
作者&投稿:席疯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

afford time 花得起时间 afford to 负担得起 afford an opportu... 给机会 ill afford 很难承受, 很难负担 afford promise 有前途, 有希望 afford relief 给予安慰 afford loss 承担损失 希望帮得上忙

afford an opportu... 给机会 ill afford 很难承受, 很难负担 afford promise 有前途, 有希望 afford relief 给予安慰afford loss 承担损失希望帮得上忙 新新新手1 | 发布于2012-01-12 举报| 评论 1 1 一般两种用法吧afford to do:具体语境具体分析,一般就是 能够。。担当地起。。afford + n.买得起...


长鸿15118196290问: 前面要用an的名词有哪些,opportunity 的前面用an还是a -
临洮县葡萄回答:[答案] 元音发音前用an 如an opportunity

长鸿15118196290问: opportunity搭配什么动词?
临洮县葡萄回答: afford an opportunity 给机会 find an opportunity 找到机会 get an opportunity 得到机会 give an opportunity 给机会 make an opportunity 造就机会 miss an opportunity 失去机...

长鸿15118196290问: opportunity的句式有哪些?有opportunity to do么 -
临洮县葡萄回答: 有变体名词 An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do. 机会 例:I had an opportunity to go to New York and study.我曾有过一个去纽约学习的机会.例:...equal opportunities in employment

长鸿15118196290问: 一次机会用英语如何说 -
临洮县葡萄回答: an opportunity,a chance

长鸿15118196290问: 英语中的有机会怎么说 -
临洮县葡萄回答: 1、chance 机会,良机,际遇[C][(+of)][+to-v] 例:I don't get many chances to talk to her recently. 近来我不太有机会与她交谈.2、opportunity 机会;良机[C][U][(+of/for)][+to-v] 例:There may be an opportunity for you to see the chairman of the board tomorrow. 明天你也许有机会见到董事长.3、opening 机会,好时机[C] 例:good openings for business 做生意的大好时机

长鸿15118196290问: opportunity怎么读 -
临洮县葡萄回答:[答案] opportunity[英][ˌɒpə'tju:nətɪ][美][ˌɑpɚˈtunɪti,-ˈtju-]n.机会;适当的时机良机;有利的环境,条件复数:opportunities双语例句 opportunity to give your ...

长鸿15118196290问: 问个英语语法问题 -
临洮县葡萄回答: I do not want to hurt you.Give me an opportunity to say sorry to you.一个普通的主谓结构一句 一个是祈使句 不用chance而是opportunity 表示机会 不用that引导say的句子=========================分割线========================= 原句有语法错误 首先不能用逗号把两句话分开 这个两个完整的句子 所以是用句号分开 然后chance可以接that引导从句 但是在分句中应该要有主语 比如give me a chance that I can say sorry to you.才是合乎语法的

长鸿15118196290问: have an opportunity to do/of doing区别它们有什么区别,用法, -
临洮县葡萄回答:[答案] opportunity of doing sth. opportunity for (doing) sth. 都是做某事的机会 没有区别 给几个例句: This gave him an opportunity of collecting his thoughts. 这给了他一个机会镇定下来. Austin viewed mistakes simply as an opportunity for learning. 奥斯汀把任...

长鸿15118196290问: occasion和opportunity的区别? -
临洮县葡萄回答: 首先,两个词有不同的意思,当它们同为机会的义项时: Opportunity 是一种有利的状态或合适的时机: “He would . . . trust to time and opportunity for the gratification of his revenge” (Frederick Marryat). “他将…坐等时机来成全他的报复行动...

长鸿15118196290问: opportunity是什么意思? -
临洮县葡萄回答: opportunity KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 机会;良机[C][U][(+of/for)][+to-v] There may be an opportunity for you to see the chairman of the board tomorrow. 明天你也许有机会见到董事长. Soon he had an opportunity of explaining that to her. 不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会.

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