
作者&投稿:枕黛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The features of a city are its buildings. As a factor most reflecting the times, society and nation,the buildings give overall and integrated expression to the national tradition, regional features spirit of the times and the social value. When you walk along the financial street of...

谢谢先!回答:0|2014-12-15 甘肃省乡镇财政所人员是参照公务员吗 回答:0|2014-12-15 和盛在线好不好?回答:0|2014-12-15 网上所说的文爱是什么意思 回答:0|2014-12-15 四川省邻水县丰禾镇富源家园多少钱一平米 回答:0|2014-12-15 求助关于"二十年后我是..."的问题 ...

英语作文 描述五十年后的家会变成什么样 拜托想想啦、谢了谢了_百度...
Previously, we county is various aspects most backward county, most people live at very low levels, the county on both side of the street house low shabby, the road is narrow and rough.改革开放后,尤其是近几年,我们县城发生了翻天覆地的变化。Since the reform and opening up, ...

写给十年后的我 作文
我的 写给十年后的我 作文 3个回答 #热议# 有哪些跨界“双奥”的运动员? 先森玩不起 2013-04-04 · TA获得超过648个赞 知道答主 回答量:111 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:48.1万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1 十年后的我 十年后的我,也许成为一名真正的白衣天使。在手术台前、病房里...

帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 想象作文 想象作文给了学生更为广阔的思维空间,是学生比较感兴趣的作文形式。在他们看来,想象作文好写。的确,完成一篇想象作文不难;但是,要写好想象作文,却有一定的难度。针对学生作文的现状,怎样指导学生写好想象作文呢? 【一】、生活是想象作文的基础 学生...


[b][url=\/link?url=s4v9uaNBntjxC78gR9klaQd_XpkbbLnUooVhBD8o8OYMJ5S8cG__EHdscI *** SkxZeWxFqCG8IDd6x6eUPw90Aa]2015[color=#cc00]考研英语大作文[\/color]写作十大模板集锦[\/url]、、[url=\/link?url=TDYh3wokE6sXgNBZUw2KTrO3JHhveWmzBmhzwQDHhPlLaOdYGhlOv3ycMeo0B5L__9yLKbdOQhrlmbtXd...

《2011年高考:2011北京高考英语作文题目:成功与失败》由liuxue86.com我在高考期间特别更新,文章更新时间为:2011年06月09日 02时45分.2011北京卷作文延续了往常的传统。第一篇情景作文,仍然是四幅图的,题材也是和学生的生活息息相关。继去年"李华"同学帮助爷爷奶奶之后,今年,他又帮助了亲爱的老师...

随便看看吧 小学生作文五年级作文五年级想象作文 如果我是一名音乐家 十五年后,二十五岁的我成为了一名音乐家.一天早上,电话铃声吵醒了我. “你好,请问你是张子圆小姐吗?”一个男人用苍老的声音问我.“是,请问您是……”“我是莫扎特,……请你来维也纳,我们想听你那好听的……”“0K!”我乘坐着...


宁凯14781969401问: 英语作文《二十年后的我》 -
兰州市盐酸回答: perhaps 20 year after i, become a genuine nurse.in the surgery table, the hospital ward, take saves from impending death assists the wounded as the inherent responsibilities, fulfills duty fulfills responsibility.at that time, my had to invent one new ...

宁凯14781969401问: 英语作文,20年后的我80字左右 -
兰州市盐酸回答:[答案] 我想二十年以后当一名医生,帮助人们.即使当不了医生,我也想当一名宇航员去太空探险.如果能当一名医生就要做一位有名的好医生.做医生有很多好处,比如能帮自己治病.做一名宇航员也有好处,比如能看一看太空是怎样的,能...

宁凯14781969401问: 《20年后的我》英语作文(60字左右) -
兰州市盐酸回答:[答案] 20 years later,my Blink of an eye,the uncle will be celebrating his birthday,and my uncle called to say hello.God I do not know,ghost not feel.My mistake was allocated a number! "Hey," calls the other end sounded a voice. "Hey,are you uncle?" "...

宁凯14781969401问: 一篇《20年后的我》英语作文,60字左右 -
兰州市盐酸回答:[答案] I am 29 years old this year,my job is to fight against the virus. One morning,I just came to the laboratory to sit down,listen to my assistant Xiao Qing said:"Captain,there is a need to destroy the virus we now.This is the information." I took a look at the ...

宁凯14781969401问: 英语作文20年后的我带翻译(现实点) -
兰州市盐酸回答: My ideal - Magic I want to be a magician not lie, sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician because I want to use my magic to change this planet.Sometimes, I want to be a magician because I want to use my magic to make the sky bluer, the water ...

宁凯14781969401问: 关于二十年后的我作文(50个单词)英文 -
兰州市盐酸回答: 二十年后的我是一个,是一个白领.我在一家大的公司工作,我有着超强的工作能力和超水平的管理能力,老板对我的工作非常满意,我的下属对我也很是敬佩,在公司我人气超旺无人可敌. 要老板满意可不是一件容易的事,我要努力把一切做...

宁凯14781969401问: 用英文来写,二十年后我的生活将是什么样子,作文,七十个单词 -
兰州市盐酸回答:[答案] 转眼间,就到了2024年了,我正是一名科技人员,我所发明的东西还挺受人们的喜爱呢!人们还称我“爱迪生二世”!At once,in 2024,I was a science and technology personnel,what my invention is quite popular among...

宁凯14781969401问: 【20年后的我】英语作文如何写.(要求60词,用一般将来时写) -
兰州市盐酸回答:[答案] Perhaps 20 year after I, become a genuine nurse.In the surgery table, the hospital ward, take saves from impending death assists the wounded as the inherent responsibilities, fulfills duty fulfills responsibility.At that time, my had to invent one new ...

宁凯14781969401问: 二十年后的我,初中英语短文 -
兰州市盐酸回答:[答案] I will become more and more richer after twenty years .Everything will change.For example:I will not go to schoool for study,I ... 我将通过互联网买到各种各样的东西.我会让我的机器人帮我做家务.我想我们二十年后的生活会更精彩.

宁凯14781969401问: 英语作文——20年后的自己(带翻译),我现在是高中生 -
兰州市盐酸回答: Different person has different ideas in choosing their work.For me,to be a teacher is my ideal work.Because when I was still a little child in the primary school,I found it was so great to be a teacher.Teacher can teach students various of knowledges,...

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