
作者&投稿:壹炊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:Excuse me,Where am I on this map?B:We are here,bus station,we are in the heart of the city.A:Oh !I think I’m lost.Can I go from here to the railway station?B:Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?B:我...

简单的问路和指路对话:Where Is the Coffee Shop MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is a coffee shop?FEMALE 2: Sorry. I don't know.MARTIN: Please, excuse me. Where is a coffee shop?MALE 1: Coffee shop? Go to the Post Office. Then turn right. It's on Adams Street.MARTIN: Excuse ...

4. How can I get there? 我怎么去那里? 三、 指路常用句型 当别人向你问路,并且你知道这条路时,可以根据实际情况用下面的句子来指路: 1. The post office is between the factory and the hotel. 邮局在工厂和旅馆之间。 2. It's next to Zhongshan Park. 它在中山公园隔壁。

五人英语对话 要求每人至少两句 关于问路 指路的 求
A:Excuse me.May I ask you some questions?B:Sure.A:Where is the post office?B:It's next to the hospital.A:Then,where is the hospital?B:First,turn left.Next,go straight for one minutes.Then turn right at the traffic light.Last go straight for three minutes.The hospita...

初一问路指路的英语对话一 M:Excuse me, but can you tell me where the library is?对不起,打扰一下,您能告诉我图书馆在哪里吗?S:Sorry. I'm not from around here.很抱歉。我不是这里的人。M:Thanks anyway.不管怎样,还是谢谢您了。S:Perhaps you can ask the mailman over there....

指路 英语
问题与指路(英语版)这个是对话形式的,学了以后你能回答别人的指路也能自己问路了 A: Excuse me. Where’s the Green Park, please?B: The Green Park? Oh, yes. It’s on Beijing Road.A: Is it far from here?B: Yes, it’s very far from here.A: How can I get there?B: You...

[实用英语]-街边对话问路篇 Hugh directs Emma to a police station Emma:Excuse me. Excuse me�Hugh:Yes.Emma:Is there a Police Station near here?Hugh:Ah...police station? Yes� there is. Yes. Let me just think.You want to go straight on straight down ...

the first crossing.The Yuexiu Park is on your left.A: Ok, thanks. The Yuexiu Park is next to the Bank of China, right?B: No, the Bank of China is at the second crossing. The Park is next to the ABC bank.A: Oh! Ok ,ok. Thank you so much.B: You're welcome.

1、A:Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the station?A:打扰了,能告诉我去车站怎样走吗?B:Turn left at the first light. You can't miss it.B:在第一个交通灯处左转。你不会错过它的。A:Will it take me long to get there?A: 需要很长时间才能到那里吗?B:No...

指路的时候除了路名之外, 明显的地标也是有帮助的. 通常你可以指出一些明显的建筑物或是加油站来帮助对方. 加油站的英文是 gas station, 有时会简称 station.7. Keep going 50 yards before you come to a fork road.继续走 50 码, 直到你走到一个三叉路口.继续往下走可以用 keep going 这个字,...

闭昨15378314757问: 求问路加指路的英语口语对话一人至少6句! -
綦江县夏枯回答:[答案] -Excuse me,may i bother you a few minutes?-Sure,you can.-Could you please tell me where the central park is?i just get here for 2days.-The central park..i think it's a little far from here.-Then could...

闭昨15378314757问: 英语问路与指路 -
綦江县夏枯回答:[答案] 问路:How can I get to XXX?我怎样去XXX?指路:go straight along XXX 沿着XXX直走.to the (2nd) street trun (left)到第(二)条街 向(左)拐You will see XXX on the (right) 你会看到XXX在(右边)to the...

闭昨15378314757问: 问路指路对话 - 搜狗百科
綦江县夏枯回答:[答案] 1.Excuse me,can you tell me the way to……?2.Excuse me,would you like to tell me the way to……?3.Where is ……?4.How can I get to ……?5.Do you know the way to ……?6.I wonder where …… is.7.I wonde...

闭昨15378314757问: 有关问路和指路的英语句子 -
綦江县夏枯回答: 一、问路 ①Excuse me,can you tell me where the railway station is? 打扰一下,请问火车站在哪儿? ②Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the train station? 劳驾,请问去火车站怎么走? ③Excuse me,could you tell me which is the way to the...

闭昨15378314757问: 用英语怎么问路和指路?用英语问路、指路的句型有几种? -
綦江县夏枯回答:[答案] A:Excuse me.Where's the Green Park,please? B:The Green Park?Oh,yes.It's on Beijing Road. A:Is it far from here? B:Yes,it's very far from here. A:How can I get there? B:You can take bus No.5. A:Where's the No.5 bus stop? B:It's over there. A:...

闭昨15378314757问: 用英语写十句完整的问路与指路的句 -
綦江县夏枯回答:[答案] how can l get to the post office?you can go long the street and true right.you can cee it

闭昨15378314757问: 如何用英语问路指路? -
綦江县夏枯回答:[答案] 1. 在向人问路之前,一般应先说句 Excuse me, 这样一方面可引起对方注意,另一方面又显得比较客气. 若对方讲的话你没听清,你可以说 I beg your pardon? (用升调,意为:对不起,我没听清) 或 Would you please say it again? I'm afraid I ...

闭昨15378314757问: 求2到4分钟的英语对话,主题可以是问候与介绍、感谢与抱歉、问路与指路.两人组合进行口语对话,教材《新编实用英语综合教程1》中所学的第一至第三单... -
綦江县夏枯回答:[答案] Anne:Jerry! 杰瑞! Jerry:Hi,Anne! I haven't seen you for ages. How've you been? 安妮!我好久没见你了.你过得怎么样? Anne:Fine, just fine. And you? 好,挺好.你呢? Jerry:Not bad. It really is great to see you again. Where have you been? 不...

闭昨15378314757问: 用英语怎么问路和指路?
綦江县夏枯回答: A: Excuse me. Where's the Green Park, please? B: The Green Park? Oh, yes. It's on Beijing Road. A: Is it far from here? B: Yes, it's very far from here. A: How can I get there? B: You can take bus No.5. A: Where's the No.5 bus stop? B: It's ...

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