
作者&投稿:钦亨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求一篇魂断蓝桥的英文简介 要自己写的 最好60字左右 越少越好
Waterloo Bridge is a tragic love story movie.It tells an Army captain Roy met a ballerina Myra at Waterloo Bridge , the two fell in love at first sight, and they planted to getting married through various twists and turns. But the night before the wedding, Roy received the ord...

World War II has just broken out and a soldier stops on Waterloo Bridge to reminisce. The film then cuts to a flashback toWorld War I with the young soldier Roy Cronin (Taylor) who has stopped on the bridge. An alarm sounds signaling an air raid and a group of girls pause...

Chapter 1 Back to Waterloo Bridge 第一章 重回蓝桥 (Night.Street corner in London)(夜晚 伦敦街头)Speaker: The resulting action, known now by all the world,has marked Sunday.September the third,1939,as a date to be long remembered.At eleven-fifteen this morning the Prime Minster,...

The plot about an officer (may. Clark act the role ofing) meet a ballet dancer (Doris. Lloyd act the role ofing), the two men hit it off, ready to get married. But on the eve of the wedding, officers received orders at the front, ballerina also going to get married b...

Auld Lang Syne,即友谊地久天长,是电影《魂断蓝桥》的主题曲。原是苏格兰民歌,是苏格兰诗人罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)根据当地一位老人的吟唱记录下的歌词。auld lang syne是一首非常出名的诗歌,原文是苏格兰文,直译英文是old long since或times gone by,意思是逝去已久的日子。这首歌曾被不少经典...

求 魂断蓝桥里的歌曲auld lang syne的歌词~~
For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yet For auld lang syne.Boney M.We twa hae run aboot the braes And pou'd the gowans fine;We've wander'd mony a weary foot Sin' auld lang syne.We two hae paidled i' the burn,Frae mornin...

" I love you, Myra. If I've got to choose between you and my life, I'll give my life."这段对白出自经典电影《魂断蓝桥》(Waterloo Bridge),由演员罗伯特·泰勒(Robert Taylor)饰演的角色罗伊(Roy Cronin)向女主角玛拉(Myra Lester)表达了他深沉的爱意。这段对话发生在电影...

Myra Lester: I loved you, I've never loved anyone else. I never shall, that's the truth, Roy. I never shall.玛拉·莱斯特:我爱过你,我从未爱过其他人。我永远不会,这是真的,罗伊。我永远不会。Myra Lester: I may never see him again.玛拉·莱斯特:我可能永远也见不到他了。M...

著名的歌曲"友谊地久天长"源自苏格兰诗歌Auld Lang Syne,由罗伯特·彭斯创作。这首诗后来被谱成了音乐,流传甚广,中文版常被称作"友谊万岁"。这首歌在许多西方国家,如除夕夜,象征着辞旧迎新,而在亚洲,尤其在毕业典礼或葬礼中,它承载着告别的深深情感,如电影《魂断蓝桥》中所使用的主题曲。英文...

Auld lang syne 《友谊地久天长》英文歌词 Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot,for the sake of auld lang syne.If you ever change your mind,but I living, living me behind,oh bring it to me, bring me your sweet loving,b...

祢类19889385133问: 《魂断蓝桥》英文版翻译 -
邹平县炎立回答: 00:02.00](魂断蓝桥-) [00:02.91]Should auld acquaintance be forgot, [00:08.96]and never brought to mind? [00:14.94]Should auld acquaintance be forgot, [00:20.97]for the sake of auld lang syne. [00:26.35] [00:27.27]If you ever change your mind, ...

祢类19889385133问: 那里有免费的英文版的魂断蓝桥下载? -
邹平县炎立回答: 中文名称:魂断蓝桥 英文名称:Waterloo Bridge 别名:滑铁卢桥 资源类型:DVDRip 版本:2CD/AC3/国英双语/中英文字幕/主题歌MTV 发行时间:1940年05月17日 电影导演:默夫云?莱罗依 Mervyn LeRoy 电影演员:费?雯丽 Vivien Leigh罗伯特?泰勒 Robert Taylor 地区:美国 语言:普通话,英语http://www.kj010.com/viewthread.php?tid=20974&extra=page%3D1

祢类19889385133问: 《魂断蓝桥》英文版翻译
邹平县炎立回答: 这是直译哦 歌手:狮子座萨耶尔(魂断蓝桥 - 友谊地久天长)奥尔德熟人忘了,从未提起过到什么?奥尔德熟人忘了,为了友谊地久天长.如果你改变了主意,但我的生活,我的生活背后,哦把它给我,给我你的甜爱,我把它带回家.把它带回...

祢类19889385133问: 魂断蓝桥的原名叫什么? -
邹平县炎立回答: 《魂断蓝桥》的英文原名是《Waterloo Bridge》,直译的意思是“滑铁卢桥”.后来有人改译为《断桥残梦》,“断桥”寓意有情人不能终成眷属.

祢类19889385133问: 魂断蓝桥英文版西瓜视频(魂断蓝桥英文影评)
邹平县炎立回答: 1、I think it due to the war and the dignity in her heart.The war is so cure that it almost kill her husburd.Because of this,Mala abandoned herself and became a dancer.After she...

祢类19889385133问: 魂断蓝桥 - 友谊地久天长 英文版的MP3格式的在哪下载谁知道啊 -
邹平县炎立回答: http://mp3.sogou.com/music.so?p=40130202&query=%D3%D1%D2%EA%B5%D8%BE%C3%CC%EC%B3%A4%D3%A2%CE%C4%B0%E6这里的是,魂断蓝桥原版的,很好听,我刚下完.

祢类19889385133问: 魂断蓝桥的英文经典对白 -
邹平县炎立回答: 雨中相会时, 浪漫的罗伊当即向玛拉求婚.两人的对话 Myra,what do you think we're going to do today? 玛拉,你认为我们今天该干什麽?Well,I...I... 我...我...Oh,you won't have time for that! 现在你没有时间这样啦!For what? 哪样?...

祢类19889385133问: 魂断蓝桥英文名
邹平县炎立回答: waterloo bridge

祢类19889385133问: 魂断蓝桥的英文名叫什么,友谊地久天长的英文名叫什么 -
邹平县炎立回答: 《魂断蓝桥》英文名是" Waterloo Bridge" Auld Lang Syne 友谊天长地久

祢类19889385133问: 《魂断蓝桥》主题曲《友谊地久天长》英文版完整歌词
邹平县炎立回答: 歌手:Leo Sayer (魂断蓝桥-友谊地久天长) Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, for the sake of auld lang syne. If you ever change your mind, but I living, living me behind, oh bring it ...

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