
作者&投稿:宰父翰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

war3中英雄死了语音系统会说OUR HERO IS...
our hero is fallen!翻译是我们的英雄被击杀了。或者击败了。都可以 击落 大哥你当飞行员呢吧!~可以这么翻译的~

选择:The movie Hero is ___ action movie.A.a B.an C.the D.×_百度...
选 B。 an action 首字母是元音 《英雄》这部电影是部动作片。


A hero is someone who saves the world with his or her mighty power. A hero is someone who defends humanity and eradicate evil. My favorite super hero is spiderman, because he can use his sticky webs and capture criminals swiftly without being notice. Spiderman is a superhero that...

请求高手翻译西谚A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but...

my herois易洋千玺英语作文有翻译
his name is 易烊千玺,he was 13 years old .he is a star,he is also a member of the combination of tfboys,the combination of the debut of the time is august 6th.he birthday isin november 28th.he likes red.he also liked relax bear.he fans called origami.this is my idol ...

hero的复数形式是heroes。英 ['hɪərəʊ] 美 ['hɪroʊ]n. 英雄 n. 男主角;男主人公 例句:He is the hero of an old legend.翻译:他是一个古老传说中的英雄。用法 n. (名词)1、hero的基本意思是“英雄”“豪杰”,也可指某人心目中的“偶像”...

hero英雄,勇士,豪杰,男主角,男主人公.通常用为英雄.记忆可这样记:her她的 o看作太阳 她的太阳是hero(英雄)其他的:hero [5hiErEu]n.英雄, 男主角, 男主人公 hero Hero is a very nice thing to call somebody but not many people can be a hero.For example: In order to be a hero,...

1.So call hero,bandit or criminal,are only interpretations from different angles.所谓英雄、匪徒或罪犯,只是站在不同的角度.2.A hero is known in the time of misfortune.时势造英雄.3.No man is a hero to his valet.在最贴身的人眼中,谁也充不了伟人.4.A hero only appears once the tiger is ...

hero [5hiErEu]n.英雄, 男主角, 男主人公 hero Hero is a very nice thing to call somebody but not many people can be a hero.For example: In order to be a hero, you must do something very important and very risky such as the person decided to save the lady and therefore ...

友别13469845546问: 是the+比较级还是a+比较级表示最高级的意思 -
都匀市复方回答: a+ 比较级 如: I have never seen a better film than it before.【以前,我从没看过比这更好的电影】 =It's the best film that I have seen.

友别13469845546问: 初三英语:a+序数词+time 和the +序数词+time -
都匀市复方回答: 首先你题目抄错了,应该是-It's the third time for you to do this, but you failed again.-yeah,so I'd like to try a __time.A.the forth B. fourth C.the fourth D.a forth 答案选B.the+序数词 表示的是:第几,a+序数词+名词 表示的是 :又,再 上文的翻译是-这是你第三次做这了但是又失败了.-恩,所以我想再尝试一下.(try a fourth time 因为前面已经说了我已经做了三次,所以这地方是fourth) 希望你能体会明白

友别13469845546问: 已知int i,a;执行语句i=(a=3,a++, -- a,a+4,a+5,++a);后,变量i的值为 -
都匀市复方回答: 4 i的值也是4 逗号表达式,是取最右边的值为结果,a的整个变化是3 4 3 3 3 4

友别13469845546问: 已知abc在数轴上的对应点如图所示:_________________________________a b 0 d c化简IaI - Ia+bI+Ic - aI+Ib+cI -
都匀市复方回答:[答案] |a|=-a |a+b|=-a-b |c-a|=c-a |b+c|未知,如果c离0比较远的话|b+c|=b+c 那么,化简=-a-(-a-b)+c-a+b+c=-a+2b+2c

友别13469845546问: 已知 a+bi= 2 - i 1+i (a,b∈R,i为虚数单位),则a,b的值分别为() A. 1 2 -
都匀市复方回答: ∵ a+bi=2-i1+i =(2-i)(1-i)(1+i)(1-i) =2-i-2i+ i 21+i-i- i 2 =1-3i2 =12 -32 i ∴a=12 ,b=-32 故选B

友别13469845546问: 在java中 a+++i是等价与(a++)+i 还是a+(++i) -
都匀市复方回答: public class test{ public static void main(String[] args){ int a = 1; int b = 1; int c = 1; int i = 2; int j = 2; int k = 2; System.out.println(a+++i);System.out.println(b+(++j)); System.out.println((c++)+k); } } 输出:3 4 3 所以a+++i 应该等价于(a++)+i

友别13469845546问: without+“her”+even+“hero”+is+“o”.什么意思 -
都匀市复方回答: Without her even hero is o.没有她英雄也是零.拆解 : hero (英雄) 一字, 如果没有 her (她) 三字母, 便剩下 o 即是零

友别13469845546问: 已知a,b∈R,i为虚数单位,若a - 1+bi=2i/(1+i),则实数a+b= -
都匀市复方回答: ∵a-1+bi=2i/(1+i) ∴a-1+bi=2i(1+i)/(1+i)(1-i) a-1+bi=(2i-2)/2 a-1+bi=i-1 ∴a-1=-1、b=1 即a=0、b=1 ∴a+b=0+1=1

友别13469845546问: 已知向量a=i+j+k,则垂直于a且垂直于Oy轴的单位向量是多少? -
都匀市复方回答:[答案] 设b=Ai+Bk ab=0 A+B=0 A²+B²=1 A=-B=√2/2或A=-B=-√2/2 b=√2/2i-√2/2k或b=-√2/2i+√2/2k

友别13469845546问: heroes+of+Chinese+idioms甚么意思
都匀市复方回答: 中国成语/谚语中的英雄人物

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