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agree with和sgree on区别
这个问题我会,虽然本人英语口语不是很好,但是对英语四六级词汇还是很熟悉的~下面给大家从三个方面具体解释一下:【含义】agree with表示与某某一致;agree on指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。【用法】agree with通常的固定搭配为同意某人的意见、看法,也可译为与某人的意见一致;agree on可后接...

Do you agree or disgree with it ?
yes , i very agree with this statement .This is because sometimes we do a thing are being force to do it , not voluntary to do it .As an example , We need oxygen so we breathing.We eat because we want get energy from the food ......

意思不同、词语性质不同。agree的意思是表示同意,赞成。属于动词 gree的意思是令人愉快的,使得人愉悦的。是形容词。

gree eye “嫉妒得眼睛发红”Green(绿色)绿色是生命之色、青春之色。含有“幼稚无知,没有经验,缺乏训练”之意。新手叫 greenhorn(green hand),即初出茅庐者。in thegreenwood(tree)指在青春时期。a green old age“老当益壮”。英语中表示嫉妒用 be green with envy,和汉语中的“嫉妒得...

交流:没问题 你的主管已经派你到浦东机场去见一些生意人.他们是一些从不同国家来的,对中国经济的发展感兴趣的游客.有来自欧洲,北美,南美和亚洲.他们将要在一家大饭店与当地的经济人和政府代表会面.4个人进入,用好奇的目光打量四周.你不想让你的老板失望,这也同样对你是一个刺激的经历,所以你站着...

1.人的本性是贪婪的 1 human nature is greedy 2.人们总是很难满足于现状 2 people are always difficult to be satisfied with the status quo 3.在我认为,人们追求更好的生活是对的,但是不能过分追求名利,否则会迷失自己的本性,变得更加贪婪 3 in my opinion, people pursue a better life...

Now I'm a believer in all the things to do with you Cause I've never felt that Our love could be perfect And that's what I feel for you And don't you forget that That you're more than worth it And that's what I feel for you I feel like Ali When he shook up ...

aperiodic、anisotropic、dishonest、insensitive、nonage 1、aperiodic adj. 不定期的;非周期性的 短语 aperiodic dampong 非周期阻尼 ; 过阻尼 aperiodic task 非周期任务 aperiodic variation 非周期性变化 aperiodic instrument 不摆式仪表 aperiodic discharge 非周期放电 aperiodic group [数] 非周期群 ap...

就两个词意思相近的角度而言,accede 表示的是让步,也就是说是因为退了一步对方才同意的,而 agree 表示同意,一般是双方共同协商后达成的共识,不一定要让步的。至于用法上的区别,请参照词典上的例句和解释。

求一篇英语作文 写中国有名的品牌的,生词不要多,读两分钟左右
I admire its prominant leader Dong Mingzhu very much. This outstanding female manager devotes her energy and enthusiation to Gree, even though herself has experienced tragic events in her life. When her husband died of an illness she left her three-year-old son with his grandmother...

宫冉18990737353问: Agree with doing sth.这个用法 -
广安区因斯回答: agree with sb. doing sth 同意某人做某事agree with, agree to,意思是一样的,可是用法不同,他们都是同意某件事或某个人的意见的意思. 1 agree with,的用法是这样的:agree with+doing something或者+somebody 例句:I ageree with ...

宫冉18990737353问: agree with和agree on后面可以加doing是么?不是的话那加什么? -
广安区因斯回答: agree with 后面应该加某人 (agree with you), 不能加doing

宫冉18990737353问: agree to do和agree to doing的区别
广安区因斯回答: agree to do 和 agree to doing 的区别在于语义表达的不同. agree to do 表达的是“同意将要做某事”,而 agree to doing 则表达的是“就(做)某事达成共识/协议”.前者是“同意”的结果是要去做某件事,后者是在某一方面双方或多方形成一致意见.例: The shareholders agreed to close down the factory. 持股人同意关闭工厂. The shareholders agreed to closing down the factory. 持股人就关闭工厂达成一致意见.

宫冉18990737353问: agree to doing sth.是怎么回事呢? -
广安区因斯回答: 没有 agree to doing 这种搭配agree vi.1.赞成;认为正确 sb. agree with sb./sth.2.答应;允许 agree to do sth.同意做某事(to为不定式符号)agree to sth.(plan/idea/advice...)同意(计划、观 点....)(to为介词符号)3.商定;协定 agree on/upon...

宫冉18990737353问: 有没有agree doing sth这种用法? -
广安区因斯回答: 没有,一般 agree 后跟不定式 to do sth

宫冉18990737353问: 初中英语填空:agree - ___your suggestion?怎么我看到有人说agree with your suggestion?不是agree to 接事情agree with接人的吗?这里面说agree with+... -
广安区因斯回答:[答案] 填with.固定用法 agree to sth.同意某事 agree with 同意...的意见,同意某人 希望能够帮到您~

宫冉18990737353问: agree to doing sth.是怎么回事呢?比如这句:Would you agree to Parson's having full control of the operation? -
广安区因斯回答:[答案] 没有 agree to doing 这种搭配 agree vi.1.赞成;认为正确 sb.agree with sb./sth. 2.答应;允许 agree to do sth.同意做某事(to为不定式符号) agree to sth.(plan/idea/advice...)同意(计划、观 点.)(to为介词符号) 3.商定;协定 agree on/upon sth.就某...

宫冉18990737353问: agree on .agree to.agree with的区别 -
广安区因斯回答: agree on 对某事〔物〕有同样看法, 商定〔同意〕某事, 商定做某事 We agree on the question.我们在这个问题上意见一致.They agreed on leaving there the next day.他们一致同意第二天离开那里.agree to 同意, 赞成, 同意照办 We ...

宫冉18990737353问: 英语agree with的用法
广安区因斯回答: agree with表示“同意某人的意见、主意或所说的事项”,with后常接表示人的名词或代词,也可接意见、看法等名词,但不含协力合作之意.此外,它还可以表示“某人(不)适应(食物、气候等)”. I agree with you/what you said. 我同意你所说的话. The weather doesn't agree with me. 我不适应这种天气.

宫冉18990737353问: 英语造句... -
广安区因斯回答: How does the story end up? 这人故事是怎么结束的? We'll end up paying much more. 结果会花好多钱 think of v. 考虑, 关心, 想起, 想象, 有...的看法, 记起 think of think of (about),dream of (about) think of (about) 可以用来表示对问题的看法...

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