
作者&投稿:裴鱼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

50分,求英语作文一篇《My hobby》
My Hobby I like drawing. It does bring me happiness.As a kid, I was keen on those lines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes. It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings. And then I took a course so that I could get close to it and...

第一段---目前网恋的一个趋势 第二段---大众的观点,分正反两面叙述.第三段---谈谈自己的看法.net-bars 网吧 online love 网恋 chat聊天 get in touch with取得联系...以下仅供参考!!!Directions: 1. Study the following picture carefully and write an essay of at least 200 words. 2. Yo...

Dick and I are good friends. Dick和我是好朋友。In some ways we are the same, 某些地方我们一样,and in some ways we are different. 某些地方我们不同。We both like reading, 我们都喜欢阅读,we usually to the library in weekends. 我们通常在周末去图书馆学习。And we are good at...

if we do not have a proper rest, no matter how great a creation is, it will hurt our eyes. However, the invention of television has affected our life, expanded our knowledge and intervened in our work and rest.电视

First,we can't have the habit losing the water which is necessary to our lives.Also,we had better not to throw the useless paper ,erasers and the broken bottles everywhere,as they can be recycled to use again.It is also important for us to save the electriciy because it is...

Shanghai is the largest city in China in terms of population with over 20 million people in its metropolitan area. Located on China's central eastern coast at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city is administered as a municipality with province-level status(直辖市的意思).The...

基础等级50分 一等(50—41) 二等(40—31) 三等(30—21) 四等(20—0)切合题意 符合题意 基本符合题意 偏离题意 中心突出 中心明确 中心基本明确 中心不明或立意 不当 内容充实 内容较充实 内容单薄 没什么内容 感情真切 感情真实 感情基本真实 感情虚假 结构严谨 结构完整 结构基本...

friend become to Internet love is nice ?Internet friend change to Internet love is nice ?no,i don't think so ,Internet friend become to Internet love is not a good thing ,even you can feel nice at inside ,but that is no right,because you can even see your girlfriend\/boy...

英语作文,介绍上海的, 要一篇介绍上海的英语作文,80字左右,给50分!
Shanghai, known as the Pearl of the Orient, is a vibrant city in China. It combines rich history, modern skyline, and bustling streets.As China's largest city, Shanghai offers a blend of traditional Chinese culture and international influences. The iconic Bund showcases its ...


禽龚13993035731问: 总分150分的考卷,作文多少分 -
舒城县碘帕回答: 60%也就是90分!!

禽龚13993035731问: 150分的英语分如何分布? -
舒城县碘帕回答: 20 30 50 25 25

禽龚13993035731问: 150分作文占多少分
舒城县碘帕回答: 150分作文占60分,作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法.作文分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)....

禽龚13993035731问: 2016博士考试英语作文满分是多少 -
舒城县碘帕回答: 解答:如果作文满分是25分,那么及格分就是25分,即:25*60%= 15分.试卷满分是150分,那么寄给分就是90分,即:150*60%=90 分.

禽龚13993035731问: 山东济南中考满分多少分? -
舒城县碘帕回答: 500分. 南初中学业水平考试(中考)分数总成绩由原来的570分改为总分500分,考试科目涉及语文,数学,英语,体育与健康等等,济南中考总分现为500分. 各个考试科目分值如下:语文150分,数学150分,英语150分(英语学科含听力...

禽龚13993035731问: 一般中考英语作文都给多少分 -
舒城县碘帕回答: 初一英语作文一般是没错就给分的,一般是10分到20分,没有严格的要求,最好多用些好词好句.

禽龚13993035731问: 英语四级分数分配 -
舒城县碘帕回答: 听力249 阅读249 综合就是完型:70 作文包括翻译:142 过一般是425 听力一共35题,对个21左右就拿个150分可以了 阅读包括快速阅读,应该是25个,最好做对八成左右. 完形作文和翻译一般般就行了,但作文给分会比较慷慨. 只要你听力150以上,阅读190以上,想不过都很难.

禽龚13993035731问: 考研英语作文平均分是多少 -
舒城县碘帕回答: 根据历年来看,英语作文分为大作文和小作文,平均分小作文一般5-6分,大作文12-15分,总分大概也就20分左右吧.考研英语作文评分原则和方法: 1. A节应用文的评分侧重点在于信息点的覆盖和内容的组织、语言的准确性、格式和语域的...

禽龚13993035731问: 英语作文培训技巧
舒城县碘帕回答: 英语作文的写作技巧 英语试卷满分150分,作文25分,占试卷总分的六分之一,表面看来不是很多,但是这25分相对于其他题型却比较容易获得,因此作文的写作技巧和方...

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