
作者&投稿:励步 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

mass作名词指“大众”时,在词组the broad mass(es)中可用单数或复数形式。在the Chinese masses中常用复数形式,而在the mass of the people中用单数形式。 n.(名词) mass的基本意思是“团,块,堆”,指不规则物体聚成在一起形成的“团,块,堆”,是可数名词。 mass也可作“大量,大批; 众多”解,是可数名...

增肌粉的英文:Mass Gainer Mass 读法 英 [mæs] 美 [mæs]1、n.团;块;堆;大量;许多;(常指混乱的)一群,一堆 2、adj.大批的;数量极多的;广泛的 3、v.集结;聚集 短语:1、mass fraction n. 质量分数 2、mass concrete 大块混凝土;无钢筋混凝土 3、body mass index ...

9类雅思写作常见错误解读 以错为鉴可涨分数
We need several evidences to demonstrate the validity of this argument. - 错误原因分析: 通常evidence用作不可数名词。若“一条证据”,用a piece of evidence;若“很多证据”,可以用”plentiful”, ”ample”, “abundant”, “a mass of”, “a body of”等 - 改正后: We need several evidence to ...


10.“a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a heap of, a mass of, half of +名词”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词要与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致,这是因为of后面的名词是中心词,而of前面的量词是修饰语。Lots of damage was caused by fire. 许多损失由火灾引起的。Lots of goods were...

gravitational potential energy (GPE) = ham (h=height, a=g=9.81N\/kg, m=mass of object) 这部分能量并没有消失,而是转化成了Kinetic energy: (KE) = 1\/2 m v^2 而当苹果击中地球表面的时候这部分能量又转化成热量,声音,等等不同部分的能量形式,并不是转化成了引力。最后重力势能 就...

~es of light and shadow 大片大片的光影 see one's subject matter in ~es < 画家等> (不拘泥于细节而) 从大处看题材 be a mass of ? 尽是…The hillside was a ~ of flowers.山腰上鲜花盛开 He is a ~ of wounds.他全身是伤 in a mass 一块,一起 in the mass 总体上,大体而论...

表示时间有时有in on at of 等等,我分不清,谁能帮我详细说一下时间前...
5、with + n\/pron + n The old man looks down upon everyone ,with his son chairman of the 伴company . 因为他儿子是公司的主席,这个老头瞧不起任何人。 He was taken to hospital with his legs a mass of bleeding flesh . 他被抬到医院,他的腿血肉模糊。 6、with + n\/pron + 介词短语 The ...

什么是黑魔法?Dark Magic?
当你因古老的诅咒受到困扰时,想象一下:一名男子和一名女子,并将他们放入AGA MASS SSARATU(详见后文)的火焰中燃烧,同时念出下面摆脱诅咒的咒语: “我召唤您,黑暗之神 和您一起来临的还有夜晚和神秘的女神,我在夜晚,在午夜,在清晨呼唤您,因为他们已对我施下了诅咒,男巫和女巫束缚着我,我的守护神为我哭泣,我遭...

婆娑的解释 (1) [wirl,dance]∶ 形容 盘旋 和舞动的样子 子仲之子,婆娑其下。—— 《诗·陈风·东门之枌》 。毛传:婆娑,舞也。 (2) [have luxuriant foliage;be a mass of branches and leaves]∶枝叶纷披的样子 详细解释 亦作“ 媻娑 ”。1.舞貌。 《诗·...

隐烟13090223999问: a mass of 怎么用 -
岳普湖县清肝回答: a mass of =masses of 大量的.其后接可数名词和不可数名词均可.由 它构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于 mass 或 masses.例如: ①There are masses of ice in the river. 河里有很多冰. ② There is a mass of children in the yard. 院子里有很多孩子. ③I've a mass of things to do this morning. 今天上午我要处理很多事. ④There are masses of people in the hall. 大厅里有很多人.

隐烟13090223999问: mass的具体用法a mass of 和masses of修饰名词作主语时,其后的谓语动词单复数的用法如何?请详细说明. -
岳普湖县清肝回答:[答案] 1.masses of time作主语时,后面的谓语动词用单数.time是不可数名词.masses of people 作主语时,后面的谓语动词用复数.people是可数名词复数. 2.a mass of...做主语时,后面的谓语动词的确定也是根据其后的名词的单复数确定的.

隐烟13090223999问: 寻表示“大量”的英语短语,并分下短语后面哪些接(不)可数、单复数名词. -
岳普湖县清肝回答:[答案] 1.a lot of ,lots of,plenty of 等词组表示许多大量,既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词.比如:a lot of books ,plenty of water. 2.a great deal of ,a large amount of,a little ,little,只能修饰不可数名词.谓语动词用单数形式.例如:A large amount of ...

隐烟13090223999问: a mass of 和masses of -
岳普湖县清肝回答: 谓语动词的单复数需要取决于 a mass和masses of .前者用单数,后者用复数. 例如: There is a mass of boys in the yard. There are masses of ice in the river.

隐烟13090223999问: a mass of 和 masses of的用法 请简洁的表述并举例 其后面的谓语动词是单数还是复数 -
岳普湖县清肝回答:[答案] 谓语动词的单复数需要取决于 a MASS 和masses .前者用单,后者用复. eg: There is a mass of children in the yard. There are masses of ice in the river.

隐烟13090223999问: masses of +不可数名词作主语,谓语用单数还是复数? -
岳普湖县清肝回答: 用复数 谓语动词的单复数需要取决于 a mass 和masses .前者用单,后者用复.eg:There is a mass of children in the yard.There are masses of ice in the river. 希望帮到你

隐烟13090223999问: masses of 是不是与a mass of 意思一样 啊,有什么区别吗 -
岳普湖县清肝回答: 两个短语都可以修饰可数和不可数名词.masses of 和a mass of 后面既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词,

隐烟13090223999问: a sum of 与sums of用法有什么区别?后面接可数还是不可数?谓语动词是单数还是复数 -
岳普湖县清肝回答: 没什么区别,后面接不可数名词,常用的是money,谓语动词用单数. 比如:A sum of money was donated to the orphanage.(一笔钱捐给了孤儿院) 希望帮助到你学习进步.

隐烟13090223999问: a mass of 和masses of他们的谓语动词是怎么样的~我知道他们既可以可数又可以不可数~ -
岳普湖县清肝回答:[答案] 谓语动词的单复数需要取决于 a mass和masses of .前者用单数,后者用复数. 例如: There is a mass of boys in the yard. There are masses of ice in the river.

隐烟13090223999问: 高中英语修饰名词的量词总结归纳列如:many 修饰可数名词 a mass of 希望能把谓语动词的单复数也说下! -
岳普湖县清肝回答:[答案] a great number of a few a great many a group of a variety of an average of a/the majority of a total of 修饰可数复数名词 复数谓语动词 a little a great deal of much a large sum of a large amount of 修饰不可数名词 单数谓语动词 a collection of a mass of a ...

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