
作者&投稿:善芳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

二合一洗发护发剂 2. I brought my own shampoo and conditioner. Here you go.我自己带了洗发精和润丝精, 在这里.3. Brian : Help yourself. There is soap, shampoo and conditioner for you.布莱恩: 自己来吧, 这是香皂 、 洗头水和护发素.4. A bar of soap, organic shampoo and ...

(sheep看作复数,谓语动词遵循主谓一致,用复数)。My sheep runs faster than my dog.(sheep看作单数,谓语动词遵循主谓一致,用单数)。不可数名词要表示数量时,一定要借助量词,由量词决定谓语单复数。结构为冠词\/物主代词+量词+of+不可数名词。而过:a bowl of soap, two bowls of soaps....

洗手液英语:sanitizer 拓展内容:1、洗手液是一种清洁手部为主的护肤清洁液,有些特定的成分可以起到消毒、杀菌的作用,可分为普通洗手液、消毒洗手液、重油污洗手液。2、洗手的目的就是要将手上的污渍和细菌去掉,因此洗净力是首先要考虑的,但洗净力和脱脂力是成正比的,优异的去污力伴随着强力的...

soap on a rope 什么意思
=== 英文解释 Ordinary bar soap can be extremely difficult to control when wet, and picking up a dropped soap bar could have dire consequences. A bather could also slip and fall after stepping on a loose bar of soap, or the soap could become contaminated with other materials. O...

问下有多少英语量词,老记不住。如:piles 一堆
a round of—a round of spirit(一巡酒),a round of diplomatic talks(一轮外交谈判),a round of toast(一片烤面包)a bar of—a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力),a bar of soap(一条肥皂),a bar of light(一束光)记不住的话就把这些量词打印出来,贴在床头,每天看几个,每天...

大学英语作文:The Virtues of Being College Students
lather up, some even wash their hair with a bar of soap I hear, and jump out in five minutes or less.There is no excuse other than laziness for a guy not showering in the morning, and the cologne showers do not count. When a guy who has taken a cologne shower walks by...

a piece of和a bar of有什么区别?a picec of chee...
bar本身就是条、棒的意思,所以一般在描述长条或棒状的物体时用.piece有片、块、件、部分的意思,在使用时较广泛,很多不可数名词都可以用piece 来描述 bar修饰的不可数名词可以换成piece来修饰.反之,不是每个piece来修饰的不可数名词都能用bar来修饰.piece比bar使用的更广泛 所以a picec of soap这样...

6、I went to the store for a candy bar and two bars of soap.我到商店买了一块冰糖和两块肥皂。7、My fingers gummed together as the sticky candy melted in my hand.粘糖在我手中化开了,把我的手指粘住了。8、Next came the candy, rows and rows of it.接下来是一排排的糖果。...

1. 用形状作量词 a bar of chocolate一块儿巧克力;a bar of candy一块儿糖;a blade of glass一块儿玻璃;a blade of grass一片儿草叶 a block of ice一块儿冰块;a block of wood一截木料 a cake of soap一块儿肥皂;a cake of iron一块铁;a drop of water 一滴水;a drop of ...

a bar of chocolate\/ a cake of soap\/ a loaf of bread\/ a pack of cigarettes; a bag of flour\/ a basket of fruit\/ a pound of butter\/ a yard of fabric; a couple of players\/ a flock of birds\/ a pair of shoes\/ a swarm of bees等。 1.4 名词属格(Genitive nouns) 英语名词有两种属格...

迪房13672431201问: soap(肥皂),又复数形式嘛? -
徐州市艾利回答: 没有复数,在说一块肥皂的时候也不能表示为a soap,应该说a bar of soap

迪房13672431201问: soap是可数还是不可数肥皂soap是可数名词还是不可数名词.我查文曲星上看到soap有复数形式soaps.但是又看到有这种说法.a bar of soap. -
徐州市艾利回答:[答案] soap是不可数的,只有一种情况可数,就是它当“肥皂剧”讲的时候

迪房13672431201问: a bar of的复数 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 -
徐州市艾利回答: a+bar+of+名词 量词+bars+of+名词(不可数的不变,可数的变复数.)

迪房13672431201问: A piece of candy A bar of soap等等当它是复数的时候(Two pieces of candy),要将单位词(piece/bar)加S外,后面的名词(除不可数名词外)是否亦要加S -
徐州市艾利回答:[答案] 可数名词要!如:two classes of students 两个班的学生

迪房13672431201问: A piece of candy有关的英语问题A piece of candy A bar of soap等等 当它是复数的时候(Two pieces of candy),要将单位词(piece/bar)加S外,后面的名... -
徐州市艾利回答:[答案] 楼主其实两个都是错的, 既然是a ,何来pieces 你的意思应该是 2 pieces of candy 2 pieces of candies哪个对,应该是第一个对.

迪房13672431201问: 名词可数不可数 可数名词变复数的规则 -
徐州市艾利回答: 不可数名字主要还是要考自己记.不过做个对比,可以稍微总结出一点规律1. 需要其他东西才能实现量化的,比如milk, water,flour等2. 需要分割才能实现量化的,比如paper,bread,soap等3. knowledge-based或者intellgence-based的, 比如advice, suggestion, information等 另外还要特别记一记想fish,sheep,crew这种集体名词 可数名词边复数 一般就是加s.特殊情况无外乎:1. 结尾是s的,直接加es2. 结尾是“辅音+y”的,比如stories,flies3. 个别结尾是o的词,比如potato,tomato,hero等

迪房13672431201问: 英语自学问题 -
徐州市艾利回答: one trousers= a pair of trousers一条裤子,裤子本身就是复数名词,像people一样.two trousers=two pairs of trousers(如果其他可数名词的话这里也要变成复数).soap milk是不可数名词,不能变成复数,前面也不能加冠词a an a piece of soap...

迪房13672431201问: 量词的英文 -
徐州市艾利回答: 一条:a bar of 比如:a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力 十块:ten cake of 比如:a cake of soap 一块肥皂 二十片:twenty blanket of 比如:a blanket of snow 一片白雪 更多:a packet of cigarettes 一包纸烟 a company of soldiers 一连士兵 two groups...

迪房13672431201问: 写出所给单词的单复数,不可数名词/表示.我想问这题目是什么意思,包含着什么含义 -
徐州市艾利回答: 一般可数名词的复数是加s或者es,但有些特殊的,比如说可数名词foot的复数是feet.对于不可数名词 它们的复数形式举例 a piece of news 一件消息 a box of milk 一盒牛奶 a cake of soap 一块肥皂 a drop of oil 一滴油 a grain of sand 一粒沙子 a pane of glass 一块玻璃 a piece of advice 一条忠告 a pot of jam 一罐果酱 a sheet of paper 一页纸

迪房13672431201问: 肥皂是一个可数名词么 -
徐州市艾利回答: 肥皂 (可数名词) soapa cake of soap; a bar of soap; 一块肥皂

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