
作者&投稿:丘馨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

at present可以用作什么时态?
at present用 一般现在时态。at present now; during this period of time现在 At present he is a professor of physics.他现在是物理学教授。I can't think of any fit person just at present.我现在一下想不出什么适合的人。We don't need any more at present.现在我们不再需要什么了...

present有三种意思:1、现存的,当前的。2、礼物,礼品。3、颁发,授予。读音:英 [ˈpreznt , prɪˈzent],美 [ˈpreznt , prɪˈzent]。组词:1、present address 目前地址。2、present simple一般现在时。例句:He has brought much of the present crisis ...

at present和in the present的区别是什么?
1、具体含义不同 at present强调的是目前这个时间段,in the present强调的是现在这个时间点。2、词性不同 at present在句子中做时间状语,in the present作为固定短语,表示在现在之意,相当于 at this time、now。例句:I pushed the problem aside; at present it was insoluble 我把问题抛在一边...

at present是什么意思
at present 目前,现在; 时下; 现下; 此时 双语例句 同反义词 1. I pushed the problem aside; at present it was insoluble.我把问题抛在一边,目前它还无法解决。来自柯林斯例句 2. At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars.目前,14岁以下儿童不允许进酒吧 如有 疑问,请...

1.单词读音解析 "Present"这个词的读音是\/ˈprɛzənt\/。其中,字母"p"发音为\/p\/,字母"r"发音为\/r\/,字母"e" 发音为\/ɛ\/,字母"s"发音为\/s\/,字母"e"发音为\/ə\/,字母"n"发音为\/n\/,字母"t"发音为\/t\/。注意,在"present"这个词中,重音落在第一个音节...

因为在那个时代,人们通常会在节庆活动中互赠礼物,而“present”一词则被用来描述这些礼物。于是,读音也随着其含义的变化而发生了改变,从原本的“prezen-t”变成了“prez-ent”,以便更好地符合其新的含义。present的英语造句:1、I presented my gift to the teacher as a token of my ...

Perfect present 用法,例子。详细点
We haven't had a vacation for a long time.我们好久没放假了。Three years have passed since we left school.我们毕业已经三年了。[注]但在下面的句子中,主句的谓语动词可以用现在一般时。如:It is three years since I began to work on the state farm.我在国营农场工作已经三年了。(美国...

急需:at present用于什么时态

at present的相关语法知识
at present 意为 此刻,现在。 与right now等用法的区分如下 :now大多数情况都可以用; Now is the best time to visit present特指现在这个时刻. We don't need it at the moment表示此刻、当时. I am very busy at the moment.只有 right now 是表示现在马上的意思,...

n.现在; 礼物; 瞄准;present vt.介绍; 出现; 提出; 赠送;vi.举枪瞄准;第三人称单数:presents过去分词:presented复数:presents现在进行时:presenting过去式:presented 例句:1.Augmented reality: past, present and future.夸大现实:过去、现在、与未来。2.Now wouldn't that be a nice christmas ...

巨询17384187053问: at present的同义词 -
翼城县丹佐回答:[答案] for now ,at the present time

巨询17384187053问: at present的同义词 谁知道啊? -
翼城县丹佐回答: for now , at the present time

巨询17384187053问: at present 同义词,四个空的
翼城县丹佐回答: at the this time

巨询17384187053问: at the moment 同义词组 -
翼城县丹佐回答: at present right now at this point in time

巨询17384187053问: present同义词? -
翼城县丹佐回答: present有两个意思,一个是礼物,一个是此刻的、现在的 所以它作为礼物的同义词是gift,作为另一个意思的同义词为now

巨询17384187053问: at present和at the present一样吗?如果不一样各是什么? -
翼城县丹佐回答: at present :意思是此刻,现在,at the present 不应该单独成为词组,一般因该是at the present +time、day等时间名词

巨询17384187053问: present 同义词 -
翼城县丹佐回答: present n. 礼物, 现在 / adj. 出席的, 现在的, 当前的, 存在的 / v. 提出, 赠送, 同义词:give v.给, 赠予, 送, submit vt.使服从, 使屈服, n.礼物, 赠品 ; n grant vt.授予,同意, 承认...offering n.供品, 作品, 出售 contemporary adj.同时代的, 当代...current n.趋势 stage n.舞台, 戏剧, 阶段 v.证明, 显现, 展示. pose v.摆姿势, 把...摆...

巨询17384187053问: is she in at present?改为同义句 -
翼城县丹佐回答: right now 此刻, 目前,现在 for the moment 暂时, 目前 at the moment 此刻, 现在, 目前, 当时 for the time being 目前,暂时 这些为at present同意短语,把at present替换为以上任意一种即可

巨询17384187053问: present的有意思相近的单词有哪些? -
翼城县丹佐回答:[答案] present表现在,目前,同义词可用 now ,at this moment. 表礼物,同义有:gift ,contribution,donation,offering 表赠送,呈献 同义有:give,offer,tender,submit

巨询17384187053问: who is in the class room at present?
翼城县丹佐回答: 如果你问的是at present的同义词,那就可以改成for the moment

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