
作者&投稿:陈莉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

可以使用sed命令,删除文件中所有的引号等价于将文件中所有的引号替换为空字符串。\\x0d\\x0ased命令替换某个字符串为另一字符串的格式为:\\x0d\\x0ased -i 's\/要替换的字符串\/新的字符串\/g' 文件名\\x0d\\x0a-i选项表示直接修改读取的档案内容,而不是由屏幕输出。\\x0d\\x0a用法示例:\\x...

2,waiters,trays,kitchen,dining,room,apples,knives,forks 3,(a)man,restaurant,table (b)waiter,man (c)waiter,boy,ice-cream (d)waiter,boy,bill 4,(a)espensive-expensive (b)eight-ate,grate-great (c)smal-small,restorant-restaurant (d)water-waiter,wasnt'-wasn't (e)sed-said,rest...


In my music class,I answered the teacher that I like a foreign song called《MILAN MILAN》在我学历史的时候,听说因为马可波罗,许多意大利人向往中国,其实我最想去的地方却是米兰的圣西罗。When I studied history,I leanred that,for 马可波罗, many italian people long for coming to Chin...

5. I am extremely glad to hear that you have got a promotion in your company. Congratulations! 6)It’s wonderful to know that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself. 结束 ① I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world. ② We hope you will have nothing but joy...

英:[ˈdʒenərəlz] [ˈɔːdə] [ðeə] [ˈsəʊldʒə] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed; tuː] [kɪl] 美:[ˈdʒenərəlz] [ˈɔrdɚ] [ðɛr] [ˈsoʊldʒə] [tuˌtə] [kɪl] 原:and gather it all in...

Love is a promise between the fingers. Finger rift, twisted in the love. 24、有时候,心中所承受之重是无法用言语来表达的。 Sometimes, the weight of the heart is not to be exPssed in words. 25、我能做的不多,但你需要的时候,我总是在的。 I can't do much, but when you need it, I...

Mars, Incorporated is a world-wide manufacturer of confectionery and other food products with US$21 billion in annual sales in 2006. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, USA, the company is entirely owned by the Mars family, making it one of the largest privately owned U.S. ...

In conclusion, studying abroad has numerous benefits that can enrich one's life in many ways. It is a valuable experience that can help individuals grow personally, academically, and professionally. 难词解释: 1. diversity (n.) 多样性,差异性 2. open-minded (adj.) 思想开放的,虚心的 3. sel...

我 你 他 我们 你们 他们 例如:hablar 变位分别为 hablo hablas habla hablamos hablais hablan mirar miro miras mira miramos mirais miran 以ar结尾的词变位的特点是,去掉ar,分别加o ,as,a,amos,ais,an。我 你 他 我们 你们 他们 leer 变位...

鄢治13236298982问: based in shanghai是什么意思 -
昂昂溪区百普回答: 总部设在上海 base释义: 1. adj. 1.贱的,劣的;卑下的,低级的;卑鄙的. 2. vt. 1.(用酒或麻醉剂)使…失去知觉而把人劫掠到船上. 举例: 1. Ding yi is a painter based in shanghai丁乙:以上海为活动中心的画家. 2. The candidate should be able to be based in shanghai , china有意者需考虑要能长驻于中国上海. 3. On the strategy of the construction of the logistics bases in shanghai上海物流基地建设战略研究.

鄢治13236298982问: Shanghai - based是什么意思? -
昂昂溪区百普回答: 上海的 基于上海的 以上海为基础的 需要根据全文进行翻译 希望有帮助

鄢治13236298982问: be based in 造句 -
昂昂溪区百普回答: jobs to be based in Shanghai

鄢治13236298982问: are you based in shanghai -
昂昂溪区百普回答: 这里你想要表达你是否在上海的意思吗?be based in = be located in “ 位于”;用法 sth be based in sw【!主语通常是建筑物!】 He is a founding partner of the league based in New York City.如果是你造句的话,最好直接用 Are youin shanghai?这样就可以了.希望我的解答对你有所帮助,满意请采纳,不解请追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢

鄢治13236298982问: 求国泰航空公司及港龙航空公司英文介绍!最好是PPT国泰航空和港龙航空是如何解决客户投诉的!(求中英文对照) -
昂昂溪区百普回答:[答案] About CathayPacific Airline(国泰) Those Were the Days American Roy C Farrell and Australian Sydney H de Kantzow founded Cathay Pacific Airways on 24 September,1946.Initially based in Shanghai,the two men eventually moved to Hong Kong...

鄢治13236298982问: base in的意思 -
昂昂溪区百普回答:[答案] base on的动词宾语是物,介词宾语也是物;base in的动词宾语是人,而介词宾语一般是地点,即:base sth on sth,和base sb in/at …. base sth on sth以某事为某事的依据、根据等,即基础是,以.为基础. 如:The novels is based on historical facts....

鄢治13236298982问: The film - ------ - the World War II was made in Shanghai. A.base on B.based on C.base in D -
昂昂溪区百普回答: :B :考查固定词组.Be based on以…为基础.句意:以第二次世界大战为基础的这部电影是在上海拍摄的.故B正确.

鄢治13236298982问: based是什么意思及用法 -
昂昂溪区百普回答: based 英[beɪst] 美[best] adj. 有根基的; 有基地的; v. 立基于; 以…为基础(base的过去式和过去分词); [例句]Both firms are based in Kent 两个公司的总部都设在肯特市.[其他] 原型: base

鄢治13236298982问: 用英语介绍京剧(不用太多)用英语介绍京剧,有难读的词最好有音标. -
昂昂溪区百普回答:[答案] Beijing opera or Peking opera (simplified Chinese:京剧; traditional Chinese:京剧; pinyin:Jīngjù) is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music,vocal performance,mime,dance and acrobatics.It arose in the late 18th century and ...

鄢治13236298982问: 选哪个,请给出原因 B.for C.on D.withThe temperature today is very low.It is quite cold______June in shanghai. -
昂昂溪区百普回答:[答案] 选B. 1、句意判断: 今天的气温很低.对于上海的六月来说这是很冷的. 2、结构:第二句句子结构为It+be+adj.+prep.+sth.prep+ Shanghai是介词短语做定语.这里prep意思是“对.来说”.故用for.

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