
作者&投稿:达应 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

much、many —— more —— most Little —— less —— least far—— farther、further —— farthest、furthest 一般情况用more表示比较级,the most表示最高级 如:beautiful —— more beautiful —— the most beautiful polite —— more polite —— the most polite honest —— more ...

Feel like I’ve already said this a kabillion eighty times 我感觉我已经说过它无数遍 How many times can I say the same thing different ways that rhyme我能把同样的事用不同的押韵说多少遍呢 What I really wanna say is, is there anyone else who can relate to my story? 但是我真正想说的是...


a在w之后:watch 观看 swamp 湿地 quantity 数量 quality 质量 what 什么a any 任何 many 多的 Mary 玛丽 vary 变化接下来是一些元音字母组合的发音。ai tail 尾巴 rain 下雨 paint 油漆 pain 疼痛 jail 监狱 nail 钉子 rail 铁轨 maid 仆人ai chair 椅子 pair 一对,一双 said 说ai aisle 走道 Taipei 台北...

Do you want to buy apostman
1.( )rice do you want to buy?A.How much B.H ow 问:1.( )rice do you want to buy?A.How much B.H ow many C. How 答:选择A how much修饰不可数名词 how many修饰可数名词 这里rice不可数名词所以是how much 翻译:你需要买多少大米?2018-04-26 回答者: tangyyer 2个回答 1...

1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等 2)还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语.3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面.4.12 the + 最高级 + 比较范围 1) The Sahara is the biggest ...

①They made her work fourteen hours a day.→ She was___ ___ ___fourteen hours a day.(made,to,work)②Why hasn’t anything been done to end the strike?→ Why___ ___ ___anything to end the strike?(haven’t,they,done)4)引语转换(这种转换是指直接引语变间接...

的读音,同英文单词“at”是一样的,发音为 [æt]。1、在我国,@的读音,也出现了多个读法,比较流行的有两种:一是“圈a”,二是“花a”。2、实际上,在电子邮箱的表示形式中,@有着“at”的含义,即“某用户”在“某服务器”。3、由此,我们应该根据此处@的具体含义,将其读作at的...

〔A〕 as the same value 〔B〕 the same value 〔C〕 value as the same 〔D〕 the value is the same 四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更进一步 4) There are now methods for studying color vision...

...before? A. How long B. H ow often C .How many D . How soon_百...
答案是 : B How often How often have you been there before 你以前有多常去那儿呢?A. How long 多久以前 (少了 ago) 去过。C .How many 去过多少次 (少了 times )D . How soon 时态不对 (未来,句子是过去)

粱修19710736057问: how many和how much的区别,和在提问的时候的用法 -
隰县左氧回答: how many和how much的区别为:用法不同,含义不同,使用场合不同,提问时的用法如下. 一、用法不同 many 用法:how many“多少”,问可数名词的数量,其后接可数名词的复数形式. 提问时的用法:How many+复数名词+一般疑...

粱修19710736057问: HOWmany的用法? -
隰县左氧回答: How many 有两种词性,是问有多少可数的人或物,〔形容词性〕后面需要接可数名词.例如:~How many members are there in your family? 你们家有几口人? ~How many novels have you read? 你看过多少本小说?〔名词性〕用在 “how...

粱修19710736057问: How many 名词复数are there+某地的回答是there is还是there are? -
隰县左氧回答: 是there are

粱修19710736057问: how many和are therehow many 后面必须加are there吗? -
隰县左氧回答:[答案] 不用.eg:How many books do you have?你有几本书?How many books are there in your bag?( desk?)在你的书包里(书桌里)有几本书?there be 是个句型,它用来强调某处有某人或某物.how many后加there be 则表示某处有几...

粱修19710736057问: 在How many加可数名词复数形式加are there in/on...there is/are…/there is only one.句型中,可数...在How many加可数名词复数形式加are there in/on...there ... -
隰县左氧回答:[答案] 我晕 名词单数变复数与句式有关吗? 课本里应该有总结的,就那几种 不变形 直接加s 加es y变成ies f/fe变成ves non变成na 特殊词汇

粱修19710736057问: 帮我造How many +复名+are+there 的句子 -
隰县左氧回答: How many students are there in your class?

粱修19710736057问: 用how many there are____造句 -
隰县左氧回答:[答案] how many是问句,后面应该跟"are there",不是"there are" many=多少(个)?there are = 有 加起来 = ____ 有多少?这个就多了...派对有多少人 = how many people are there in the party?袜子有多少双 = how many p...

粱修19710736057问: how many books are there 答什么 -
隰县左氧回答: 答案:There are (数one /two /three.../数量词 )books. 个人解析:.How many 是用来提问数量的个数的.”................are there? “ 是there be 句型的提问,表示:"有......”整个句子翻译过来就是:“这里有多少本书呢?”there be 句型的提问用there be 回答. △纯属个人答题和解析,希望采纳,谢谢!

粱修19710736057问: How many bears are there 怎么回答
隰县左氧回答: There are 2 bears. There is only one bear. 一只用is,两只及两只以上用are.

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