
作者&投稿:乘郑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

taste v. & n. 尝起来,味道smell v. & n. 闻起来,气味earth n. 地球history n. 历史 library n. 图书馆stone n. 石头,石材cave n. 洞,山洞light n. & a. 光,灯,轻的berry n. 桨果million n. 百万ago ad. 以前still ad. 仍然,还throw v. 扔,抛news n. 新闻warning n. 警报low a. 低...

great savor或者可直接savor savor n. 滋味, 气味, 食欲, 特定的味道或气味, 一种有特色的性质 vi. 有...的滋味, 有...气味 vt. 加调味品于, 使有风味, 尝到或闻到, 尽情享受 savoriness adj. 好风味 可口 舒适 savorily ad. 有味道地, 有滋味地 ...

我最喜欢的面条是葱油面。葱油面又称葱油拌面,是中国江浙沪地区的一道特色名菜。This dish takes fine scallions and steaks them in oil until they are yellow and fragrant. Then, the noodles are cooked into toppings, and the noodles taste delicious, smooth and delicious.该菜品取细支香葱入...

for nad atar!为了nad atar afero afo blas *naga language* 那加语 taste my stin 尝尝被我刺的滋味 var na tada *naga lan* 那加语 tinker: 修理工 i'm all geared up 我武装好了 all systems go 所有系统正常 whatcha got 你有什么 the engine's running 引擎在活动 *din!* uh-oh, my tinker ...

at the edge of hungry, said: "there are ways to use, bake it in the pot, cooked, delicious as anything." Boss a try, really taste good, then, a boiled sugar-old Master inspired by this incident, thus created out of Xiaogan Sesame Chips. Later Tang Dynasty from AD 924 ...

Many chocolate manufacturers have created products from chocolate bars to fudge, hoping to attract more consumers with each creation. Both The Hershey Company and Mars have become the largest manufacturers in the world, but other companies have attempted. Major examples include Nestlé and ...


i want her to taste the joy that is so real it hurts. my friend's look makes me realize...爱英语作文 篇9 Recently, I saw an interesting commercial ad. The celebrities asked people the

The fox: Tiger King, here are some sweets for you. They are very delicious. Please have a taste.(大王,我给你带来些好吃的糖,您尝一尝吧。)The tiger: It smells good. I’ll have a try. Hmm, that’s very sweet. Thank you, Little Fox.(哦,还挺香的,我吃一颗吧。嗯...

167.In England,students don't have to carry their t... in their schoolbags。Ad a result ,they have have to take careful notes on their notebooks。textbooks 168.Could you please say it once again? I can't f... you。follow 169.Be careful and think t... before you decid...

初马18084395084问: 我把系统装上进不去一直显Bad tinks in tost chain at ctuster 数字 correced 是怎么回事
常宁市疏清回答: 你可以试着格式化一硬盘,然后重装系统试试,如果不行检查一下硬盘,有可能是硬盘出现了问题,

初马18084395084问: 英语介词用法 -
常宁市疏清回答: 一、介词to的常见用法 1.动词+toa)动词+ to adjust to适应, attend to处理;照料, agree to赞同, amount to加起来达…,belong to属于, come to达到, drink to为…干杯,get to到达,happen to发生在某人身上, hold to紧握, lead to通向, ...

初马18084395084问: 电脑启动时出现一大串的英文:bad links in lost chain at clusters( -
常宁市疏清回答: 可能是硬盘有故障或电脑有病毒

初马18084395084问: 电脑开机出现BAD LINKS IN LOST AT CLUSTER之后是数据lorrcted怎么处理 -
常宁市疏清回答: 朋友,这是你的电脑“丢失”或“误删”了“系统文件”,或“系统文 件”被病毒和“顽固”木马“破坏”,我给你8种方法:(答案原创,严禁盗 用)1.下载个:“360系统急救箱”!(安全模式下,联网使用,效果更好!) (1)先“查杀...

初马18084395084问: 开机时出现bad links in lost chain at cluster 数字 correc -
常宁市疏清回答: 这是硬盘出现了问题,下面是一个解决实例.【故障现象】硬盘在使用一段时间后,突然不能调用某些文件,屏幕上显示:DATA error reading drive C: Abort,Retry,Ignore?【分析处理】要了解造成这种故障的原因,首先我们要掌握一些硬盘故障...

初马18084395084问: 每次开机,系统自检时,总是出现bad links in lost chain at cluster数字corrected -
常宁市疏清回答: 屏幕显示的英文意思是有连续的坏簇,就是说,你的硬盘有坏道了.逻辑坏道可以修复,物理坏道就比较麻烦了.想救那些文件的话,建议去专业维修站

初马18084395084问: 急急急电脑开机时显示bad tlinks in lost chain at cluster是什么意思? -
常宁市疏清回答: 你电脑有关某个供应链接数据丢失... 应该是你卸载或误删除某个东西造成的.. 希望可以帮助你

初马18084395084问: 我的电脑开机时有时候出现Bad links in lost chain at cluster 59780(还有其他数字)文件还可以保存 -
常宁市疏清回答: 英文的意思是大量链接文件(*.dll)丢失,即硬盘上有连续的坏簇.也就是说,硬盘出问题了.如果出现是逻辑坏道,通过软件可以修复(例如用MHDD之类的软件).如果是物理坏道,而且数量很多,硬盘就要报废了.

初马18084395084问: 迈克杰克逊 《bad》中的woe are throwin stones to hide your hand 怎么翻译? -
常宁市疏清回答: 英文对照.说明下这里Bad翻译为真棒,而不是坏.(bad有真棒这个意思好像还是杰克逊给起的) Michael Jackson - Bad+中文翻译 your butt is mine 我清楚你的一切 I Gonna tell you right 我要教训你一顿 Just show your face 快在众人面前 In broad ...

初马18084395084问: good at , interested in, bad at, call.的所有用法!越全越好,要例句! -
常宁市疏清回答: good at sth.... 善于某事 interested in sth.....对某件事情感兴趣 bad at sth.... 不善于某事 call: make a phone call,打电话 call sb. 叫某人 be called 把...称作

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