
作者&投稿:希泥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

exciting:adj.令人兴奋的, 使人激动的 主语是物或事 e.g. This movie is so exciting.这部电影真让人兴奋、激动.excited:adj.兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的 主语为人较多 e.g. she's so excited about the upcoming holiday.对于即将来到的假日,她兴奋不已....

exciting是主动用法,表示某物让sb很兴奋,令人兴奋的 excited的被动用法,表示sb因为sth而兴奋.e.g.the football match is exciting.这场球赛真令人兴奋.he was excited by the football match.一般V+ing 变成adj表示主动.意思是使人.的,令人很.的:surprising,disappointing,pleasing...而V+ed,变成adj...

excited 和exciting 的区别
excited 表示“兴奋的”,主语是人。exciting表示“令人兴奋的”,主语是物。例句:The movie is very exciting. 这部电影很令人兴奋。I am very excited to hear from you. 收到你的来信我很兴奋。拓展:类似的用法还有:interesting(令人感兴趣的)、interested(感兴趣的)touching(令人感动的)、...

exciting是主动用法,表示某物让sb很兴奋,令人兴奋的 excited的被动用法,表示sb因为sth而兴奋.e.g.the football match is exciting.这场球赛真令人兴奋.he was excited by the football match.一般V+ing 变成adj表示主动.意思是使人.的,令人很.的:surprising,disappointing,pleasing...而V+ed,变成adj...

excited exciting区别
一、含义不同 excited表示自己本身刺激激动,可以理解成“感到...";exciting表示使别人感到刺激激动,可以理解成“使别人..."1、this is a very exciting movie或者this movie is very exciting 这个电影很刺激。2、I feel very excited about this movie, I can't wait to watch it 我觉得这部...

excited 和exciting 的区别
一、含义不同 excited表示自己本身刺激激动,可以理解成“感到...";exciting表示使别人感到刺激激动,可以理解成“使别人..."1、this is a very exciting movie或者this movie is very exciting 这个电影很刺激。2、I feel very excited about this movie, I can't wait to watch it 我觉得这部...

excited 和exciting 的区别
一、含义不同 excited表示自己本身刺激激动,可以理解成“感到...";exciting表示使别人感到刺激激动,可以理解成“使别人..."1、this is a very exciting movie或者this movie is very exciting 这个电影很刺激。2、I feel very excited about this movie, I can't wait to watch it 我觉得这部...

excited 和exciting 的区别
一、含义不同 excited表示自己本身刺激激动,可以理解成“感到...";exciting表示使别人感到刺激激动,可以理解成“使别人..."1、this is a very exciting movie或者this movie is very exciting 这个电影很刺激。2、I feel very excited about this movie, I can't wait to watch it 我觉得这部...

excited和exciting的区别 一、excited; exciting 前者是“对……感到兴奋”,通常主语是人;后者是“令人感到兴奋的”,通常主语是物\/事件。例如:1)Are you excited about going to Beijing? 你要去北京了,感到兴奋吗?2)He told us an exciting story yesterday. 他昨天给我们讲了一个使人激动的...

exciting:adj.令人兴奋的, 使人激动的 主语是物或事 e.g. This movie is so exciting.这部电影真让人兴奋、激动。excited:adj.兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的 主语为人较多 e.g. she's so excited about the upcoming holiday.对于即将来到的假日,她兴奋不已。还有一个词这里补充一下 ...

竺霍19721575966问: excited in和excited to和excited about的区别 -
井研县朴康回答: 这3个常与be动词组合使用,为 be excited in, be excited to和be excited about be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't related with your property. 就好像掷骰子,如果不牵涉你的财产,你就不会动...

竺霍19721575966问: be excited in和be excited to do
井研县朴康回答: be excited in 可以加动名词 be excited in doing sth是指做某事赶到兴奋 be excited to do sth是指因为兴奋去做某事 意思有点儿不同

竺霍19721575966问: be excited in,be excited at,be excited about哪个对,或者有什么区别? -
井研县朴康回答:[答案] be excited at “在.的影响下而激动 be excited about “关于某事而激动” She is very excited about/at winning the first prize. 赢得首奖,她激动不已. 常可以互换 be excited in 对...感到兴奋; 对...感到兴奋 You won't be excited in a flip dice game if it isn't...

竺霍19721575966问: be excited in doing sth?be excited about doing sth?区别
井研县朴康回答: be excited in doing sth 是指兴奋于做某事 偏向于主动性的个人喜好 不止一次的的做可能一直在做 be excited in 可以加动名词 be excited about doing sth 则是对做某事感到兴奋 偏向于客观性的 只是对这件事兴奋 其实我感觉平时不用分这么细哈,差别很小的

竺霍19721575966问: 有没有be excited in这样的说法,是什么意思呢 -
井研县朴康回答: 没有吧, 像楼上说的只是介词词组作地点状语,excited 是形容词,形容人的状态,形容人很兴奋.

竺霍19721575966问: 有没有be excited in??about ,at不是吗 -
井研县朴康回答: 没有 Be excited about 对...感到兴奋,激动 Be excited by 被...; Be excited for 因为...而激动,兴奋 Be excited at..主要指地点,场景,位置.

竺霍19721575966问: be excited,be exciting,be interesting,be interested后分别接什么介词? 再分别给两个例句 -
井研县朴康回答: 1.Be excited about=be excited at 对...感到兴奋,激动 Why should we be excited about the 2008 Olympics/the 2010 World Cup? I was excited about a job interview. 我对那个面试老激动了,当时 interested in是对什么东西对人很感兴趣.其主...

竺霍19721575966问: be excited for -
井研县朴康回答: be excited for 为之激动

竺霍19721575966问: be exicited at 和be excited on有什么区别和共同点
井研县朴康回答: be at :从事于,做 be on:已经开始了. be exicited at/on.它们的用法以及意义基本一样,只是时态稍有不同.据个例子:I am exicited at the basketball tomorrow.明天的篮球赛让我感到很兴奋.这种情况就不可以用excited on 因为球赛还没开始呢. I was exicited on the basketball yesterday.昨天的篮球赛让我很兴奋. 一个很大的共同点就是at和on都是是介词 所以这两个短语的后面都只能加 名词或 动名词.

竺霍19721575966问: be excited in doing sth?be excited about doing sth?
井研县朴康回答: 1在做某事的过程中感到兴奋 2对某事感到兴奋

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