
作者&投稿:歹米 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Cross-cultural differences are often worth paying attention to.是...
跨文化差异值得经常重视。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

corruption from a cross-cultural perspective 有没有看过的
corruption from a cross-cultural perspective 跨文化视野中的腐败 重点词汇释义 corruption腐败; 贪污; 贿赂; 变体 cross-cultural超越一种文化的,比较各种文化的

About Cross-Cultural Communication 的英语作文
Cross-cultural communication (also frequently referred to as intercultural communication, which is also used in a different sense, though) is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how ...

第六:这套教材体现了当代课程教学理论,其中最突出的是“交际教学法” (Communicative approach),尤其以“非语言交际”(Non-verbal communication)和“跨文化交际”(Cross-cultural communication)为其特点,前者通过剧中演员们的演技,把表情和体态语言发挥得淋漓尽致,使学习者有如面对美国人交谈的“临场感...

求一篇以Cross-cultural awareness为题目的英语作文
Cross-cultural awareness After China's entry into the WTO, China's economy gradually integrated into the world economy. In the increasingly frequent international exchanges, intercultural communication in various fields has become the basis for a talented person, the foundation of the...

definition of cross-cultural awarenes
Cross-cultural awareness refers to the cross-cultural communication of the participants in the cultural understanding of the sensitivity factors. Generally divided into four levels: first, to those who have been recognized as the surface is the strange phenomenon of cultural awareness; ...

怎么看cross-cultural communication中的no zuo no die
cross-cultural communication中的no zuo no die,跨文化沟通中的“不做,不死”。这是把中国当代流行语通过中文-西文结合而表达出来的一种形式,是一种中式英语,但又得到逐步传播并渐渐被外国人接受。no zuo no die有几种含义,一种含义是不要无端惹事,不惹事就不会出事;第二种含义是:出来混...

n. 表达,交流,交际;信息,书信,电话;通讯,交通联系;传播学 [ 复数 communications ]词汇搭配:international communication 国际交流 optical communication 光通信 cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际 词语用法:1、communication在商业信函和公文中常解释为“信函”。We have received your ...

2--- 急, 谁能帮帮我把这个翻译成中文啊?
文化的定义问题 在这个基本问题之一就是缺乏跨文化的定义为一个主持人。大多数研究并未说明所扮演的角色,作为一个主持人exante文化。它也是困难的,又是为了什么原因的方式来扩大文化的主持人。操作说明是另一个重要的因素。这个问题的定义和测量的文化是一个重要的挑战,面对跨文化的方法论。Ajiferuke和...

the positive and negative influence of the cultural differences for the business negotiation under the cross-cultural background is to be discussed. It mainly focuses on the differences of negotiation thinking, the acceptance of different culture, the caution is the business communication, ...

军虾13563549602问: cross - cultural是什么意思 -
江夏区复方回答: cross-cultural [英][ˈkrɔsˈkʌltʃərəl][美][ˈkrɔsˈkʌltʃərəl, ˈkrɑs-] adj. 超越一种文化的,比较各种文化的; 例句 Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict. 美国的少数民族文化经常引发跨文化冲突问题.What kind of evidence is there for cross-cultural variation? 是否存在跨文化差异的证据?

军虾13563549602问: the father of across - cultural psychology 是谁 -
江夏区复方回答: http://www.google.com/books?id=F5EH_WjTCkQC&dq=the+father+of+a+cross-cultural+psychology&lr=&hl=zh-CN&source=gbs_similarbooks_s&cad你看一下这儿,是不是找书?

军虾13563549602问: 对于商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素我们该怎么做 -
江夏区复方回答: 这个说来简单做起来难,你要尽可能多的了解各国的文化,知道差异在哪里.一般来说,商务翻译都是即时的口译,了解对方的肢体语言、习惯对方的口音、尽可能促成交易(不是说翻译背离原意,而是说有分寸的避免冲突,用一种积极的心态做翻译)

军虾13563549602问: Cross - cultural Communication是什么意思 -
江夏区复方回答: cross-cultural communication n. 跨文化交际; [例句]With diversified expression and information flow, we can mend the broken bridge of cross-cultural communication and build an information link to the future.有了多元化的表达和信息流动,我们就可以修补破损的跨文化交流桥梁,修建一条通向未来的信息之路.

军虾13563549602问: cross - cultural blunders in business怎么翻译好? -
江夏区复方回答:[答案] cross-cultural 是形容词,意思是“对两种或多种不同的文化进行比较的”,简单地说就是 “跨文化的”或“超越文化的” blunders 指“由于无知和粗心而造成的错误”,结合前后文字可以翻译为“盲目行动” 参考译文:生意中跨文化的盲目行动 / ...

军虾13563549602问: 一个以“cross - cultural communication”为话题的三人对话,出现的词汇尽量简单,对话稍微长点二三十句…… -
江夏区复方回答:[答案] A:Nice to meet you.My name is Cherry from China.B:Nice to meet you.My name is Christan from England.c:I am Michael from US.Nice to meet you.A:Christan,What is your hometown like?B:It is very beautiful...

军虾13563549602问: your view on cross - cultural marriage?英语作文 -
江夏区复方回答:[答案] 写作平时还是需要多练,可以写完作文后用易改写作软件智能地进行英语文本纠错 还可以自动润色,百度下易改就有了

军虾13563549602问: Thomas,J.(1983).Cross - cultural pragmatic failure.Applied Linguistics, -
江夏区复方回答:[答案] 英文引文信息 英文引文作者: Thomas,Jenny 英文引文篇名: Cross-culture Pragmatic Failure 英文引文刊名: Selected Reading for Pragmatic

军虾13563549602问: cross - cultural communication 和 inter - cultural communication的区别 -
江夏区复方回答: 两者都有文化交流的意思,前者带有不同流派间交流的意思,而后者则范围更大,指不同国家和地域或其他

军虾13563549602问: What do you think of cross - cultural marriage? good or not. -
江夏区复方回答: What do you think of marriage with same nation? there is no common good or not good. whether good or not depends on different people. but some things must be considered: the language, both sides should have enough method to ...

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