
作者&投稿:咸疮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What I can not forget: the first video screen, is one of the buildings have collapsed, this place was once a beautiful campus. Collapsed in a pile of rubble, an immature in the eyes of Xiaolian. It was a level of about 12 girls. After a day of the burial, the little ...

has the Zhangzhou Binhai volcanocountry geology park the unusual seacoast geology landform landscape -"the marine burial figures of warriors and horses..."the natural seashore bathing place"Ma Luanwan, prosperously teaches the bay, "marine zoo" dragon, tiger,lion, elephant islet, Yunsiao Zhang Jiang...

be in accord with与be in accordance with有什么不同
2.Bin laden's body was buried at sea, in order to be in accordance with islamic traditionthat burial take place within 24 hours, according to a person familiar with the situation.一位知情人士说,为遵照死后24小时之内必须安葬的伊斯兰传统,本拉登的尸体已被海葬。

Fireworks beauty was dazzling, I fear no place to hide. 8、你想要飞翔,我做你的避风港。 You want to fly, I do your safe harbor. 9、若我得...July, will be a burial of all the pain and love of the season. 47、情不知所起,一往而深。 I do not know the situation, deeply attached....

take place和take the place of的区别是什么,急急急
take place 发生;举行(其主语一般是事件、活动;而且没有宾语,也没有被动语态) His burial will take place next Sunday. 他的葬礼将于下星期日举行 The celebrations will mainly take place in Paris, at the headquarters of the Organisation. 庆祝活动将主要在巴黎的联合国总部举行 Some of my most peacef...

Duke Wen of Jin saw this and wept. At the time of burialing, a blood book was found in the hole of the tree. It said, "I will sacrifice my flesh to the king, and I hope the Lord is always clear." To commemorate jieziti,Duke Wen of Jin ordered that this day be ...

almost as seasonably as they marked out the first burial-ground, on Isaac Johnson's lot, and round about his grave, which subsequently became the...I see a beautiful city being built in this terrible place. I see that new people will live here, in real freedom. I see the lives for ...

be in accord with与be in accordance with有什么不同
be in accord with与be in accordance with的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1、be in accord with:与…一致。2、be in accordance with:符合...二、用法不同 1、be in accord with:accord用作名词时的基本意思是“一致,符合”,是不可数名词,常用于短语中。accord...

任务二:Sister's Burial Grounds修女埋骨之地完成阿卡拉的任务后,去找卡夏(Kashya)她要你去找叛徒Blood Raven。在石槐旷野找到一片坟墓,上面站着叛徒血乌鸦Blood Raven,杀了她,找卡夏领赏!呵呵,说一句,血乌鸦可不是等闲之辈,再加上一大队饥饿死者……任务奖励:一名罗格佣兵。任务难度:[][][]任务三:The ...

请高手来翻译首歌词。MGMT的Flash Delirium
it’ll make this place ignite 它会点燃这地方 and even if this hall collapses 即使这殿堂坍塌 I can stand by my pillar of hope it’s just a case of Flash delirium 我可以站在希望的柱子旁 它只是一阵瞬间的狂喜 here’s a growing culture 这里有长在增长的文化 deep inside a corpse...

漕航15218399799问: Let's find a place to put the things. -
望都县金葡回答: 在短语a place to put the things中,place是中心语,a是前置定语,to put the things是后置定语,后置定语中的动词不定式短语与中心语之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,即to put the things a place 不难看出这个短语是有错误的,应该在a place 前加一个in,否则搭配不当.再如:(改错)I have find a house to live.正确的句子:I have find a house to live in.(理由:to live in与a house之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,而live是不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,故此,后面应该加一个in.)

漕航15218399799问: 问burial是什么词性(最快的给) -
望都县金葡回答: burial KK: [] DJ: [] n.1. 埋葬;葬礼[U][C] His burial will take place next Sunday.他的葬礼下星期天举行.The burial was done early in the morning, without a ceremony.遗体一清早就被埋葬了,没有举行仪式.2. 墓地;(考古学者所指的)墓葬[C]3. 弃绝,屏弃[U] a.1. 埋葬的;葬礼的[Z][B] The poet's burial place remains unknown.那位诗人的葬身之处仍然不清楚.

漕航15218399799问: 怎么将MATLAB中的多项式转换成拉布拉斯变换 -
望都县金葡回答: 例如:syms a b s t laplace(s^2+2*a*s+b,t) % laplace变换 ilaplace(t^-2+2*a/t+b,s) % laplace逆变换 分别输出:ans = 2/t^3+2*a/t^2+b/t ans = s+2*a+b*dirac(s)

漕航15218399799问: have been to+a place与have gone to a place的区别? -
望都县金葡回答: have been to+a place:表示某人去过某地,现在已经出现在说话人面前或者回来的事实属真实情况.如He has been to Shanghai for several times. 意思为他已经去过上海好几次了.have gone to a place:表示去某地的路上,或者现在还没出现在说话人的面前.如He has gone to Shanghai, so we can't see him now. 他已经去上海了,所以我们现在看不到他了.

漕航15218399799问: 英语作文——兵马俑要九年级的英语作文,关于兵马俑的,作文中要有soldier,horses,emperor,teacher,210BC,1000BC,dig,burial place,death,Xi'an,the war,... -
望都县金葡回答:[答案] The right picture is the famous Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang in a kneeling archer. It was found at Lintong County in Shaanxi Province to the east of Qin Shi Huang's tomb Let me introduce this kneeling archer. kneeling archer on the ...

漕航15218399799问: ...most historians agree that the positian of the stones must be for a special purpose.There are other ideas,too.Some historians think it might be a burial place,or... -
望都县金葡回答:[答案] 它不可能是一个寺庙,但是它可以是一个日历. 每年,数以千计的游客从世界各地访问巨石阵 .这不仅是英国最著名的名胜古... 但大多数历史学家都同意,该石头阵肯定是有特殊目的. 也还有其他的想法,一些历史学家认为这可能是一个埋葬的地方,...

漕航15218399799问: 英语翻译dear professor,your researches excellent have proved to be truewe have found this ancient burial place.urgentiy take off by the first flight for germany we... -
望都县金葡回答:[答案] 尊敬的教授,您优秀的研究已经被证明是真实的 我们已经发现了这个古老的埋葬地点,并急切地乘坐明早的第一次航班回德国 我们想给您首次打开墓门的权利. 您忠实的克劳兹博士 1995年德国南部远征考古集团

漕航15218399799问: the place 用 arrive in or at? -
望都县金葡回答: at arrive in+大地点 arrive at +小地点

漕航15218399799问: lt a blue cap的英语哪个地方错了 -
望都县金葡回答: 一般句子英语句子构成是:S+V+O(主语+谓语+宾语) 用到这个句子就是,it(主语)+is(谓语)+a cap (宾语) 所以该句子缺少的是is这个谓语

漕航15218399799问: reached,arrived,got的用法 His uncle ——(reached,arrived,got)Auckland in december ,2000 -
望都县金葡回答: 填reached.因为表示到达:arrive in+大地方(如Bejing 、Paris);arrive at+小地方(bus station) ...

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