\/excited to这有什么区别啊, 快啊,明天就要考英语了...
宣布了这条令人兴奋的消息。Skiing is more exciting than skating.滑雪比滑冰更激动人心。excited 一般是指某件事使主语(人) 兴奋, 激动 He was getting excited just thinking about the trip.一想到那次旅行他就兴奋。I was quite excited to hear that.听到那事我非常激动。


1、Sara was excited to see the rock band. 莎拉看到摇滚乐团很兴奋。 2、The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering. 男孩子们突然迸发出刺耳的兴奋的欢呼声。 扩展资料: 一、excite的单词变形 过去式: excited 过去分词: excited 现在分词: exciting 第三人称单数: excites 二、词义辨析 v.(动词...

令人激动exciting to me. 为什么不能说excited to me.
exciting指令人很惊讶,不是形容人的,是形容令人惊讶的那个东西的,exciting to me中的to是对于的意思,这个短语意思是:那东西对于我来说很令人惊讶,也就是说这里的exciting形容的是那个东西,不是形容的me。excited 形容的是人,例如i am excited,指我感到很惊讶。所以当然不能替换。

权储17646953123问: Be excited to do sth是什么意思 -
金湾区倍清回答: be excited to do sth 中文释义:做某事很激动 例句: I was too excited to notice it. 我太兴奋了,没有注意到这一点. 词汇解析: excited 英文发音:[ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] 中文释义:adj.激动的;兴奋的;受刺激的;紧张不安的;性兴奋的 例句: ...

权储17646953123问: be excited to do这样的固定搭配里面 todo在句子中是什么成分,如果是状语,那这属于主系表结构吗 -
金湾区倍清回答: 不定式to do在句中充当原因状语. 如:I'm excited to see the movie. 我(因为)看到这部电影(而感到)很激动/兴奋.状语是句子的次要成分,并不对句子主干结构造成影响,所以此句当然还是主系表结构. 再如:I'm a teacher now. 这句也是明显的主系表结构,其中后面的now也做(时间)状语哦.如果可以,烦请点击页面中的 选为满意回答 按钮,谢谢!

权储17646953123问: excited todo还是doing -
金湾区倍清回答: be excited to do sth. be excited about doing sth.

权储17646953123问: be excited 后面可以接什么结构?能不能借to do sth? -
金湾区倍清回答:[答案] be excited to do 表示做某事心情激动

权储17646953123问: be excited 后面可以接什么结构?能不能借to do sth? -
金湾区倍清回答: be excited to do 表示做某事心情激动

权储17646953123问: be excited to do sth造句 -
金湾区倍清回答: They are excited to take a school trip. 学校要郊游,他们都很兴奋.

权储17646953123问: be excited about doing sth.与be excited to do sth.有何区别? -
金湾区倍清回答:[答案] "be excited about doing sth."和"be excited to do sth."的关系与"like doing sth."和"would like to do sth."是一样的:前者都表示一般状态下的兴奋/喜欢,后者都表示做某件特定的事(或不久后就要做的事)的兴奋/喜欢.

权储17646953123问: be excited in和be excited to do是不是be excited in后面只能加名词?还是有be excited in doing的形式?两者的区别呢?两者可以互相转换吗? -
金湾区倍清回答:[答案] be excited in 可以加动名词 be excited in doing sth是指做某事赶到兴奋 be excited to do sth是指因为兴奋去做某事 意思有点儿不同

权储17646953123问: 英语翻译:be excited to do sth. -
金湾区倍清回答:[答案] 翻译: be excited to do sth. 激动(兴奋)地做某件事. 【顺说一句,一楼一看就知道是用机器翻译的】

权储17646953123问: be excited about、to do sth后面加名词还是动词原形 -
金湾区倍清回答: 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: be excited about doing sthto do sth

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