修改病句:they want to buy some other thing for my birthday party.

作者&投稿:逯俘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

They want to buy a cake and some other things for her birthday party

They want to buy a cake for lucy's birthday party and some things for other birther.

They want to buy some other things for my birthday party.
如果要改成单数的话 句子应该是
They want to buy something for my birthday party.


thing ----------- thing S


绿春县18073602495: Why are they want to go to Beijing(修改病句)? -
岑怡孚悦: are改为do,有实意动词want需要用助动词do来变疑问句

绿春县18073602495: They want to spend two hours - ---the zoo -
岑怡孚悦: in the zoo,在公园里

绿春县18073602495: 英语句型转换 They want to watch the movies.(改为同义句)They____ - _____ - ____watch the movies. -
岑怡孚悦:[答案] They want to watch the movies.(改为同义句) They_would____ __like____ __to__watch the movies. want to do=would like to do 望采纳! 严禁复制!

绿春县18073602495: It want to eat a bone 用they改写句子 -
岑怡孚悦: 你的句子 want是不是错了 :应该是 it wants to eat a bone 改后: they want to eat bones

绿春县18073602495: 病句怎么修改 -
岑怡孚悦: 修改病句方法:1、读句子 2、查错误(找错误) 3、该错误的地方 4、再检查一遍 修改病句有八种类型: 1、语序颠倒:例:我先穿上干净的衣服,再脱下脏衣服.(应该先脱下脏衣服,再穿上干净的衣服) 2、用词不当:例:老师逼我快点走,...

绿春县18073602495: 怎么改英语病句 -
岑怡孚悦: 您好,领学网为您解答: 修改英语病句: 1、“不一致”所谓不一致,包括主谓不一致、数的不一致、时态的不一致以及代词的不一致等. 【1】Once Mary have money, she can do whatshe want to do. 【解析】 Mary是第三人称单数,因而本...

绿春县18073602495: 小学生怎样修改病句 -
岑怡孚悦: 1.词语搭配不当;2.句子重复;3.句子顺序颠倒;4.关联词语用错;5.缺少句子成分.1.前后矛盾6.语序错误 7.字词错误 修改方法: 1.用修改符号修改(用于前后矛盾、语句重复、语序错误、字词错误、语句顺序颠倒、关联词应用错误、用词不...

绿春县18073602495: 怎么对病句修改? -
岑怡孚悦: 1、修改病句的原则:改通顺、改正确(不改变句子原意) 2、修改病句的方法:增(增加字词)、删(删去多余字词)、调(调整字词顺序)、换(更换字词) 3、修改病句的窍门: (1)缩句法. 指对病句进行缩句、精简,去掉句子次要成分...

绿春县18073602495: 句型转换,根据题目要求改句子
岑怡孚悦: 1 are willing 2 they're old photos 3 what does ted do in the evening?

绿春县18073602495: 修改病句有哪些? -
岑怡孚悦: 病句有这些种类【(l)词序颠倒;(2)前后矛盾;(3)成分残缺;(4)指代不明;(5)标点错误;(6)关联词用错;(7)重复啰嗦;(8)搭配不当;(9)归类有误;(10)不符合事实】

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