
作者&投稿:宁姿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

when, as soon as .after ,befor. until .if. 各造两
as soon as 一……就,刚…便,引导时间状语从句 例句:We chose the house for our home as soon as we saw it.我们一看见这所房子,就把它选作我们的家了。I phoned him so that he shall come as soon as possible.我给他打了个电话,让他能尽可能快地到来。after:英 ['ɑːft...

过房的解释[adopt a brother's son as one's heir] 〈方〉∶过继 子女 诸乞养过房男女者听,奴婢过房良民者禁。——《元史·刑法志·户婚》 详细解释 (1).无子而以兄弟或同宗之子为后嗣。 宋 欧阳 修 《答曾 舍人 书》 之二:“父子 三纲 ,人道之大,学者久废...

as long as和so long as有什么区别
一、用法区别 as long as 用于本义表示“与……一样长”时,与 so long as 在用法上是有区别的,即 as long as 可用于肯定句或否定句,而 so long as 只用于否定句,不用于肯定句。1、He will be all right so long as you don't touch his sore spot.只要你不提起他的伤心事,他是没...

as long as和so long as有什么区别啊?
一、当 as long as 用于本义表示“与……一样长”时,与 so long as 在用法上的区别是:as long as 可用于肯定句或肯定句,so long as 只用于肯定,不用于肯定句。如:It took three times as long as I had expected.这件事比我预料的多花了两倍的时间。二、当as long as和so long as...

【求助】as soon as 的用法?
1. have finished 你 一 用 完 这 本 书 就 请 归 还 到 图 书 馆 。书 已 在 你 手 上 。2. finish 他 们 一 考 完 就 会 回 家 度 寒 假 。试 还 没 考。

name as name after有什么区别
name as 命名为, 任命为 name after 名字取自(某人\/某地方名)name for 因(某人\/某事件)而获名 这些词组也可用于(并通常用于)被动语态。例:He named his son as the president of his company 他任命儿子作为公司的总裁 His son is called Lincoln, named after the American ...

Chinese chronicles mention that in 1414, the son of the first ruler of Malacca visited the Ming emperor to inform them that his father had died. Parameswara's son was then officially recognised as the second ruler of Malacca by the Chinese Emperor and styled Raja Sri Rama Vikrama, Raja of...

son 的音标是英 [sʌn] 美 [sʌn] 。son n. 儿子; 孩子; 男性后裔; 圣子(耶稣基督);双语例句1. Sam's mother said her son had a good upbringing and schooling.萨姆的母亲说她儿子家教好,受过良好教育。2. She called her young son: "Here, Stephen, come and ...

儿子英语怎么说:son,英[sʌn]美[sʌn]。资料扩展:一、词组:from father to son从父到子;世代相传 the\/a prodigal (son)回头的浪子;改邪归正的人 二、例句:1、They've put their son down for the local school.他们已经给儿子报名上当地的学校。2、Our son's having ...

so long as和as long as的区别
1.当用于同级比较时,as .as 既可用于肯定中也可用于否定句中,而 只能用于否定句中.2.当表示只要时,两者没有什么区别,可以替换.e.g.Our profits will be good as\/so long as the dollar remains strong.

宗政霄19150117363问: as…… as possible 的具体用法,最好有例子(我要具体点的)谢谢了亲 -
河北省景天回答: 一、基本用法 as ... as 用于比较句型,中间插入的是形容词或副词的原级.意思是"达到与什么相同的程度".如:He is as strong as a horse. 他力大如牛. 二、习惯用法 1. as soon as 意思是"一......就......",引导一个时间状语从句.如:I'll ...

宗政霄19150117363问: as soon as possible 和as quickly as possible的区别它们都是“尽快地”意思 但区别是什么啊? -
河北省景天回答:[答案] as soon as possible 指时间上 as quickly as possible 指速度

宗政霄19150117363问: 关于“as possible”的用法 -
河北省景天回答: possible 中间填形容词,表示“尽可能..”例: as soon as possible尽快

宗政霄19150117363问: as as possible的语法和应用!! -
河北省景天回答: 先声明,不采纳就别看,看了就要学会,不然=0 as as possible :尽可能.... 一般通用在各类句子当中,这要具体情况具体分析的.我现在举几个初中常见例子: as soon as possible:尽可能快.(最常用) 如: Can you come here as soon as ...

宗政霄19150117363问: assoonaspossible翻译+造句
河北省景天回答: 翻译:尽快 造句:You should come here as soon as possible

宗政霄19150117363问: We are looking forward to - ------ - you as soon as possible. A.hear B.hear from C.hearing -
河北省景天回答: D试题分析:句意: 我们期望尽可能快地收到你的来信.as soon as possible 尽可能快的;look forward to+名词/代词/动名词“期望”. hear 听见, hear from sb.收到某人的来信.故选 D.

宗政霄19150117363问: as soon as possible是什么意思 -
河北省景天回答: as soon as possibl 尽快 双语对照 例句:1.Croatia could join the eu as soon as 2012. 克罗地亚最早课可于2012年加入欧盟.----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

宗政霄19150117363问: 关于as……as的短语 -
河北省景天回答: as soon as一…就…, as long as只要, as much as possible尽可能多地,as soon as possible尽快地. 总之,要记住:as+形容词或副词的原级+as.

宗政霄19150117363问: as soon as important 是什么意思 -
河北省景天回答: as soon as important :尽快·····重要 例句: 1.As soon as possible, cause I've got an important meeting to attend. 赶快越好,我要参加一个重要会议. 2.Take care of the sick and wounded cats and help the cats melt into the ...

宗政霄19150117363问: as+soon+as哪个是主句 -
河北省景天回答: 答案是:as soon as 引导的句子叫做 从句,另外一句是主句比如: I will ring you up(主句) as soon as I arrive there (从句) ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

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