
作者&投稿:舟仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语翻译:Sometimes you must even praise the giving of praise...

英语翻译:Sometimes you must even praise the giving of praise...
Sometimes you must even praise the giving of praise to make sure that it is given where it is due 有时候别人赞赏了你,你甚至得赞同别人对你的赞赏,以证实其赞赏。这里the giving of praise是动宾关系,the giving 表示进行praise的动作,完整的应该是the giving of praise to you,这里省略...

I'll___go there___It rains tomorrow.A.must,even thoughB.have to...
选择B have to 不得不的意思 even though 即使 我不得不去那里即使明天下雨

第一句应该译成:The point is that you should work harder.第一句应该改成:You must work harder and harder.【should和must,是要后接原型,be也是原型啊。不过问题在于你翻的第一句本身有错误,more and more 是“越来越···”的意思,不是“更加的”;即使你要用more and more,也不是这么...

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage.被爱给你力量,爱人给你勇气。The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.世界上最美好最漂亮的东西是看不见的,也摸不着的。

Worksthedevelopmentthenneedstoplan,andalsoneedsextremelycarefully,anydetailallcannotneglect,evenmustturnheadinspectsagain.InCancertransportsthepotential Isverysightatthisnewannualmeeting,canobtainmanyattentions,mustwelldisplayinabighurryownability,couldnotagaindelay.Makesanymatteralltohavetobecareful,can...

英语翻译:Sometimes you must even praise the giving of praise...
Sometimes you must even praise the giving of praise to make sure that it is given where it is due 有时候别人赞赏了你,你甚至得赞同别人对你的赞赏,以证实其赞赏。这里the giving of praise是动宾关系,the giving 表示进行praise的动作,完整的应该是the giving of praise to you,这里省略...

葛燕18679218705问: The most important use of drifting (漂流) bottles is to find ocean currents. When the position an. -
禅城区西洋回答: 小题1:D 小题1:B 小题1:B小题1:根据The most important use of drifting (漂流) bottles is to find ocean currents. 及下文描述,可知使用漂流瓶就是为了发现洋流的方向,故选D. 小题1:根据第一段Benjamin Franklin was one of the first to ...

葛燕18679218705问: there were rivers,lakes,maybe even an ocean on the mars. 为什么用“an” ,为什么不用“the” 或 oceans -
禅城区西洋回答: ocean如过用单数形式,前面就必须有冠词 an ocean 一个海洋(泛指) the ocean 那个海洋(特指) 火星上曾有一个海洋,不能说火星上曾有那个海洋

葛燕18679218705问: 为什么是me and my mother went to ocean park,而不是I and my mother went to ocean park?明 -
禅城区西洋回答: 首先,英语里面,总是先写别人,再写我 例如 John and me 而不是写成 Me and John 所以,正确的句子应该是 My mother and me went to ocean park yesterday.作为俚语,即便是主语,这类句子,可以统一用Me.但是可以举例区分如下: “...

葛燕18679218705问: weiss ocean + air cargo gmbh怎么查船期 -
禅城区西洋回答: 如果是进口货,可以找一家货代公司帮助清关,他们会帮助查询船期的. 如果是出口货,首先知道哪家船公司,然后再进入这个船公司的网站,网站上都有货物跟踪,输入提单号就可以查询货物现在的运输情况.比较简单的方法就是问自己的货代,他们都是比较清楚的. 海运提单是承运人收到货物后出具的货物收据,也是承运人所签署的运输契约的证明,提单还代表所载货物的所有权,是一种具有物权特性的凭证.一定要注意保存好.

葛燕18679218705问: 1.he was here - --a quarter to eleven. Now he is - the tree -
禅城区西洋回答: he was here at a quarter to eleven. Now he is beside/next to the tree2.the old lady in biue is blind,she cant't see by her eyes 3.A storm is coming from/across the Atlantic Ocean.

葛燕18679218705问: A plan to visit Ocean Park的英语作文 -
禅城区西洋回答: Our class will go to Shanghai Changfeng OceanWorld Next Sunday. 我们的类将去上海长风OceanWorld下个星期天. We will take No. 754 bus to go there on 8:00 am. 我们将把754号巴士去那儿,上午8点. In the morning, we plan to visit the ...

葛燕18679218705问: If you make a five - day journey - -the Atlantic Ocean. -
禅城区西洋回答: If you make a five-day journey (across) the Atla...

葛燕18679218705问: 翻译 The Arctic Ocean is connected to the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean -
禅城区西洋回答: 为你解答.The Arctic Ocean is connected to the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.译:北冰洋连接着大西洋和太平洋.connect to,连接到.

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