
作者&投稿:休竖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

inadequacy的意思及其作用是 ?
你认识adequate(充分的)一个单词, 你可以猜想相识的十多个单词的意思.adequate, inadequate, indequately, inadequacy 等

use的名词:usage;形容词:useful;副词:usefully;反义词:useless。单词解释:1、usage 英 ['juːsɪdʒ] 美 ['jusɪdʒ]n. 使用;用法;惯例 2、useful 英 ['juːsfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美 ['jusfl]adj. 有用的,有益的;有帮助的 3、u...

quadrennial quadrennially quadrennials quadrennium quadrenniums quadric quadricentennial quadricentennials quadriceps quadricepses quadrics quadriga quadrigae quadrilateral quadrilaterals quadrille quadrilles quadrillion quadrillions quadrillionth quadrillionths quadripartite quadriphonic quadriphonics quadriple...

Could you give me five points about Romeo and Juliet?
1.The Forcefulness of Love Romeo and Juliet is the most famous love story in the English literary tradition. Love is naturally the play’s dominant and most important theme. The play focuses on romantic love, specifically the intense passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Jul...

The Delphi Technique can also be abused to give an appearance of community input when in reality the facilitator is directing the flow to a predetermined goal.德尔菲法(Delphi method)是对预防政策的评价,审核的一种流行病学方法。该政策的预防,评价领导小组通过匿名方式对专家们进行几轮征询意见。领导...

帮我弄篇英语作文 谢谢啦
Henry, on the other hand, loved me dearly but possessively. He was my shadow from morning till night. He expected me to constantly entertain him. Henry never cared who saw him do anything, whether it was decorous or not, and he usually offended my friends in some way. The cat made ...

英文歌 听歌词 写出来就行~
歌词 Everyone thinks that I have it all But it's so empty living behind these castle walls These castle walls If I should tumble if I should fall Would anyone hear me screaming behind these castle walls There's no-one here at all, behind these castle walls [Verse 1: T.I....

先考生要明白,雅思阅读考考察的是阅读理解能力和阅读技巧,而不是你能否看懂文章。环球教育小编建议考生多做阅读速读训练,也就是学会扫读和略读。扫读就是根据关键词,定位到相关语段,迅速寻找答案,略读适合应用在雅思阅读题型中的段落标记题,略读能更好的抓住文章的核心句段及关键信息。审题重要性 ...

求助 求一篇英语作文(300词)
Well,as you see, the people here dress vey little. Because this area is close to the earth's equate, it is hotter than most other areas in China all the year round. And, it is vey hot these days.As it sometimes rains very heavily,yet, usually for a very short time, ...

the conflict between Royalists and Parliamentarians known as the English Civil Wars. Since Royalist ideology is often associated with the radical patriarchalism of seventeenthcentury political theorist Robert Filmer—a patriarchalism that equates family and kingdom and asserts the divinely ...

佴峰13289782386问: adequately是什么意思 -
西陵区雷米回答:[答案] 充分的双语对照词典结果:adequately[英]['ædɪkwətlɪ][美]['ædɪkwətlɪ]adv.足够地; 适当地; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对...

佴峰13289782386问: adequately是什么意思 -
西陵区雷米回答: adequately [英]['ædɪkwətlɪ][美]['ædɪkwətlɪ] adv.适当地; 足够地; 双语例句1 I suppose I performed adequately.我估计我表现得还算凑合.

佴峰13289782386问: adequately 与 enough 的区别? -
西陵区雷米回答: adequately 更加正式,有充分适当的意思.It means an adepuate amount is enough for a particular purpose.

佴峰13289782386问: adeq开头的单词有哪些 -
西陵区雷米回答: 形容词: adequate - 足够的, 适当的 名词: adequacy - 足够,适当 (复数adequacies,算一个么...) 副词: adequately - 足够地,适当地

佴峰13289782386问: 谁知道有含有dyq三个字母的英文单词? -
西陵区雷米回答: adequately

佴峰13289782386问: 含有Y,L,Q的英文单词我要一个既有Y,又有Q,还有L的一个英文单词,组合的名字! -
西陵区雷米回答:[答案] quality 质量 frequently 经常地 adequately充足地

佴峰13289782386问: amply与sufficiently怎么区分 -
西陵区雷米回答: amply意思是“广泛地,详尽地,详细地” sufficiently意思是“充分地,充足地”,但是表示的是数量,不是程度,不能够用在这里 adequately意思是“足够地,能够地,足以......”,在这里就表示程度了 enough也是表示量的副词,在这里不能用.所以选C

佴峰13289782386问: 有哪些英文单词是以字母a开头,字母y结尾的呢 -
西陵区雷米回答: 简单的单词就不打意思了:angry,annoy,any,apply,away,anyway,allegory寓言,airy空气的,airway航线,alacrity敏捷,Albany纽约州州城,alimentary滋养的,allay使镇静,ally同盟国,already,alloy合金,Alley小巷,amity友好,amenity愉快,...

佴峰13289782386问: 含有Y,L,Q的英文单词 -
西陵区雷米回答: quality 质量 frequently 经常地 adequately充足地

佴峰13289782386问: 足够地用英文怎么说 -
西陵区雷米回答: enough adequate sufficient 一般用enough就可以了

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