
作者&投稿:衷威 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"bathroom"的音标为 \/ˈbæθruːm\/。 bathroom一般可以洗澡洗手上厕所,更类似于家里的厕所,在美国一般特指的是家用的带洗浴的卫生间。以下是其他房间的英语单词及其简单介绍:1. bedroom 卧室 2. living room 客厅 3. dining room 餐厅 4. kitchen 厨房 5. study room 书房 6...

浴室:bathroom; bath; shower room; bagnio; balneary bathroom 英 [ˈbɑ:θru:m] 美 [ˈbæθru:m]n.浴室;卫生间;盥洗室;(带抽水马桶的)厕所 复数: bathrooms

他慢吞吞地走进浴室洗淋浴。2、 He spread his quilts and went to the bathroom.他铺好被子然后进了浴室。3、 Go and wash your hands in the bathroom.去盥洗室把手洗干净。4、 Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror.水蒸气遮住了浴室镜子。5、 I'm glad the bathroom met with your approval...

bathroom,英 ['bɑːθruːm]     美 ['bæθruːm]1、释义:n. 浴室;卫浴;<美>洗手间 2、语法:(1)bathroom的意思是“浴室”,这种浴室一般带有卫生间,多用于英式英语中。bathroom是可数名词,在句中可用作主语或宾语。(2)用作名词 (n.)He weighed himself...

bathroom谐音是:“巴丝如母”。它的音标是:英 ['bɑːθruːm];美 ['bæθruːm]。bathroom的用法 1、释义 n. 浴室;<美>洗手间 2、例句 The bathroom was full of steam.浴室里弥漫着蒸汽。3、特殊用法 bathroom的意思是“浴室”,这种浴室一般带有卫生间,多用于...

卧室:bedroom 英 [ˈbɛdruːm] 美 [ˈbɛdˌrum]浴室:bathroom noun.(通常有脸盆和抽水马桶的)浴室,盥洗室。(尤指成套出售的)浴室用具。〈北美〉 厕所间;洗手间 I have to go to the bathroom. 我要去一下洗手间 卧室:bedroom noun.卧...

bathroom [英] [ˈbɑ:θrum] [美][ˈbæθˌrum, -ˌrʊm,ˈbɑθ-]n. 浴室;盥洗室;(带抽水马桶的)厕所;卫生间

bathroom英语读法:[_bɑ_θru_m;_bɑ_θr_m]、[_b_θru_m]。bathroom意思是:浴室;厕所;盥洗室。例句:The bathroom is entirely my own creation。这个浴室完全是我个人的创作。

bathroom卫生间读法:\/ˈbæθ.ruːm\/。“Bathroom”是英语中表示“卫生间”的词汇,读音为 \/ˈbæθ.ruːm\/。它是由两部分组成的,即“bath”(浴室)和“room”(房间),字面上意味着一个含有浴缸的房间,但在现代英语中,“bathroom”通常泛指含有厕所、洗手盆...

浴室翻译为英文:Shower Room 罐子爆炸了,不但炸毁了厨房和浴室,还把窗户炸飞了。The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows.他在浴室里脱了衣服。He got undressed in the bathroom.你肯定忘了关浴室的龙头了。You must have left a tap running in the ...

唱雍19366766332问: “浴室的镜子”用英语怎么说 -
康马县保儿回答: mirror in the bathroom

唱雍19366766332问: 用 is, bathroom, a, there, the, in, mirror 连词成句. -
康马县保儿回答: There is a mirror in the bathroom.

唱雍19366766332问: 英语冠词问题 不可数名词a dresser and a mirror a bathroom sink and mirror 为什么前者加a? -
康马县保儿回答:[答案] 1.出现两个a 译为一个化妆台和一面镜子 它们没有联系2.两个名词只出现一个a 表明两个名词连为一体 两种事物组合成一个物体 译为水槽连带镜子3.可数名词前加a或the a表泛指 译为一个 the表特指 译为那个 明白吗?不懂再问也OK

唱雍19366766332问: No,there is no mirror in my bathroom.的问句是? -
康马县保儿回答:[答案] 可以有两种:一般疑问句:Are there any mirrors in your bathroom?或Is there a mirror in your bathroom?反义疑问句:There is a mirror in your bathroom,isn't there?或There isn't a mirror in your bathroom,i...

唱雍19366766332问: The mirror in the bathroom was broken,but we had no time to___it. -
康马县保儿回答:[选项] A. exchange B. match C. replace D. buy

唱雍19366766332问: 五年级英语上册第五单元单词.急!!!急!!!急!!! -
康马县保儿回答: curtain 窗帘 trash bin (垃圾箱) closet 衣柜 mirror 镜子 end table (床头柜) bedroom (卧室) kitchen (厨房) bathroom (卫生间) living room (客厅) in (在…里面) on(在…上面) under (在…下面) near (在..旁边) behind (在…后边)clothes (衣服)

唱雍19366766332问: 请描述一下你家浴室不少于6句话英语 -
康马县保儿回答:[答案] Remodeling a bathroom can seem like a daunting and expensive task to take on.It can be; but with planning ahead and focusing on things a little at a time,you can have a room that's entirely yours.Think about the benefits of changing the room around.It'll...

唱雍19366766332问: 酒店客房用品英语 -
康马县保儿回答: 酒店常用英语词汇|酒店英语| 酒店客房设备用品英文名称| 客房设备、用品pouring cup 口杯 toilet mirror 梳妆镜 music stool 琴凳 electric kettle 电热水壶floor lamp 落地灯TV turntable 电视机...

唱雍19366766332问: bathroomscale是什么意思 -
康马县保儿回答: bathroom scale 浴室磅秤;体重秤;浴室秤 例句筛选1.Husband: The mirror and the bathroom scale.丈夫:镜子和体重秤.2.For her birthday, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale.为了她的生日,他给她买了最新款的浴室磅秤.

唱雍19366766332问: 根据字母提示,把句子所缺的单词补充完整.!! -
康马县保儿回答: 1.rooms room bedroom kitchen bathroom2.use3.yellow4.mirror5.clothes6.third 答案好多的,不唯一吧~

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