
作者&投稿:蓬梵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 在word写作文,很长的一篇,要怎样算纯字数呢,就是除去标点符号的 工具-宏-录制新宏 sub macro1()' 宏在 2007-2-27 由 lindak28 录制 dim sresponse as string '要统计的单词 dim icount as integer '出现次数 do sresponse = inputbox(prompt:="你想要统计什么字符?", title:=...

我们来详细分析口语考试每个分数段的评分标准:四分评分标准ANSWER TO QUESTIONThe student answers the question thoroughly.COMPREHENSIBILITYThe student can be understood completely.ORGANIZATIONThe student‘s response is well organized and developed.FLUENCYThe student‘s speech is generally ...


1. 在word写作文,很长的一篇,要怎样算纯字数呢,就是除去标点符号的 工具-宏-录制新宏 sub macro1()' 宏在 2007-2-27 由 lindak28 录制 dim sresponse as string '要统计的单词 dim icount as integer '出现次数 do sresponse = inputbox(prompt:="你想要统计什么字符?", title:=...

亦称刺激-反应理论。是把学习作为某种刺激(S:stimulus)与某种反应(R:response)的结合来考虑的学习理论。其代表人物是赫尔(C.L.Hull),他的理论体系蒐集于1943年的“Principleof Behavior”一书中。其源流可追溯到英国的联合主义心理学,1898年由桑代克(E.L.Thorndike)提倡的效应定律,而开始...

Judging from their response, they couldn't have been involved in...
【解析】response 一般用作不可数名词,所以此处不必加复数。“从他们的答复来判断,他们之前不可能参与了那起偷窃行为。”

The student‘s response is well organized and developed.FLUENCY The student‘s speech is generally fluent.PRONUNCIATION The student has generally good pronunciation.GRAMMAR The student uses advanced grammatical structures with a high degree of accuracy.VOCABULARY The student uses advanced ...

r、s、n、o、p、e 组成什么单词
response reopen(s) 重新打开的 单三形式 person

此项测试主要考查学生的日常交际和情景反应能力。教师和学生的交流均要求灵活,尽量避免与课本知识雷同,同时应注意文明礼貌用语的使用。对话不少于5个来回。参考测试样(建议教师根据学生的反应,灵活调整话题):T: Nice to meet you. S: Response.T: What‘s the time now? S: Response.T: ...

reaction response 区别
看着貌似两个可以用在同样的地方的词其实区别很多 reaction多用于特指,表示动作 而response多用于行为 比如after watch this picture, what's your reaction?你一定会回答一个动作: i'm scared after watch this picture, what's your response?你也可以回答动作,但是你也可以说,看了之后你感觉到...

驹变17055159747问: as+responsible,这是什么结构 -
渭滨区伸宁回答: 没有这个结构,responsible后有被修饰的名词.不是as responsible,而是结构,“将……视为……” responsible for “对……负责,是……的原因”

驹变17055159747问: as+responsible,这是什么结构?John McWhorter,a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views,sees the triumph of 1960s counter - ... -
渭滨区伸宁回答:[答案] 这里不是as responsible,而是结构,“将……视为……” responsible for “对……负责,是……的原因” 这句话里,是John McWhorter将1960s反文化的胜利视为导致正式英语衰落的原因.

驹变17055159747问: 中的省略与倒装请问He is as responsible a man as are you.1.可不可写成He is a man as resposible as you (are)?2.如果写成 He is as responsible a man... -
渭滨区伸宁回答:[答案] 1 理论上可以,但几乎没人用; 2 可以,本该如此.原句反而没必要; 3 你的理解正确; 4 不可以,正如你所说的.

驹变17055159747问: 项目管理 WBS 术语AS、AP、R、I分别是什么意思 -
渭滨区伸宁回答: R:负责(responsible) AS:辅助(assist) I:通知(informed) AP:审批(to approve)

驹变17055159747问: as responsible for和be responsible for啥关系啊? -
渭滨区伸宁回答: be responsible fo是系表结构,as responsible for是句中状语结构

驹变17055159747问: father are not seen by society as responsible for children as引导的什么句式做什么成分 -
渭滨区伸宁回答: 此句话中用到了一个比较状语即 翻译是:父亲不被社会看做是那么对孩子负责任与...相比 望采纳谢谢

驹变17055159747问: responsible 的用法 -
渭滨区伸宁回答: 形容词 adj1. 需负责任的,承担责任的[F][(+for/to)] Politicians are responsible to the voters. 政治家应对选民负责. She is my child, and I am responsible for her. 她是我的孩子,我对她负责. 2. 作为原因的[F][(+for)] Heavy rains were responsible ...

驹变17055159747问: as well as 连接两个并列主语时谓语怎么用 -
渭滨区伸宁回答: as well as 使用就远一致原则,也就是跟第一个主语一致.例如:Ias well as my parents am fond of music.

驹变17055159747问: responsible的用法 -
渭滨区伸宁回答: 不太贴切吧be responsible for多用于人对···有责任 用leads to 吧

驹变17055159747问: 全国英语考试第二级听力基础训练 -

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