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after the Arab States won their independence, muc
用being encouraged也是可以的。with后面接的不是一个句子,也不可能接一个句子,因为with是介词, 所以它后面只能接名词或名词性的短语,因此空格上不可能出现谓语动词,也不可能用时态。这时就只能用动词的非谓语形式了。答案A错在been这个词上,在被动语态中,它是一个助动词,当然不能直接用来修饰前...

after 英[ˈɑ:ftə(r)] 美[ˈæftə(r)]prep. …后的; (表示时间) 在…以后; (表示位置、顺序) 在…后面;conj. 在…以后;adv. 以后,继后;[例句]After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope provided...

after 中文意思:adv.后来,以后 prep.在……之后 conj.在……之后 adj.以后的 音标:英['ɑ:ft?]美['?ft?]双语例句:用作副词(adv.)1、TheymetinJuneandbecameloverssoonafter.他们在六月相遇,不久就成了情侣。2、Thedayafter,heapologized.次日,他道歉了。用作介词(prep.)1、Afterdinnerwepai...

fter Dark歌词中文意思,谢谢
漫步在夜晚 却如此洁白 不知道为什么 仅仅是在黑夜 在她的眼里 一个遥远的火光 点亮光明 不知道为什么 仅仅是在黑夜 我发现自己 在她的房间 头脑昏沉 我的末日 降临 通过地板 我敲魔鬼 的大门 在黎明 我醒来时,才发现 她走了 并注意 说,只有经过黑暗 燃烧燃烧 在火焰 现在我知道她 秘密的名字 ...

“After”可以翻译成中文为“之后”、“后来”或“以后”,具体的翻译取决于上下文的语境。以下是几个关于“after”的例句及其中文翻译:1、I will go to the store after work. (工作之后,我要去商店。)2、The movie starts at 7:00 PM. Let’s meet for dinner after. (电影在晚上7点开始...


阿拉丁和神灯英语读后感 50个单词就行,
钬橝fter Dorothy said goodbye to her friends,she went back to her new home with her dog.It钬檚 really a wonderful risk.Yes,no matter where we are,home is always the best place for us to rest or study.There are our parents here; there are also our favorite things here.At...

A fter he had p robed the nigh t w ithh is senses he w ent to the p lace by the side po st w here thepearl w as buried, and he dug it up and brough t it to h issleep ingmat, and under h is sleep ingmat he dug ano ther lit t leho le in the dirt floo r and ...

Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school,_百度...
because her family was too p_oor__ to afford the school fess for her , so her parents had to keep her at home. Instead of school___,Xiao Lian looked a_fter__ her brother and worked in the field every day . Then Hope Project(finally) heared___ of Xiao Lian. It ...

2.Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.人生不在于抓到一副好牌,而在于打好你手里的牌。(Josh Billings)3.Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。4.fter climbing a great ...

诏裴13637926988问: 英语问题after后可以接时间段吗 -
永新县阿胶回答: 不可以,接时间段的话,用“in”. in 和 after的用法: a)"in+段时间"常用于含将来概念的句子中,意思是"在多长时间以后"或"在多长时间内"; "after+段时间"常用于过去时的句子中,表示"在多长时间以后".比较:He will come ...

诏裴13637926988问: in 和after后接时间词时意思有什么不同 -
永新县阿胶回答: in是在一段时间内.after是在某个时间后.它们不同意思的.n+时间 表示在今后的多少时间之内.一般用在将来时,包括过去将来时,eg.I will finish this task in 3 days./ she said she would finish the task in 3 days.after+时间 表示多少时间以后.不管是过去式现在时还是别的时态,只要符合句意都可以用.eg.i will finish this task after 3 days./i finished this task after 3 days.

诏裴13637926988问: after+段时间 标志什么时态 -
永新县阿胶回答: After+时间段 表达过去一段时间以后,常用于过去时态的句子; I received the letter after two days . 我是两天以后收到这封信的. After+时间点 表示将来一段时间以后,用于将来时态的句子. He will arrive after four o'clock .

诏裴13637926988问: 介词before和after后面的动词要用动名词形式作宾语对吗?是不是所有的介词都是这样的呢? -
永新县阿胶回答: 在通常情况下,动词用作介词宾语时要用动名词形式,但也有个别介词要接不定式作宾语,如表示“除……之外”的but和except.

诏裴13637926988问: 刚才有个姐姐说after +时间段与时间段+later -
永新县阿胶回答: after +时间段多用于一般将来时,当after引导壮语从句时,主句用一般将来时,从句就用一般现在时. 例:I'll have supper afer my mother comes home from home. (补充:从句就是一句话里有两个句子,初中会学的) 时间段+later多用于一般过...

诏裴13637926988问: after + 一段时间 和 after+点时间 这个时态有区别吗? -
永新县阿胶回答: after+点时间:He came home after 10 o'clock last night. after + 一段时间(这里的时间段一般不是具体时间,如,一般不说after three days , ,而是three days after.,但可以说 after a period of time ) ,, 如: They had known the news three days after. After a period of time / After a while, he returned. 时态的用法区别也应该明了吧!

诏裴13637926988问: 表示时间的介词in与after的区别 -
永新县阿胶回答: in+时间 表示在今后的多少时间之内.一般用在将来时,包括过去将来时,eg. I will finish this task in 3 days./ she said she would finish the task in 3 days. after+时间 表示多少时间以后.不管是过去式现在时还是别的时态,只要符合句意都可以用.eg. i will finish this task after 3 days./i finished this task after 3 days.

诏裴13637926988问: after the Arab states won independence great emphasis was laid on expanding -
永新县阿胶回答: 选C being encouraged 独立主格结构

诏裴13637926988问: 时间状语从句after+后面的//省略了that引导词??? -
永新县阿胶回答: after本身就是连词,引导宾语从句,不存在省略that的情况.

诏裴13637926988问: After a interesting match, we have much heated discussion ,with every member of the family - --
永新县阿胶回答: 解析:participate: vi&vt 参加 参与 既是不及物动词 后面要加介词才加宾语 同时也是及物动词 可以直接加宾语译文:经过一场有趣的竞赛之后,我们进行了热烈的讨论,家里的每个人都参加了. 很明显 participate的逻辑宾语是 the discussion但...

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