
作者&投稿:松珊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

m 偶的神了 都九点了 还在睡了 还记不记得我们要准备一段三人的情景对话了 明天要用的了。d 咋个记不到了 你把tommy叫醒 我再打把魔兽就来。m 你还打?我们都没时间准备了 tommy tommy 起来了 t 再睡五分钟啊 m 没门了 快点了 我们还有好多事要做了 tommy 让我在躺两分钟嘛 就两分钟...

3人英语情景对话 VIP专享文档 2019-06-16 7页 用App免费查看 鸿蒙文档的店 关注 3人英语情景对话 想要提高英语对话的水平,可以组成2或3人的队伍在固定的时间之内练习。下面是 给大家带来三人英语对话,供大家参阅!三人英语对话1L: hello, Tony, I’d like to go shopping tomorrow. Would you ...

大学英语情景口语对话 三人日常对话,多来点,五分钟左右,跪求!!!_百 ...
A:Hi, Bill. How are you?B: Hi, Chill. I'm fine thank you.And you?A: I'm fine.Thank you. Where are you going?B: We're going to cinema. Oh, He's Mike. My schoolmate.C: Nice to meet you.A: I'm Chill.Nice to meet you.B: where are you going to?A: Will...

Ann:I wonder what's your favourite movie?Jane:Transformer.I like the splendid scene and the spirit of the transformer in the movie.Mary:James·Bond.You see both of the actors are charming.And the romance in it is very impressive.What about you,Ann?Ann:Well.Cinderla.Because ...

求简单的三人英语情景对话对话 购物的
Grace: Good morning, Rose, Lucy. It is Sunday today. Shall we go shopping?Rose: Of cause. How about you, Lucy?Lucy: Hum, all right.Grace: Great. So how about going to xxx shoping mall?Rose: I agree.Lucy: I agree too.Grace: What do you want to buy?Rose: I would ...

急需一篇三人英语情景对话 主题关于环境 每人不少于5句 不包括hello ye...
A: These days we can barely see any blue sky, can we?B: No, we cannot, unfortunately. I remembered when I was little, it wasn't like this.C: True. And my uncle told me that when he was young, he used to swim in the XXX river. But now, look at it, it's so...

A, B and C are talking about changes they want to make in their life. They take turns to give some suggestions.情景对话:A: Life is so boring.B: Yeah. Every day is almost the same.C: True. It seems we lack change.A: I decide to make a change.B: What is it?C:...

急求一篇关于环境的三人英语情景对话 尽量6句 不低于5句
A: Hi, Lily and Lucy.B: Hi, Ana, how are you? It’s so nice to see you here.A: Me, too. Are you taking a walk here?C: Yes, we like jogging and the scenery here in the park is so breathtaking.B: You know nowadays it is hard to find a place close to nature ...


求三人英文情景对话 Do you like to keep fish as pets?Why or why...
Do you like to keep fish as pets?Why or why not?Jim is your neighbor and he want to borrow a book from you.And you(A) invite him in your home. He sees your golden fish pet. You tell him why you like to keep fish as pet. Jim shows his great interest and wants to...

严清18071726312问: 要个工作面试场景的英文对话?要三个人的 -
普定县卫每回答: 我创作这个招聘小剧.主要是想通过见工,把有些人在生活中的一些坏习惯暴露出来,提醒别的人要注意生活小节,要懂得起码的礼貌.这样才能在职场中无往不胜. 希望你喜欢. 剧名: 见工Job Interview 人物: Mrs. Wang( interviewer, a manager ...

严清18071726312问: 求英语三人对话,关于面试情景,要求面试者和面试官是不同国家的人,对话中突出中西方文化差异. -
普定县卫每回答: Tell us about yourself.Can you cook? I named Li Lei,I can PingPong and make food.I make Jiaozi ,Use Suancai and Pig. Do you speak Enlish ? Me speak. What ? Let him out. OUT! Emmm,nise to meet you. OUT!!!

严清18071726312问: 求一个三人的英语情景对话..最好贴近实际一点.考试用,谢谢 -
普定县卫每回答: Xiao Ling is on her way to the dormitory. She drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right behind her, pick up the book and give it back to her. Y: Excuse me, is this your book? X: Thank you so much. Y: You are welcome. Are you a ...

严清18071726312问: 关于三个人的英语情景对话.内容:工作面试 -
普定县卫每回答: I (Interviewer 面试者) A (Applicant 申请者) I: Have you ever been employed? I: Your resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left? A: I worked in a foreign rep.office for ...

严清18071726312问: 写一段英语对话
普定县卫每回答: Good morning, madam. Can I help you? Good morning. I am Sunfang. Yesterday Mr. Smith told me to come for a job interview this morning. Is he available now? Yes, he is waiting for you in Room 123. Thank you very much. May I come in? Come in,...

严清18071726312问: 马上要考口语了,要根据情景编一段对话,三人的,四分钟左右.大概符合情景就行了,高手帮帮忙啊 80 -
普定县卫每回答: B:Look, A is there. C: Yeah, he must be in the net bar before. A; HEY, guys. What are you talking about? B: Nothing, we have just played B.ball. C: yeah, it was a fantastic match! B: it's so sorry that you were not there. A: i was in the net bar just now, ...

严清18071726312问: 急... 谁可以帮我设计 简单 英文对话. 三个人. 随意场景. yes.no.之类的一个单词不算一句.....
普定县卫每回答: 面试场景:经理M秘书S面试者Ann.S:ManagerIt'sTimeToHaveTheInterview.CanWeStart?M:Ok.S:Ann,ItYourTurn.GoodLuckToYou!A:ThankYou!S:ThisWayPlease.A(KnockTheDoor)M:Coming.AreYouAnn?A:Yes.M:TakeASeatPlease.A:...

严清18071726312问: 明天考口语了,要根据情景编一段对话,三人的,四分钟左右.高手帮帮忙啊 -
普定县卫每回答: A: well,finally i am back B:i am keep waiting for you for a long time,i want you to tell me somgthing special about the western wedding,you know,i really expect to. A:to be honest,it is really an amazing wedding that i have never seen.the groom wore in...

严清18071726312问: 英语口语考试救急!~~~~~~求几个三人情景对话.. -
普定县卫每回答: 1. a: so that do you think of our project? we did a pretty good job?b; i agree. i think the presentation was impressive.c: yes. that was good team work.b: however i thought we could have spend more time analyzing the information and resources ...

严清18071726312问: 关于一个10分钟的三人场景对话需要一个10分钟的场景对话,场景有"酒店.餐厅.办公室.电话"急用,谢谢 -
普定县卫每回答:[答案] A:你好· B:不好 C:很好、 每隔3分33秒

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