
作者&投稿:鄹洪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Nest for beauty巢因美

有部动漫 主人公叫 集,黑巢 好像是英文的,求这部动漫的名字和片尾曲...

Located in the Beijing Olympic park, the national aquatics center, also known as "Water Cube", is the main swimming pool built for the 2008 summer Olympic Games and one of the landmark buildings of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Its design scheme is the "water cube" ([H2O]3)...

1.北京奥运国家体育场就是俗称的"鸟巢""鸟巢"的英文名称是Nest-type Beijing Olympic Stadium或者Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest\/Olympic Stadium)鸟巢英文单词是bird nest 2."水立方"的英文是water cube Beijing National Aquatics Cente或water cube “鸟巢”和“水立方”的英文简介 Beijing ...

求英语达人翻译一下~拜托(北京奥运会开幕式BBC版解说词) 因为说明里不让贴字数太多的,只好把英文原文贴在博客里面了,麻烦大家了!(鞠躬)http:\/\/hi.baidu.com\/冰狩刃\/blog\/item\/d7de1c239bf5... 因为说明里不让贴字数太多的,只好把英文原文贴在博客里面了,麻烦大家了!(鞠躬)http:\/\/hi.baidu.com\/冰狩刃...

2、北京旅游景点用英语介绍 北京旅游景点用英语介绍 3、一片去北京旅游的英语作文 80词 s cultural activities, from enjoying traditional Peking Opera to savoring royal cuisine. Don't miss the chance to taste the famous Peking Duck and explore the bustling food streets and markets. Indulge ...


求 魔兽世界的英文版人物简介
Blackwing Lair 黑翼之巢 Gnomeregan 诺莫瑞根 Karazhan 卡拉赞 Magisters' Terrace 魔导师平台 Naxxramas 纳克萨玛斯 Scarlet Monastery 血色修道院 Scholomance 通灵学院 Shadowfang Keep 影牙城堡 Stormwind Stockade 暴风城监狱 Stratholme 斯坦索姆 Sunwell Plateau 太阳井高地 The Deadmines 死亡矿井 The ...

简介:太平洋绿龟的体重在150斤左右,幼龟不及它的百分之一。幼龟一般在四五月间离巢而出,争先恐后爬向大海。只是从龟巢到大海需要经过一段不短的沙滩,稍不留心便可能成为鹰等食肉鸟的食物。(一)形态特征 海龟属龟鳖目,体长1~1.3米,体重大于100千克,体型巨大,四肢桨状,适于划水。龟头背面有...

In 2008, on August 8th, at 8’o clock. Beijing Olympic Games was opening . The opening ceremony showed the ancient Chinese civilization in about a hour . it let the word feel the profound Chinese culture. Fireworks were rekindled in the sky is very beautiful and pyrotechnic. It...

姓吉18428718225问: 关于鸟巢的英语介绍 -
祁县外科回答: 2008年北京奥运会主体育场—“鸟巢”—— Beijing National Stadium (Bird's Nest/Olympic Stadium) “鸟巢”位于北京奥林匹克公园内、北京城市中轴线北端的东侧,建筑面积25·8万平方米.除了承担奥运会开、闭幕式任务外,还将在这里进...

姓吉18428718225问: 英文短文写作--鸟巢介绍假如你是一名导游,请你根据所给的提示,向来北京观光的外国游客介绍2008年北京奥运会主体育场--”鸟巢”场馆名称:国家体育... -
祁县外科回答:[答案] Beijing National Stadium is located in the south central area of the Olympic Park,2008 29th Olympic Games Main Stadium.The total area of 21 hectares,construction area of 258,000 ㎡.Venue seating about 91,000 spectators,of which about 11,000 ...

姓吉18428718225问: 帮忙写5句话英语作文,只要5句简单介绍“鸟巢”建筑面积5.8万平方米,可容纳9万多名观众.开工、竣工时间2003年12月 - 2007年.外观犹如用树支搭成的“... -
祁县外科回答:[答案] 29 session of Olympics games main conference hall,is located in the Beijing Olympics park,northmost part the Beijing city axle wire east side.Floor space 258,000 square meters,with area 204,000 square meters.In 2008 Olympic Games period,...

姓吉18428718225问: 英语作文(鸟巢)假如你是一名导游,请你根据所给提示,向来北京观光的外国游客介绍2008年北京奥运会主体育场————“鸟巢”.1.场馆名称:国家体... -
祁县外科回答:[答案] Welcome to Beijing! I'd like to introduce you to the Beijing National Stadium, also known as Bird's Nest. The stadium is located in Beijing Olympic Park , covering 258,000 square metres. It is 330 metres long, 220 metres wide, and 69.2 metres tall. ...

姓吉18428718225问: 高中英语作文范文 介绍鸟巢假如你是一名导游,请你根据鸟巢的概况,向来北京的外国游客介绍2008年北京奥运会主体育场一"鸟巢". -
祁县外科回答:[答案] The 29th Olympic Games,the main venue,the Olympic Park in Beijing,the Beijing City in the north end of the east side of the axis.Construction area of 258,000 square meters,204,000 square meters area.D...

姓吉18428718225问: 鸟巢的介绍英文版,50字就行 -
祁县外科回答: The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird's nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies. In 2002 Govern...

姓吉18428718225问: 鸟巢英文介绍!!
祁县外科回答: 对外是National Stadium;鸟巢的翻译就相当于中国字的象声词.

姓吉18428718225问: 鸟巢英文导游词 -
祁县外科回答: 英语6级,仅供参考,点个采纳啊,嘻嘻: 中文: 我先来讲“鸟巢”的基本情况吧! "鸟巢"体育场外壳采用可作为填充物的气垫膜,使屋顶达到完全防水的要求,阳光可以穿过透明的屋顶满足室内草坪的生长需要.比赛时,看台是可以通...

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