
作者&投稿:穆何 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The decline of the motor industry is one of the great puzzles in Britain's post-war economic history. At the end of the 1930s the industry was slightly larger than its French and German counterparts, and at least on a par with them in terms of managerial and technical ...

修改病句:they want to buy some other thing for my birthday party...
They want to buy some other things for my birthday party.在这里thing是复数喔 如果要改成单数的话 句子应该是 They want to buy something for my birthday party.♥希望采纳哟♥

university entry exam is coming soon, our senior high grade three students are under huge pressure for study, they worried their result for pass the exam.This kind of pressure may lead to Mental stress、anxiety and negative emotions. At the same time, it may play below the par ...

après plusieurs années auparavant dans l’auditorium de construction qu’auparavant belle après beaucoup plus réduit et ambitieux, dans notre école peut accueillir plus de 1 000 écoles, est le nombre de salles joue essentiellement un rôle de l’éducation des conférences ...


The manager is said to have arrived back from Par
mikechang77 曾经回答过这个题目, 我把他的解释复制来你看看:答案:D 考点:动词时态 解析:句意为“据说经理在巴黎接见一些欧洲生意者之后已经回来了”。此题的突破口在sb be said to have done sth 这个短语意思的理解上。正确翻译为“某人被认为做过某事”,由此我们知道句中“经理从巴黎回来”...

如何写好 Response to review
We added some explanations in the discussion part. 4. In the Eddy covariance methods, there is no mention of what portion and what averaging of the diurnal data was used in this study? Response: we agree with this suggestion and provided more detail information about the EC and PAR data ...

Why are some foods (broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, etc) almost universally hated as children, but liked later in life? 【译】为什么有些食物(比如西兰花、球芽甘蓝等)几乎所有人小时候都不喜欢吃,但在长大后的生活中却很受欢迎? 【单词】broccoli ['brok-uh-lee]['brɒkəli] n. 西兰花;花椰菜...

For the processes of grinding, parching, rolling, shaping and drying other grades of tea various machines have been developed and built, turning ...Most of its output is the green variety; some black tea is also produced. 2) The Jiangbei area: This refers to a large area north of the ...

la conversation agréable, avec une manière simple, directe et élégante de poursuivre la tradition chinoise de la piété filiale. Rencontre avec des amis, droit au but, les réunions d'affaires, Feng Jian par des gens parce qu'il était un thé le matin, tous avec chaleur, av...

徐净18295006078问: some+第三人称单数后动词是否加s
惠农区鲑降回答: some 后面直接跟修饰some的第三人称单数,那可能不是指“某个”,而不是意为“一些”,后面的动词就还是加s 比如 some boy gets up late.某个男孩起床晚了.

徐净18295006078问: 仁教版英语七年级上册unit3,topic1语法和总结
惠农区鲑降回答: 是Do you like English?这章吗?如果是就是下面这些. 用could you ……表达请求;动词不定式to do (to+动词原形);help sb with sth帮助某人做某事;want to do sth想要做某事;not like……at all一点都不喜欢;like ……a lot 非常喜欢;each other互相;some/any 意思都是:一些.some用于肯定句,在请求疑问句中也用,any用于否定句和疑问句.

徐净18295006078问: 雅思口语part3答题套路有哪些?
惠农区鲑降回答: Part3的问题其实和part2的作答是息息相关的,考官会根据part2部分进行提问.但是考试形式却和part1类似,只是讨论的内容会更加的深刻,那么作答的程度也要更加的深...

徐净18295006078问: 写程序,在主函数中输出1!+2!+3!+…+10!的值.要求将计算阶乘的运算写成函数. -
惠农区鲑降回答: %用matlab编程如下:创建M文件,在命令窗口输入函数名就可以了.sum=0;for i=1:10, part=1; for j=1:i, part=part*j; end fprintf('part(%d)=%d.\n',i,part) sum=sum+part; end fprintf('The totle sum is %d.\n',sum) 望批判采纳!心情愉快

徐净18295006078问: 考点“主谓一致”求例句. -
惠农区鲑降回答: 1.人称、数的一致. [2例句] I am a student . Two books are on the desk .2.不可数名词、不定代词表示抽象概念作主语时,谓语动词用单数.[1例句] there is little water in the bottle .3.主语为people , police,时,谓语动词用复数.[1例句] the police ...

徐净18295006078问: some+单数可数名词 表某一 -
惠农区鲑降回答: You will remember me some day. I wish to go to the Great Wall some day.

徐净18295006078问: 高中英语被动语态的整理? -
惠农区鲑降回答: 被动语态英语中时态很多,但语态不多,只有两种,即:主动语态和被动语态.今天我们着重讲被动语态. 1. 定义:被动语态,即不知道动作执行者或强调动作承受者的一种语态.例如中文常说:我被他打,这就是一种被动.但有时由于句子...

徐净18295006078问: some other的用法以及the other 的用法 -
惠农区鲑降回答: 1、some other +单数e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333431343061名词:某一sth some other+复数名词:另一些,其他sthsome others 另一些的东西, 其他的东西, 这里others替代 other+ 复数名词some of the other + 复数名...

徐净18295006078问: 1主语+was/were doing when... 2主语+was/were about to do when... 3主语+had/hadn't done for some time -
惠农区鲑降回答: 1. 主语+was/were doing when...(过去) ......发生时 主语 正在做某事I was doing my homework when she walked in. 她进来的时候我正在做作业.2. 主语+was/were about to do when...(过去)......发生时 主语 将要做某事I was about to do my...

徐净18295006078问: 小学英语基础知识培训教案
惠农区鲑降回答: 小学英语老师,它们会不会全部用英语来设计课堂上的教案呢?下面是我给大家整理... Teaching aids Cards,tape,some stars (To encourage students) 全英问版小学英语教...

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