
作者&投稿:壤奚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

口袋妖怪珍珠钻石 训练机
45. Attract 媚惑 可爱公园 46. Thief 盗窃 白岱镇上方 47. Steel Wing 合金翼 209道路 您想在自己的网站上展示百度“知道”上的问答吗?来获取免费代码吧!

英语的前后缀,要具体详尽附有用法,词根就免了,先谢谢诸位了哈!_百度知 ...
e- == 加强或引伸意义, evaluate 评价, elongate 使延长,拉长, estop 阻止,禁止, estrange 使疏远, evanish 消失, elaborate 精心制作,详细描述 e- == 出、外, eject 投出,掷出, emigrate 移居国外, elect 选出, emerge 浮出,出现, erupt 喷出, evade 逃出 ef- == 出、离去, effluence 流出, effa...

初中英语词性转换一 10道题 写一下每道题的答案和相关的语法和思路...
1、really 因为look是动词,应该用副词修饰动词。2、frightened 因为so 是副词它的中心词是形容词,而frighten是动词,它的形容词是加ed 或加 ing, girl 是指人应该加ed 表示人被惊吓到,ing 通常指物。3、slowly 因为spoken是动词应该用副词修饰。4、jumper 因为queue是一个形容词,在...

Over the last century, researcher on the nature of human mating, such as in evolutionary psychology, agree that pairs unite or attract to each other owing to a combination of opposites attract, e.g. people with dissimilar immune systems tend to attract, and likes attract, such similarities of...

这些空字符可以是任何字符,因为解密后可以看出是明显的废话(如ORANG EOOOO),所以接收器可以很容易地发现并将其丢弃。如若接收发现密文的长度不能被五整除,就可以得知传输出错,并要求重新发送。简易替换密码有时不一定要替换至另一字母,例如在猪圈密码中,密文由格子的符号组成。这些功能增加的安全性...

why do some minerals attract magnets
all materials are influenced to greater or lesser degree by the presence of a magnetic field.Magnetization is a property of some materials (e.g. magnets) that describes to what extent they are affected by magnetic fields, and also determines the magnetic field that the material itsel...

E gaze –and gazed –but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought:花边波光潋滟,怎比得繁花似锦;面对如此良伴,诗人怎不欢欣!凝视,凝视,流连不止;殊不知引起悠悠情思;For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eye ...

I would have no objection, said the wolf, if I could only get a place. I will help you, said the dog. e with me to my master, and you shall share my work.So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around ...

E. 淮左名都,竹西佳处。 《扬州慢》扬州是淮河东边著名的大都,在竹西亭美好的住处。 F. 发闾左适戍渔阳九百人。 《陈涉世家》 征召穷苦的平民九百人去戍守渔阳。G.元和十年,予左迁九江郡司马。 《琵琶行》元和十年,我被贬为九江郡司马。 H. 公子从车骑,虚左,自迎夷门侯生。 《信陵君窃符救赵》公子带...

become a good place for leisure and relaxation, to attract more and more visitors.中文 广州白云山(Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain),是国家重点风景名胜区。它位于广州市的东北部,为南粤名山之一, 白云山景色秀丽,自古以来就是广州有名的风景胜地。白云山地处我国南方,属亚热带气候区,拥有各种植物...

缑心17250524893问: be attracted to与be attracted by 的区别 -
麦盖提县麝香回答: be attracted to与be attracted by的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、be attracted to:迷上了... 2、be attracted by:被......吸引. 二、用法不同 1、be attracted to:attract的基本意思是“吸引”,引申表示“引起…注意...

缑心17250524893问: 同意句 be attracted by= -
麦盖提县麝香回答: be drawn into/to 为……所吸引

缑心17250524893问: attract的用法 -
麦盖提县麝香回答:[答案] be attracted by 被…吸引be attracted by her beauty 被她的美貌打动 be attracted to prep. 被吸引到It is natural for people to be attracted to beautiful things . 人被美丽的事物所吸引是很自然的事情....

缑心17250524893问: sb,be attracted to sth.与 sb .be attracted by sth.的区别?并把attract所有用法都写一下! -
麦盖提县麝香回答:[答案] sb be attracted to sth是指某人被吸引去做某事 sb be attracted by sth.是指某人被某物吸引 常用词组 attract sb.'s attention 吸引某人注意力; attract foreign investment= attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas) 吸引外商投资;attract deposits 押...

缑心17250524893问: be attracted by 的同义词组是什么? 区别在哪里? 如何用? -
麦盖提县麝香回答: t.吸引;引起 engage, absorb, produce, cause, operatevi.吸引;有吸引力 appeal, turn one on

缑心17250524893问: attract被动语态的用法 -
麦盖提县麝香回答: be attracted by sth/sb这是它的被动语态. be attracted to 是形容词词组,意思是被某人/物吸引,从意思上与前者没有区别,只是在语法上,前者更强调被吸引的被动意义.

缑心17250524893问: sb, be attracted to sth.与 sb . be attracted by sth.的区别????? -
麦盖提县麝香回答: sb be attracted to sth是指某人被吸引去做某事sb be attracted by sth.是指某人被某物吸引常用词组 attract sb.'s attention 吸引某人注意力;attract foreign investment= attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas) 吸引外商投资;attract deposits 押付定金或集资;

缑心17250524893问: fascinated by和attracted by区别 -
麦盖提县麝香回答: 正解:两个都是及物动词,Attracted by 中文用吸引/产生好感比较贴切,而fascinated by 是迷住/迷人/着迷的意思.attract [美] [əˈtrækt] [英] [əˈtrækt] 及物动词 ( attracted; attracted; attracting ) 吸;吸引 The garden city attracts many ...

缑心17250524893问: she was fascinated by the music.( be fascinated by是固定句式吗 可以改成什么类) -
麦盖提县麝香回答: 是.be attracted by

缑心17250524893问: attracted(作形容词)与attactive的区别? -
麦盖提县麝香回答:[答案] 我给你举个例子 He is attracted by the book .( sb be attracted to sth是指某人被吸引去做某事 sb be attracted by sth).是指某人被某物吸引 (被动) attractive 吸引人的,引起兴趣的

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