
作者&投稿:蓝韦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翻译一下。英译汉 给分的
提问者写错了,eat a balanced diet.意思是均衡的饮食。一个均衡的饮食,包括碳水化合物,蛋白质和脂肪。用食物金字塔,可以帮助您决定各类食物的种类。碳水化合物给机体提供能量,可以从水果和蔬菜,面包,米饭和谷类面食中获取。机体利用蛋白质来构建肌肉成分,并消耗脂肪来获取食物中的维生素。蛋白质和脂...

N: really? That's ok. Thank you. (.), very calm self-alanced

中文译成英文。。我英语方面是蹩脚虾。。应付重要的英语评估,大虾们救 ...
In recent years, various agencies, various organizations under various banners to carry out the so-called university rankings, hoping to certain aspects the university level, the level of an orderly arrangement, listing a Heroes come. A hero list, it is naturally watched ranking in pr...

(r)]n.(19世纪法国的)枪骑兵;[网络]长矛轻骑兵;[例句]If,atthatmoment,theswordsmanlunges,forcingthelancetotheoutside,heissafeandthelancerisathismercy.如果击剑手此时出剑突刺,同时把长矛封在外侧,击剑手就是安全的,那枪骑兵就任凭他宰割了。[其他]形近词:cancerlancealanced lanceloc汉语是...

alanced family life

Before the court, see self-alanced blossom, Accidentally, overflowing with future clouds scud across space

Kids Town,更有效的幼儿真阅读课程!
Kids Town幼儿分级绘本课程正是以真阅读为特色的综合幼儿英语启蒙课程。课程根据ABO原则设计,依据IES教学框架,打造精读、泛读、技能全面结合的【真阅读】课程,7大课型以及OMO模式为孩子提供【更有效】的课程保障。 ABO原则 A uthentic material 大量原版英文分级图书,确保海量输入; B alanced Approach 精读与泛读相结合...

到目前为止,这是 Oracle 和大多数其他数据库中最常用的索引。 B* 树的构造类似于二叉树,能根据键提供一行或一个行集的快速访问,通常只需很少的读操作就能找到正确的行。不过,需要注意重要的一点, ” B* 树 “ 中的 ” B “ 不代表二叉( binary ),而代表平衡( b alanced )。B* 树...

员磊13225131414问: Energy 的用法是什么,有什么意思 -
平泉县小儿回答: 【energy】作名词的用法1)energy的基本意思是“活力”“干劲”“能力”,多用作不可数名词,在指人的“精力”时多用复数形式.引申可表示“能”“能量”“能源”.2)energy作“能力”解时,其后面可用动词不定式作定语,但不可用 v -ing形式.

员磊13225131414问: 水晶的英文翻译 -
平泉县小儿回答: Crystal

员磊13225131414问: energy 的用法 -
平泉县小儿回答: energy ['enədʒi]n. 能量;精力;活力;精神 [ 复数energies ]1. apply all one's energies全力以赴 2. brace one's energies (或 heart)振作起来,抖擞精神 3. expend energy on在…上面花费精力 4. task someone's energies使某人竭尽全力希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

员磊13225131414问: 英语单词拼写
平泉县小儿回答: 1.classical 2.enough 3.losely 5.balanced 6.commands 7.v i o l e n t 8.methods 9.surface系统不让我写意思,要不我就把这些词的意思给你发过去了,说什么包含政治敏感词汇?

员磊13225131414问: well - balanced是什么意思 -
平泉县小儿回答: well-balanced [英]['wel'bælənst][美][ˈwɛlˈbælənst] adj.匀称的; 神智健全的; 明智的; 例句1.I'm actually quite well-balanced.但我的生活是十分和谐的.2.Families whose children get well-balanced meals should know that vitamin supplementswon't make their kids any healthier. 饮食均衡的孩子的家庭应该知道维生素补充剂并不能使他们的孩子更为健康.

员磊13225131414问: 帮我找一篇英语作文题目是 How to keep healthy?急用啊!(80字左右)带汉语.谢 -
平泉县小儿回答: 初中英语作文 How to keep healthy What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why ...

员磊13225131414问: 帮我找一篇英语作文题目是 How to keep healthy?(80字左右)带汉语.谢一定重谢! -
平泉县小儿回答:[答案] 初中英语作文 How to keep healthy What is the most important thing in the world?I think it is health. You can take away our ... First,we should eat more fruits and vegetables.And also we need to eat a balanced diet.A balanced diet will give us lots of energy...

员磊13225131414问: 高一英语词组 -
平泉县小儿回答: keep a varied diet 保持均衡多样的膳食 had a very heavy meal 吃了顿难以消化的膳食 set about doing 开始,着手 set out to do 打算,着手 have the honour of 有幸做…… it is better to be sure that sorry. 抱歉,你最好确认一下.balance A with B 平...

员磊13225131414问: 这几个英文词组谁帮帮我
平泉县小儿回答: 拥有活力have energy;使某人想起remind sb of sth ;心弦heartstring;温柔的歌词mild lyric;多年来over the years;世界等级world class;来来往往come and go聚在一起进行讨论get together to discuss together;一致同意agree on;饮食平衡balanced diet;导致癌症cause cancers;被`````震惊be shocked

员磊13225131414问: 节能的英文缩写 -
平泉县小儿回答: energy-saving 英['enədʒi:s'eɪvɪŋ] 美['enədʒi:s'eɪvɪŋ] [词典] 节能; [例句]The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology 这些房屋将应用最新的节能技术.

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