
作者&投稿:东方毕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

so+adj+that+从句(1、He was so short that he couldn’t touch it.他是如此矮,以致他摸不到它。2、She is so nice a girl that everyone likes her.她是如此友好的一个女孩子,以致大家都喜欢她。3、The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it.这个箱子如此重,以致我搬不动它。4、He is so clever a boy that he can...)

so do(楼上不对,so does it才是 它也是。如果楼主没输入错误的话,它的意思就是:所以去做吧。)

so+adj+as to什么意思?(楼主 有你所说的用法 意思是 结果是,如此…以至于 so as to的意思是为了 相当于so that 谢谢)

sotto(sotto voce是外语,中文翻译为低声地。sotto voce[英][ˌsɒtəʊ ˈvəʊtʃi][美][ˌsɑ:toʊ ˈvoʊtʃi]adv.音调甚低地,低声地;例句:I will indeed send her to school soon,“ murmured Mrs. Reed sotto voce; and gathering up her work, she abruptly quitted the apartment.我真的要快送她去上...)

sotto(sotto voce音乐术语是音调甚低地,低声地;音乐中的其他术语:1、渐慢(rallentando/rall)2、稍转慢(poco meno mosso)3、渐快(accelerando/accel.)4、稍转快(poco più mosso)5、速度自由(ad libitum/ad lib.)扩展资料:任何一部音乐作品中所发出来的声音都是经过作曲家精心思考创作出来的...)

soasto用法及搭配(so as to是固定搭配,意思是“为的是,为了”,可以用来引导目的状语。so as to连接结果,可以放在句中,但不能用放在句子的开头。She got up early so as to catch the first bus.她早早起=了=床以便赶上头班车 。搭配:1、so … as to 如此…以致,那样…以...2、so ... as to 如此 .....)

So +adj that后能用情态动词吗(能)

so does he和so he(so he does 和so does he 第一个,强调前面的句子,他的确如此 第二个:他也是如此的意思,和前面别人的情况一样。)

jast so so是什么意思啊?(一般般.就是说凑合的那种感觉.just 仅仅so so 一般般)

so as to do(可以表示“为了”“以便” The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating. 考试题保密以防作弊。 We must go early so as to be in time.?. 我们必须早去,才能准时。)


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