
作者&投稿:进弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

it is matter of ___would take the position
你好 答案是A it is matter of WHO would take the position C,D 都是宾语成分,所以不能选 如果选B,就必须有两个句子同时存在如:Whoever TOOK the position would have to go through all these tests.

在日常口语中,"matter"通常表示"要紧"、"重要"的意思,在这里可以翻译成"大事"、"重要的事情"或"事态"等。因此,"matter"这个单词的具体翻译要根据它所在的语境和具体的含义来确定。This issue really matters”可以翻译成“这个问题真的很重要”,“The matter of fact is that we need to act ...

天气不好并没什么影响。然而 matter 作名词的用法也是丰富多彩,它是一个可数名词,主要意为“事情”等,表示你必须考虑或处理的情况,如 important matters,意为“重要的事情”,而且它可以表示多种多样的的事情,常见于一些习语中。首先就是耳熟能详的 it's just\/only a matter of time (before ....

这句话的语法结构是:Not (matter of the today) will drag tomorrow.其中,Not 修饰谓语 will drag,表示否定意义。而 matter of the today 则是主语,但因为 Not 的位置关系,被放在了谓语 will drag 的前面。这句话的意思是:今天的事不能拖到明天,即今天的事情必须及时处理,不能拖延到明天...

现在一些观察家称,总统履行不履行此项承诺没关系,而且这个承诺一开始就是一个偏执的承诺。词典结果:it doesn't matter 没关系; 没什么;matter 英音:['mætə] 美音:['mætɚ]名词 n.1.事情;问题;事件[C]It was a matter of life and death for them.这事...

matter-of-factly 英[ˌmætərəfˈfæktlɪ] 美[ˌmætərəfˈfæktlɪ]adv. 实事求是地,切合实际地,就事论事地;[网络] 实事求是地; 实际地;[例句]She discussed her financial difficulty matter...

as a\/the matter of fact请问到底是用a还是the
as a matter of fact要用a。as a matter of fact:1、中文释义:确切地说;事实上;恰恰相反;确切地说;事实上。2、例句:It's not that difficult. As a matter of fact, it's quite easy .这并不那么困难,实际上,容易得很。【词汇解析】matter 英文发音: [ˈmætə(r...

关系的英文:matter。没有关系的英文:It doesn't matter matter 读法 英 ['mætə] 美 ['mætɚ]1、n. 物质;事件 2、vi. 有关系;要紧 短语:1、a matter of 大约;…的问题 2、no matter how 不管怎样 3、no matter what 不管什么,无论什么 4、organic ...

a matter of ten minutes 约十分钟 matter of urgency 紧急事项 It was a matter of life and death for them.这对他们来说是生死攸关的问题。M-s went rapidly from bad to worse.情况急遽每况愈下。The matter in your essay is excellent but the style is deplorable.你的文章内容不错, ...

a matter of supreme importance看不懂a matter of的意思?
importance是重要性的意思,抽象名词。a matter of supreme importance 是指极为重要的事情 这里的a matter 是一件事情的意思,supreme指最高的;很大的,最大的。(这里可以翻译成极其的)of surpreme importance=be very important 望采纳,感谢 ...

冀萧17810473054问: 如何使用as a matter of fact -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答: 用法1 用来加强语气或表示强调,意为:事实上; 其实. 如:I don't have a car. As a matter of fact, I can'tdrive. 我没有汽车,事实上我开车都不会. I think so, and as a matter of fact, I'm quite sureof it. 我是这样想的,事实上我也十分相信是...

冀萧17810473054问: a matter of 都有哪些用法啊?as a matter of 是什么意思啊? -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答: 1. As a matter of fact,.... 事实上,.. 2. a matter of ...跟名词意思不一样It is a matter of honesty. 这是个事关诚信的问题.

冀萧17810473054问: as a/the matter of fact请问到底是用a还是the?有什么不同吗? -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答:[答案] as a matter of fact意思是“事实是” the matter of fact意思是“这个事实是” 具体要是放在句子的首位的话,用AS A MATTER OF FACT THE的后面要加IS 等BE动词.

冀萧17810473054问: as a/the matter of fact请问到底是用a还是the -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答: as a matter of fact意思是“事实是”the matter of fact意思是“这个事实是”具体要是放在句子的首位的话,用AS A MATTER OF FACTTHE的后面要加IS 等BE动词.

冀萧17810473054问: matter 用法 -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答: 一、matter作可数名词,意为"事情;问题;情况".作不可数名词,意为"物质;材料;东西".例如: Let's leave that for the moment. We have more important matters to think about耿工钝继墁荒惰维伐哩. 让我们先把那事搁一边吧.我们还...

冀萧17810473054问: as a matter of fact 和in fact 有区别么?怎么用 -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答:[答案] 没有什么实质上的区别 as a matter of fact = in fact,“事实上;实际上”,在句中作插入语, 例如: As a matter of fact,I do know her. 事实上,我的确认识她. He appears to be strong and healthy,but,as a matter of fact,he suffers a very weak heart. 他外...

冀萧17810473054问: as+a+matter+of+fact可以用在句尾吗 -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答: 不可以.as a matter of fact 只可加在句首或句中.As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿.

冀萧17810473054问: As a matter of fact,there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me,the former is surely a wise choice . -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答:[答案] 事实上,有些别的原因解释我的选择.对我来说,前者当然是个明智的选择.

冀萧17810473054问: The writer's choice of words is simply a matter of - ____ - style. -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答:[选项] A. personal B. private C. personnel D. individual 选哪个,为什么

冀萧17810473054问: only a matter of choice的中文意思 -
延边朝鲜族自治州艾诺回答: only a matter of choice 只有一个选择only a matter of choice 只有一个选择

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