
作者&投稿:柴坚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello,everybody,my name is Angel and I'm 14 years old.It's great honor to take part in the competition.I love reading,and my favorite writers are Zhang Ailing and Han Han. I think they are charming.Zhang has a special kind of attraction that only belongs to women,and Han...

get on one's high horse <overbearing; carry an arrogant air; bully others arrogantly> 【历史故事】战国时赵太后辅佐年幼的赵孝成王执政,秦国趁机进攻赵国。赵国向齐国求救,齐国要求赵太后的小儿子长安君到齐国当人质,赵太后不肯。大臣触龙求见,赵太后装出一幅盛气凌人的样子,触龙入情入理的...

The Person Who Understand The English
“you want certainly yinyi for arrogantly, you are different, you only felt ashamed is must have ashamed”.This quoted price quotes this story importantlyThis quotes mother to tell her, perhaps the amy is a Chinese, the amy may take pride in, but her shame took the American girl to out...

the entireteam to return to the original track. In is in office the period, Ilead in everybody high-ranking military officer the newspaper scale tocontinue to develop, and decisively develops the contentextracurricularly, newly has increased many contents. Most lets mearrogantly is,...

The Homecoming "to recite the following In the Orient, an ancient country, beautiful and broad,In the Orient, there is a great nation, hardworking and strong;Pentium climb of the Yellow River is her blood The mountains are towering stand her backbone,This is our motherland - ...

One day the dog arrogantly says: “How grand I am! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; at night, I guard the house. But you…”“Me? How about me ?” the ox says“You can only plough or draw a cart,” the dog slightly says.“Yes. It’s true,” ...

求翻译 下面句子 专业的活译 拜托拜托
1.因为我是新来的教师,我可以告诉这个标本的事情。我可以指出,他曾就读,而不是在一家药店,技工学校,但在大学,而且在课程结束时,他为了达到滚动,上面写着的科学学士学位。2我国高校毕业生的这种不可避免的生命形式,但是它不能说,他们上了大学,而是他们的大学经历 - 而没有接触。3.然而,...

act arrogant 这里的act是什么词性?
To get off your high horse is to stop acting arrogant.你的问题主要是act是不是系动词。系动词常见分类如下:一、表示特征和存在状态的系动词 Be 是 feel 感觉 appear 显示出 look 看起来 smell 闻起来 taste 尝起来 sound ...

【 #英语资源# 导语】在转述对话的时候,我们常用动词say一次又一次地使用。而he said、she said的用法在重复的使用下也显得乏味不堪。这种用法不仅老生常谈,而且叙述性页不强。为了更好地表达记叙文中的间接引语及其他陈述的情绪,使用表声音的动词与副词就显得尤为重要。表声音的动词与副词能够帮助...


秋度18834881522问: arrogantly的名词形式
全椒县恒洛回答: arrogance 英[ˈærəgəns] 美[ˈærəɡəns] n. 傲慢,自大,自负;气焰 [例句]There is this incredible arrogance combined with unbelievable humility ; a magnificent balance ." 令人惊异的傲慢与谦卑的融合;极佳的平衡.”

秋度18834881522问: Arrogant 中文是什么 -
全椒县恒洛回答: Arrogant: [ 'ærəgənt ]a. 傲慢的,自大的 词形变化: 副词:arrogantly例句与用法: 1. He is an arrogant man.他是一个自高自大的人.2. He often speaks in an arrogant tone.他经常以一种傲慢的口气说话.

秋度18834881522问: arrogantly搭配用法? -
全椒县恒洛回答: 傲慢地、自大地,作为副词可以和动词搭配使用 They have seized businesses and properties, and often reacted arrogantly, or worse, when anyone objected.

秋度18834881522问: 《The Ox and The Dog》告诉我们什么道理?(英语)《The Ox and The Dog》An Ox and a dog server for the same farmer.One day the dog arrogantly says,... -
全椒县恒洛回答:[答案] One can't be too proud,others may play a important role in you life though you was overlooking it.We shouldn't only care about ourselves.

秋度18834881522问: 傲娇的猫 翻译英文是...? -
全椒县恒洛回答: 傲娇的猫 arrogantly playful cat 或 arrogantly lovable cat

秋度18834881522问: arrogantly lovable cat什么意思 -
全椒县恒洛回答: 傲慢又可爱的猫

秋度18834881522问: 玫瑰朵数代表含义英译 -
全椒县恒洛回答: A rose represents - - in my heart only then your ONLY YOU! a 2 rose represents - - this world only then both of us! a 3 rose represents - - me to love your I LOVE YOU! a 4 rose rep...

秋度18834881522问: 中翻英:“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后”这句名言定将代代相传.(pass on) -
全椒县恒洛回答:[答案] 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 Modestly causes the person progressive,arrogantly causes the personto be backward

秋度18834881522问: 英语小故事,2、3分钟能背完,不难背.急.... -
全椒县恒洛回答: The Candles Once, there were two candles. One candle was made from beeswax and the other was made from animals' fat. "I am much brighter than other candles, and I can last longer than all of us can. That's why I should stand on a silver candle ...

秋度18834881522问: - Mr.sun, because of you I gave up arrogantly.
全椒县恒洛回答: 太阳先生 ,因为你,我放弃傲慢

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