
作者&投稿:堂沿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

attend into 有这种用法吗 还是attend to 或attend in?
没有atten into和atten in形式,只有attend to:attend to 注意;照料;致力于

一、介词to的常见用法 1.动词+to a)动词+ to adjust to适应, attend to处理;照料, agree to赞同, amount to加起来达…,belong to属于, come to达到, drink to为…干杯,get to到达,happen to发生在某人身上, hold to紧握, lead to通向, listen to听, occur to想起, object to反对, point to指向, ...

The staff will helpfully attend to your needs 工作人员会帮忙满足您的需求。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》4.The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries 很多国家的财政部长将出席会议。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》5.We want the maximum number of people to attend...

18.asleep 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。Note: 通常与动词be及fall搭配;sound asleep表示熟睡。19.attend 用法:表示参加,后面经常加上meeting, lecture, conference, class, school, wedding, funeral等词;也可以表示照顾,照料。Note: attend to可以表示处理、照料等。20....

能不能帮我区分一下attend, join, take part in, enter for的用法?
There was no one to attend him but Tina.除了蒂娜,再无人照顾他了。4. 伴随,带有 5. 陪同,护送 vi.1. 出席,参加[(+at)]2. 照料,处理[(+to)]I'll attend to the matter.我来处理此事。3. 护理;侍候[(+on\/upon)]4. 注意,倾听;致力(于)[(+to)]She didn't attend to what I...

没什么实质的意义,介词to的常见用法 1.动词+to a)动词+ to adjust to适应,attend to处理;照料,agree to赞同,amount to加起来达…,belong to属于,come to达到,drink to为…干杯,get to到达,happen to发生在某人身上,hold to紧握,lead to通向,listen to听,occur to想起,object to反对,point ...

attend on是什么意思(attend可以变成attention吗)
Ihaveagooddoctorattending(on)me.attend可以变成attention吗 attend可以变成attention,attention是attend的名词形式。attend中文意思是v.随同,陪同;经常去,定期去(学校、教堂等);伴随……而至,(作为结果)伴随;出席,参加;注意,专心;处理,照料;致力于 Itwasincumbentonthemtoattend.他们必须出席。O...

They wanted to exclude all boys from attending their club.他们想要拒绝所有的男孩参加他们的俱乐部。I do not find any objection to your attending the lecture .我看不出您来讲课有什么不可以的。常用短语 attend to 专心,注意,专心于; 关心,护理,照顾 1. to attend to one’s advice ...

介词+不定式\/从句 He gives us some advice on how to finish it. 介词的用法:一、介词to的常见用法 1.动词+to a)动词+ to adjust to适应, attend to处理;照料, agree to赞同, amount to加起来达…, belong to属于, come to达到, drink to为…干杯, get to到达, happen to发生在某人身上, hold to...

join in 和join和attend 的区别
2.join用法:join所表示的特点在于参加者与接纳者的地位、作用是平等的。3.attend用法:作“专心,注意”解时,多指对书本、图表、课业、命令、事物、事件等的注意。其后常接to。三、侧重点不同 1.join in侧重点:作“连接”解时,可用作及物动词。这时主语多为人,宾语是“被连接”的两个客体,也...

阮竿15788825130问: attend 的后面什么时候要加to,什么时候不加to? -
绵阳市谓你回答:[答案] attend vt.参加,照料,伴随vi.专心于,照顾,服侍,出席1.attend on (upon) 服侍,照料; 陪,随从2.attend to 倾听,注意,留心; 关心,照顾,护理; 办理attend作“参加”的意思讲,则不用加to.例如:I have an important mette...

阮竿15788825130问: attend和attend to分别怎么用? -
绵阳市谓你回答:[答案] 带to为趋向……,照顾的意思

阮竿15788825130问: attend什么时候后面加to什么时候不加 -
绵阳市谓你回答: 不加to: 表示“参加”的意思; 加to: 表示“照顾”的意思

阮竿15788825130问: attend用法:attend在做“照顾”之意时,attend to & attend on 有没有区别? -
绵阳市谓你回答:[答案] 其实区别也不是很大:attend on它更偏重于“侍候”,比如“下级”侍候“上级”“晚辈”侍候“长辈”.例如:1.She has many servants attending on her.她有许多仆人侍候她.2.She has been attending on her sick moth...

阮竿15788825130问: 关于一些attend的用法 -
绵阳市谓你回答: 1 attendto 注意;致力于 You should attend better to your studies. 你应该更专心于学习. 关心;照料;护理 The nurse is attending to a sick man. 护士正在照料病人.2 attend with带来,遇到 These meetings were attended with great enthusiasm. 这些会议受到了热烈的响应. 这个用法很少用,还有就是attend with并非作为固定词组的, 比如 He was able to attend school with the help of his parents

阮竿15788825130问: attend表照料时,或者后面加sth时,用不用加"to" -
绵阳市谓你回答:[答案] +to 例句:A nurse attends to his needs.有个护士照顾他.I will attend you to the classroom.我将陪你到教室去.(这是to sp的)Are you being attended to 有人接待您吗而且本身就有attend to这个词组 表照顾照料 ...

阮竿15788825130问: attend to do 还是doing? -
绵阳市谓你回答: 这个词组attend to有三个意思:1)接待客人 Are you being attended to? 有人招呼你吗?2)仔细听 You should attend to your teacher's words.3) 专心于...... You must attend to sth. (这个sth.就是名词喽) 专心写作业attend to doing your homework从以上看,这个to是一个介词,所以,后面跟名词,如果要跟动词,就须加-ing.

阮竿15788825130问: 急求[attend to] [earn a living] [grow out of] 这三个词组的英文用法,在什么情况下可用.要英文版的~不用太长,每个三四句话旧可以了. -
绵阳市谓你回答:[答案] attend to,注意;照料;致力于1.For each point of focus,really attend to what you notice.在每一个关注点,专心于你所注意到的.Attend to me,children.孩子们,仔细听我讲.2.照料,照顾;料理;护理;看护;关怀Moth...

阮竿15788825130问: be attend to 是什么意思,它的同义短语是什么 -
绵阳市谓你回答:[答案] attend to的中文翻译:动词处理,对付,照料,关怀 同义词:assist,attend,serve,wait on;take to heart. 反义词:drop,leave out,miss,neglect,omit,overleap,overlook,pretermit

阮竿15788825130问: attend 做及物动词和不及物动词(用法,意思)有什么区别 -
绵阳市谓你回答:[答案] attend 作及物动词 1.后跟参加或出席的活动. 如: attended class. 上课 2.作为情况伴随或作为结果跟随: The speech was attended by wild applause. 演说伴随着热烈的掌声 3.管理,照管,后跟管理的事物. They attended our affairs during our absence...

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