
作者&投稿:羊祁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年。A bad workman always blames his tools.不会撑船怪河弯。A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛与说谎本是同宗。

...the child into a genius(天才), they will cau
结合第四段set so high a standard导致的后果在最后一句害怕让父母失望,所以不快乐。Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always quiet and unhappy。

Irina成了替罪羊,被Cauis当场处死。Irina被Cauis行刑前,绝望的看着自己的姐妹Tanya和Kate,Tanya何kate无比心痛,准备战斗以就下自己的姐妹,而Charlisle和众人劝他们不要种了Aro和Cauis挑起战争的计,因为Irina无论如何是无法挽回的了,Tanya和kate才忍耐下来 重人的忍耐与克制是蓄意挑起战争的Aro和Cauis没有料到的,尤...

最近发生了一件非常糟糕的事情 用英文怎么叙述?请各位好心人帮忙翻译...
My debit card and identity card was stolen, and the money in the debit card has been taken away. I reported to the police and they caunght the thief. I was shocked to know it was my best friend who had done this.她现在被警察抓了起来关在监狱里,最后她连一句道歉也没有。...

...很像的一首歌 里面有几句歌词大概是love your baby cau
I'm always stay (no matter what)Good or bad (thick and thin)Right or wrong (all day everyday)Now if you're down on love or don't believe This ain't for you (no, this ain't for you)And if you got it deep in your heart And deep down you know that it's true (...

Dr. Melissa Caudle ... FBI Agent 类型:动作\/喜剧\/犯罪 级别:PG-13 片长:99 分钟 发行:20 世纪福克斯 上映日期:2006年1月27日 剧情简介:卧底拯救国家 FBI的卧底特工马尔科姆?特纳(马丁?劳伦斯饰)又回来了,不过这次可不是为了抓什么银行劫匪,而是为了挽救国家免于一场安全灾难。最近,美国政...

却兔18420407395问: 关于i got caught in the rain这句英语 -
海口市和血回答: ”got caught in the rain “ rain 本身就具有一种被动,人不可能自己“淋湿” 用 caught 很鲜明表示了这一状态. got 是半系动词,表示"使役"."致使“ 如:got tired 系动词是英语动词中比较活跃的一种动词类型.系动词可分为纯系动词和半...

却兔18420407395问: she was caught in a strom主谓宾结构was caught是被动语态对吗? -
海口市和血回答: She was caught in a storm 主谓宾结构was caught是被动语态对吗? be caught 遇到,陷入;落网 be caught in a spider's web of confusion 陷入混乱不堪的局面 2. An old bird is not to be caught with chaff. 谷壳捉不到老鸟. 3. The thief is ...

却兔18420407395问: be+现在分词组成什么时态还有be+过去分词组成什么时态,还有系动词的特点 -
海口市和血回答: be+ v-ing 现在进行时 be+ p.p 被动语态 常见系动词的分类及使用特点 系动词词义不完整,在句中不能单独使用(除省略句外),后面必须接有表语,系动词和表语一起构成合成谓语.常见的系动词大致可分为三类. 第一类:表示特征或状态的...

却兔18420407395问: 带有主语补足语的被动语态 I was caught in the rain yesterday. 这句话中的主补在哪里? -
海口市和血回答: 没有主补啊.I (主语)was caught(谓语) in the rain(状语) yesterday(时间状语).第二句也没有.你需要好好补下这个知识点了.主补即主语补足语即被动语态中的宾语补足语.例如:They caught boy stealing.被动语态:The boy was caught stealing.stealing 即为主语补足语谢谢.

却兔18420407395问: Jimmy was caught - --the traffic jam and was very late for work. A in B by -
海口市和血回答: 选A 解析:be caught in...这是一个固定搭配,是“遭遇,陷入,被卷入”的意思翻译:吉姆遇到了堵车,而且他上班迟到了希望帮到你,祝学习进步

却兔18420407395问: caught up和He fell behind是什么意思?
海口市和血回答: caught 是 catch 的过去式. catch up: 1. 很快拾起 The thief caught up the money and ran away. 小偷一把抓起钱,逃之夭夭.2. 赶上 They started a few minutes ago, and we must hurry to catch up. 他们几分钟前已出发,我们必须赶紧追上.3. ...

却兔18420407395问: 高考英语:He often comes lat to work and - _in heavy traffic on the way is always He often comes lat to work and - _in heavy traffic on the way is always the ... -
海口市和血回答:[选项] A. catching B. caught C. being caught D. haveing caught

却兔18420407395问: 高考英语:He often comes lat to work and -- in heavy traffic on the way is always -
海口市和血回答: C.being caught 因为 being caught in heavy traffic on the way 是在第二分句中做主语, 所以只能是动名词注意结构: be caught in ...被(不愉快的事)逮住(困住), 故, 排除D如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

却兔18420407395问: I -- a cold for a week.A,have had B,have caught.应该选哪个,为什么? -
海口市和血回答: A因为有for+一段时间,肯定是现在完成时态catch是瞬间动词,have是延续性动词完成时态当中的动词只能是延续性的

却兔18420407395问: be caught in什么意思,"在回家路上我碰上了大雨."怎么翻译 -
海口市和血回答: I was caught in a heavy rain on my way home.

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