
作者&投稿:超卢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

为什么there后面跟的's 而不是're?
按照正确的英语语法来说,很明显句子是不对的,应该需要用are,而不是is,因为shirts是可数的。但是英文中往往会使用一些地道的日常语,俚语什么的,比如a cup of coffee,美国人去买的时候往往只是说a coffee,如果你用a cup of coffee反而被人笑 ...

There're=ther are

there're friends and friends的英语翻译
我的愚见:还原没省之前的句子为“there are friends and friends are there”译为:(我)有不少朋友,他们就在(我)身边。

swich swich 中文歌词
When I'm here you're there, we're worlds apart 我在此地而你在那里,我们的世界是分开的 So reverse your words, get to the start 所以撤销你的话,重新开始 And switch back to my world 转回到我的世界 Hey, you're just 嘿,Talking like a machine 你谈话的时候就像个机器 Hey, I...

there be 句型可以缩写吗?
可以,there is = there's,there are = there're 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

此句中 as the number of English speakers expands further 就是一个表示伴随的时间状语从句(as 理解为“随着\/伴随着”),后面的 there are signs 则是主句,而再后面的 that the global... 则是 signs 的同位语从句。所以 there are 前面如果有逗号隔开最好,没用逗号隔开也不用。

there are=there're 对吗?
there are 可以一般可以简写为 there're 不过在回答提问的时候,不能缩写。例如:Are there any people visible?正确: Yes, there are.错误: Yes, there're.

many where reopie there are family how in your连成一句话_百度知 ...
How many people are there in your family?你家里有几口人? 给多了个where。

“they are”的缩写形式怎么读?
there’s=there is there’re=there are that’s=that is Sam’s a student. (Sam’s=Sam is 是)We’ve got a book. (we’ve got=we have got)(you’ve got=you have got they’ve got=they have got)She’s got a cat. (she’s got=she has got)(he’s got...

They're 的读音??
首先,there \/ðir\/ 读\/ ðeir\/的绝对是“中式英语” 也就是中文版英语、不地道的英语 there‘re 应读 [ðɛr] 这是对的,你想想, \/ ðir\/ +\/a:\/ 不就是[ðɛr]了吗?这是连读,也是读英语的要点、技巧,唱英文歌比较好吧 ...

台叙13236941765问: are there any句型10句 -
南通市脑心回答: Are there any apples最后一个词用水果,动物,东西的单词.^ω^注:要加s.

台叙13236941765问: are there any 和is there any的用法和例句可以告诉我吗 -
南通市脑心回答: 你好, 为你解答, Are there any 后面跟可数名词 例如:Are there any dogs here? 这里有狗吗?Is there any 后面跟不可数名词 例如:Is there any milk? 有牛奶吗? (milk不可数)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

台叙13236941765问: 用is there……?”和“are there……?”型分别造句并回答. -
南通市脑心回答: 答案是: 问:Is there any food in the fridge?冰箱里有吃的吗? 肯定答:Yes,there is.有. 否定答:No,there isn't.没有.问:Are there any trees behind your house?你房子后有树吗? 肯定答:Yes, there are.有. 否定答:No, there aren't.没有....

台叙13236941765问: 根据上下文用Is there a ...?或Are there any...?造句 -
南通市脑心回答: (1)A:I want to send an e-mail. (are there any internet bars )near here?B:No,there aren't,but there are some near the university. (2)A:I want to send this letter. (is there a postal office )around here?B:Yes,there's one next to the Laundromat. (3)A:I ...

台叙13236941765问: there are 中some和any的区别及用法 -
南通市脑心回答: there are中some和any的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,用法如下: 一、there are中意思不同 1.some意思:一些;若干 2.any意思:任何的 二、there are中用法不同 1.some用法:some用于肯定句,作“一些”“一点”解时,用于肯...

台叙13236941765问: are there any 和is there any的用法和例句可以告诉我吗 -
南通市脑心回答:[答案] Are there any 是对复数及可数的东西提问 eg.Are there any children on the playground? Is there any 是对不可数的东西提问 eg.Is there any water in the bottle? 纯手打.

台叙13236941765问: there are not any后面加什么?There are not some对吗?对的话后头跟什么? -
南通市脑心回答: there are not any后面加名词复数 There are not some不对 any一些用于否定句和疑问句 some一些用于肯定句 为梦想而生团队^_^祝你学习进步!如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ 手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ 如还有新的问题,请不要追问的形式发送,另外发问题并向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~ O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助!

台叙13236941765问: 求详细解答:Are there any - --- -
南通市脑心回答: B

台叙13236941765问: Are there any( )in the apple trees? yes,( ) ( ). -
南通市脑心回答: Are there any【birds 】in the apple trees? Yes,【there are 】.in the tree 是指外来的东西落在树上 指树上的果实,叶子等要用 on the tree 祝你开心.

台叙13236941765问: Are there any - ---- - in your school? No,therearen't -
南通市脑心回答: 这是错的,没有are there any——这种说法,any要用is

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