
作者&投稿:良莉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

帮我写一篇chinese paper cut的作文
Paper cutting is a traditional art in China which has been making its way along the route of the long history of paper. The kind of art went after the invention of paper in Han Dynasty, once became one of the main form of arts, and was popular to the people of the time;...

Paper cutting is a national non-material cultural heritage of China. Paper-cut art was invented in the Han dynasty ,and then became popular. Chinese paper-cut has a wide ranges . it's very popular, people in the Chinese New Year holidays are used to cut paper. Previously ...

帮我写一篇chinese paper cut的作文
Paper cutting is a traditional art in China which has been making its way along the route of the long history of paper. The kind of art went after the invention of paper in Han Dynasty, once became one of the main form of arts, and was popular to the people of the time;...

paper cut 可数吗

got a paper cut on my face什么意思

大家好,我是来自澳大利亚的交流生JAMES,今天我将要向大家介绍一下中国的剪纸艺术。Hello everyone, I come from Australia exchange students JAMES, I will introduce Chinese paper-cut art today.众所周知,中国是一个拥有五千年历史的大国,而剪纸艺术已经有两千年了,并且无论男女老少都非常喜欢这个...

On the joyous New Year's Day, a lot of people of area is it stick various kinds of paper-cut 111 paper-cut for window decoration at window to like. The paper-cut for window decoration not only sets off the joyous festive air by contrast but also brought beautiful enjoyment ...

put supermarket paper cut哪个发音不同?

cut the paper的意思
cut the paper 裁剪纸张\/剪纸 例句 cut the paper into squares 把纸裁成方形 He cut the paper lass 他切纸姑娘;他削减纸张姑娘 ; 他把姑娘的文件 cut the paper with scissors 用剪刀剪纸

应该这么说: Chinese paper-cut art 参考资料:原创

店肩13810936399问: “paper cut”是什么意思?要深层次的解析,不是字面.
清河县盖雷回答: paper cut 属于合成名词 译为剪纸英语中很多单词是通过合成的方式构成的,他们叫做合成词,常见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词等几种类型.而paper cut 属于 名词+动词 结构 构成的合成名词1.合成名词 名词+名词: football足球 ...

店肩13810936399问: 英语作文paper cutting带有中文 -
清河县盖雷回答: aper cutting is my most favorite arts style. Doing papercut need no efforts at all but time and tools are also very easy to get. Paper cutting has a long history in China and it's almost accepted by all walks of life. Pasting a self made papercut...

店肩13810936399问: 请问老师:1.为何paper cut亦可为paper cutting.什么时候需要词与词连线__
清河县盖雷回答: paper cut 词组,表示剪纸,名词性; paper-cutting 形容词性,剪纸 这个是英语的构词问题,然后这两个都可以是名词的 有动词用法也有名词用法,话说这是不好的话,口语类的,语法什么的,都忽略了 越来越诡异了....Tired as fuck 不是固定搭配,自然不能用连词后面加ing形式来衡量

店肩13810936399问: 窗花的英文介绍 -
清河县盖雷回答: On the joyous New Year's Day, a lot of people of area is it stick various kinds of paper-cut 111 paper-cut for window decoration at window to like. The paper-cut for window decoration not only sets off the joyous festive air by contrast but also brought ...

店肩13810936399问: 剪纸的英文短语............................. -
清河县盖雷回答: paper-cut ; scissor-cut

店肩13810936399问: 中国剪纸艺术用英语怎么说 -
清河县盖雷回答: Chinese paper-cut art.剪纸艺术是最古老的中国民间艺术之一,作为一种镂空艺术,它能给人以视觉上以透空的感觉和艺术享受.剪纸用剪刀将纸剪成各种各样的图案,如窗花、门笺、墙花、顶棚花、灯花等.每逢过节或新婚喜庆,人们便将美丽鲜艳的剪纸贴在家中窗户、墙壁、门和灯笼上,节日的气氛也因此被烘托得更加热烈.在农村,剪纸通常是由妇女、姑娘们来做.在过去,剪纸几乎可以说是每个女孩所必须掌握的手工艺术,并且还被人们来品评新娘的一个标准.在中国南北方的剪纸艺术,通过一把剪刀,一张纸,就可以表达生活中的各种喜怒哀乐.

店肩13810936399问: 剪纸,用英语怎么翻译?? -
清河县盖雷回答: 剪纸[paper-cut] jiǎnzhǐ [paper-cut] 一种民间工艺,用纸剪或刻成人物、花草、虫鱼、鸟兽等形象.也指剪成或刻出的工艺品 scissor-cut [`sIzEkQt] n. 剪纸

店肩13810936399问: 剪纸最好的学生 英文 -
清河县盖雷回答: The best student in papercutting.很多人都说剪纸是paper-cut 其实这是错误的 paper cut 的意思是被纸片刮刀皮肤 出现一条伤口 papercutting 才是真正剪纸艺术的意思 也可以说papercutting art

店肩13810936399问: paper cut 怎样造句 -
清河县盖雷回答: paper cut n. 剪纸 He could help me make my first paper cut. 他会帮助我做我的第一张剪纸. They might show a paper cut of children. 他们也许会展示孩子们的剪纸

店肩13810936399问: paper - cut是剪纸吗?有复数吗? -
清河县盖雷回答: paper-cut是剪纸,没有复数.

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