
作者&投稿:恭鲁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...are as follows是原因如下的意思,为什么follow加s!
因为此句在follows前面省略了引导词(关系代词)what。英语里把之后所说的看成一个整体,所以用单数动词follows。The reasons are as follows意为原因如下。重点词汇解释:1、reason n. 理由;理性;动机 vi. 推论;劝说 vt. 说服;推论;辩论 2、as adv. 如同 prep. 作为;当作;像,如同 conj. ...

1、具体含义不同 following的意思是:接着的;下列的;在 ... 以后; 追随者;下列各项。followed的意思是:跟随的;遵照的。2、词形不同 following 是是follow形容词化的分词,followed是follow的过去分词。例句:The following is a paraphrase of what was said.以下是对所说内容的解释。He followe...

名词 n.1.一批追随者(或拥护者、部下等)[S]The Prime Minister has a large following.首相有一大批支持者。2.下列事物(或人员)[the S]Will the following please come to the front -- John, Lisa, and David.请下列人员到前面来 -- 约翰、丽莎、戴维。介词 prep.1.在...以后 There wi...

5. She hadn't followed her instinct and because of this Frank was dead.她没有听从自己心里的话,弗兰克因此死了。6. Ann's eyes followed a police car as it drove slowly past.安注视着一辆缓缓驶过的警车。7. He followed Janice to New York, where she was preparing an exhibition....

一致或依从…: 用法与例句: follow the rules; follow one's instincts. 遵守规则;顺从直觉 10. To keep to or stick to: 依据或坚持: 用法与例句: followed the recipe; follow a diet. 依据食谱;坚持节制饮食 11. To engage in (a trade or occupation); work at. 从事:从事(某种商业和职业)工作 ...

The teacher came into the lab, followed by some s
那么follow(跟随)这个动词就只能是非谓语动词了。3. 非谓语动词三种形式:doing(和主语是主动关系),done(和主语是被动关系),to do(目的或者将来的关系)。4.主句主语是the teacher , 老师被学生跟随,所以这个follow 应该用过去分词followed .6.例如: The teacher came into the lab, (following)...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the weekdays that make up the workweek. Monday is typically the first day of the workweek, marking the start of a new week. It's followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, each day bringing progress towards the weekend.Friday, on ...

一般现在时:The cat follows me.一般将来时:I will follow you wherever you go.一般过去时:He followed her advice.

这里是独立主格结构,the double twelve shopping day 和follow with success之间是主动关系,不是被动关系,所以用following 动名词

Follow是一个英语单词,它的意思有很多种。它的基本含义是“跟随、追随”,在不同的语境中,follow还可以表示“遵循、执行、关注、订阅、追踪”等意思。下面我们将对这些含义进行详细的解释。1、跟随、追随 Follow最常用的含义就是“跟随、追随”。例如,“He followed the leader to the top of the ...

彩淑13321638214问: the reasons are as followed还是following? -
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答: 都不是, 而是:follows说明: as follows 是个固定短语, 其形式不可更改. 解释: as follows 列举如下 1. He wrote as follows. 他所写如下. 2. The reaction process is as follows. 该反应过程如下.

彩淑13321638214问: - anything to follow? - yes.something as - ,two coffees,one bottle ofbeer,and some freshfruit -
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答: C as follows是固定搭配,"如下".

彩淑13321638214问: as 和 for 做“因为”讲时的用法区别? -
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答: as和for都有“因为”的意思.但是as比for的语气弱.as用来表示显而易见的原因,而for却有一种解释说明的语气. 例:as it is raining,we have to call of the meeting. please forgive him,for he is only 13 years old. for ,because,as,since这四个词作...

彩淑13321638214问: as加形容词的用法 -
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答: as加形容词的用法如下: 1、as...as意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较,使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词,其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv.+as. 2、否定式为not as/so +adj./ adv.+as. 3、as用作副词时主要用来表示比较,意思...

彩淑13321638214问: 关于as短语的用法 -
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答: 另附 As引起的短语在英语中有很重要的地位,在NMET中出现的频率很高,是要求重点掌握的内容. 1. As a matter of fact事实上,其实إ As a matter of fact, I know nothing about the constructions of the information p roducts.إ 其实我对这些信息产...

彩淑13321638214问: as的用法?
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答: as if 的用法 一、as if 从句的作用 1. 在look, seem 等系动词后引导表语从句.如: She looks as if she were ten years younger. 她看起来好像年轻了十岁. It seems as if our team is going to win. 看来我们队要胜了. 2. 引导方式状语从句.如: ...

彩淑13321638214问: my reasons are as - _____ - 是follow,followed,following?英语议论文中常用句式:下面是我的原因my reasons are as - ______是follow,followed,following?主... -
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答:[答案] as follows是固定搭配,表示如下 而as follow的意思是依据下列各项 as folliws是副词.不存在被动语态

彩淑13321638214问: what we should do are as followed这句话 错在哪 为什么 -
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答: what we should do很明显是个单数的从句啊.应该用is as follows 意思指“如下”.固定用法.记住就行.不是as followed.所以整个句子应该是what we should do is the following或者what we should do is as follows.

彩淑13321638214问: followed sb. to+地点的语法解释
阿拉善左旗卡洛回答: 您好,根据个人的理解,您提供的句子中 followed somebody to somewhere 的语法为:1)followed = 谓语,一般过去式2)somebody = follow 的宾语3)to somewhere = 不定式作地点状语,译为(到……地方)

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