
作者&投稿:钱文 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Stone [stəʊn]释义n \/stəʊn\/:n. 石头,石料;墓碑;纪念碑;界碑,界石;(樱桃、李子、桃等水果的)硬质种子,果核;kg)〈英〉 英石(重量单位,等于14磅,即 6.35 公斤);石头色,石青色;褐灰色 v. 向…扔石头;去除(水果的)果核 例句:刻在石头上的文字已磨...

...the walked round the huge department sto?
As she walked round the huge department store,Edith reflected how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father.She wish that he was as easy to please as her mother,who was always delighted with perfume Besides,shoppong at this time of the year was a m...

Dear Friend, The recent success of children's books has made the general public aware that there's a huge market out there. And there's a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of children's books bought each year ... plus stories and articles needed by o...

经钱17354393478问: 英语语言学怎么区别修饰语和补语 两个句子 1 A huge moon hung in the -
陆良县威赛回答: 借用楼上一句话:判断是否为补语,先将这个成份去掉,看剩下的部分. 同学,你可以换个角度看看 A wooden hurt near the lake……后面交代了地点,a wooden 在暴风雨中损坏了.若是去掉这部分,或许有人就会想了,为什么这木桩会被损坏.in the storm原来是在暴风雨中损坏的啊.不妨你可以仔细地体会下这两者间的感觉. 按照这种思维再看第一句.A huge moon hung……黑夜里一轮明月高挂空中,月亮原本就是黑夜里出现的啊,去掉这个成份,A huge moon hung句意还是完整的. 不知道这种说法,你能接受不

经钱17354393478问: a huge amount of huge amounts of加的谓语动词是否一样 -
陆良县威赛回答: 不一样 此时以mount为依据 a huge amount of +单数 huge amounts of+复数

经钱17354393478问: Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy &n... -
陆良县威赛回答: A 试题分析:考查虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的情况.其句型为“ if + 主语 + 动词的过去完成式,主语 +would / could / should / might + have + 动词的过去分词”.这道题里从句Had I known about this computer program是省略了if 然后倒装的...

经钱17354393478问: store 和 stock 作为名词时有何区别 -
陆良县威赛回答: store vt. 1. 贮存[(+up)] Water is stored against the dry season. 蓄水以备旱季使用. 2. 保管,收存[(+away)] The cabbages were stored in the basement. 包心菜储藏在地下室里. 3. 供应;装备[(+with)] 4. 容纳;蓄有 The barn will store five ...

经钱17354393478问: 翻译,要用括号里的词组1 我完全知道你正经历着什么.(go through)2 她母亲的死是个很大的打击——这太出乎意料了.(shock)
陆良县威赛回答: 1. I wholly know what you are going through now. 2.The death of his mother is a huge stock for her. - It's absolutely unexpected.

经钱17354393478问: "he's got a huge package" 是什么意思 -
陆良县威赛回答: 你看“这不是斯巴达”的吧 没什么特别的意思,不用多想,只是在那个年代怎么会有ups的包裹呢 其实一点也不好笑~

经钱17354393478问: stock是什么意思?
陆良县威赛回答: stock (n.) 1. 贮存;(知识等的)蓄积[C][U] The sailor has a rich stock of tales of adventure. 那个水手满肚子都是探险故事. 2. 进货,库存品,存货[C][U] There is not much stock in the shop right now. 目前店里存货不多. 3. (公司的)股票,股份...

经钱17354393478问: 关于what和how引导的感叹句 -
陆良县威赛回答: what 引导的感叹句重心在修饰的名词,因为what表示什么,就名次对象提问,所以是what+a/an+adj+n(+sb/sth+be) 同理how修饰的重点是程度,所以先接副词或形容词,即:how+adj/adv+sb/sth+be

经钱17354393478问: A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across -
陆良县威赛回答: "cut across" here in this sentence means "run through": The huge crack is runs through houses, roads and canals.

经钱17354393478问: - - - is clear, we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet. (A).As (B).It -
陆良县威赛回答: 楼主,此题...

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