
作者&投稿:夕思 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

朋友:A: I had a big argument with david yesterday. I hope he’s not still mad at me.B: what did you argue about?A: he borrowed some money from me and I needed it back. He said he didn’t have the money yet.B: well, he should pay out back. It’s only fair.A...

求英语日常对话句子。英汉必备! 最好弄100个左右。分数不会少的... 最好弄100个左右。分数不会少的 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 普通人...20. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois.20.虽然...

2015-03-11 16:23 A:Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I need a shorts.A:What color do you want?B:Purple.A:How about this one.B:NO it’s small for me A: How about this one.B:It looks nice .How much is it A:eleven dollars.B:OK,I’ll take it.B:How much are this...

your study after back from Jiangjin .B:it's really kind of you ,i'll be with you.thank you .A:not at all. see you on saturday.B:see you.额,那个地方叫江津,有很多古镇,你可以自己随便改,没什么大关系的.我也是编的,A是相对难的,B句子都比较短,也更简单.希望可以帮到你啦.

It's very nice of you to invite me.你真是太好了,请我来做客。bI'm very glad you could come, Mr. Liu. Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It's an informal dinner, please don't stand on ceremony... Mr. Liu, would you like to have some chicken?刘先生...

A: Execuse me, aren't you Mr B from USA?B:Yes. And you are...A:I'm A from X Import & Export Company.B:How do you do, Mr A . Thanks for meeting me at the airport.A: You are welcom. Very pleased to meet you.B: Do you know where the baggage claim area is ...

A. hi! Anna,How's the weather?(你好!安娜,今天天气怎样?)B.it's Sunday (是晴天)A.let's go to beach!(我们一起去沙滩)B.good idea.(好主意)苦逼初三党路过 求采纳

Li-Li:Hello,Bo-Bo!Bo-Bo:Hello,Li-Li!Li-Li:How are you?Bo-Bo:I'm fine,thank you.And you?Li-Li:Very well,thanks.How many people are there in your family,Bo-Bo?Bo-Bo:There are three:Father,Mother and I.Li-Li:What is your father?Bo-Bo:He is a professor.Li-Li:...

像在自己家一样。)May I use your phone?(可以借用一下您的电话吗? )I leave it entirely to your kind consideration. (这事全拜托你了。)How long does it take (you) to commute? (上下班路上要花多长时间? )What do you do when you have free time?(业余时间你都干什么?)...

A:hi,B.C B.C:hi,A A:how's it going?B:I'm fine. C:me too.A:how was you weekend,B?B:it was great C:so,what did you do ?B:Well.on saturday moning i played tennis ,on saturday afternoon i went to the beach,and on saturday ninght i went to the movies.A:cool...

桐胥19850792558问: 6句英语问路对话我要两人一组的6句问路对话,要回答简单点的!1.Excuse me,where is····?2.Could you please tell me the way to·····?3.Is···... -
河源市伯来回答:[答案] Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the post office? Sure.Go straight ahead.Turn left at the first crossing. Is it far from here? Yes,it's about 2 kilometers away.You'd better take a bus. Which bus shall I take? You can take the No.2 bus.It can take ...

桐胥19850792558问: 关于问路的英语对话16句求急! -
河源市伯来回答:[答案] Dale :Excuse me.Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum? Nancy:You can take Bus 5.The driver will tell you where to get off. Dale :Yes,but I'm driving my own car. Nancy:Oh,then you drive along this street,turn right at the third crossroad,then ...

桐胥19850792558问: 急求一段两人的英语问路对话,十几句这样,大约三分钟读完.(附带翻译谢谢) -
河源市伯来回答:[答案] A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital? B:Of course ,walk along this road ,and turn left at the second turning ,andthen walk sraight about 200miles,and you will see a big sign of ...

桐胥19850792558问: 谁能帮我写一篇关于问路的英语对话作文一共20句对白的:) -
河源市伯来回答:[答案] A:Hi!喂!B:Hi!Do you need help 喂!你 需 要 帮 忙 吗 A:Yes,I need help me.是 的 ,我 需 要 你 的 帮 助 A:Excuse me,Sir.Could you tell me where the No.5 Street?对 不 起 ,先 生 ,你 能 告 诉 我 第 五 大 街 ...

桐胥19850792558问: 英语问路情景对话求一篇英语问路作文,要对话,12句就行,最好有个翻译 -
河源市伯来回答:[答案] A:Excuse me.I'm afraid I got lost.Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗? B:I'm walking that way.Let me lead you the way. B:我正朝那边去.让我给你带路吧! A:Excuse me,Where am I on ...

桐胥19850792558问: 英语补全对话---问路 -
河源市伯来回答:[答案] [实用英语]-街边对话问路篇 Hugh directs Emma to a police stationEmma:Excuse me.Excuse meHugh:Yes. Emma:Is there a Police Station near here? Hugh:Ah...police station?Yes there is.Yes.Let me just think.You want to go straight ...

桐胥19850792558问: 谁能帮我写一篇关于问路的英语对话作文一共20句对白的:) -
河源市伯来回答: A:Hi!喂! B:Hi! Do you need help ?喂!你 需 要 帮 忙 吗 ? A:Yes, I need help me.是 的 ,我 需 要 你 的 帮 助 A:Excuse me, Sir. Could you tell me where the No.5 Street? 对 不 起 ,先 生 ,你 能 告 诉 我 第 五 大 街 在 那 里吗 ? B:It's just ...

桐胥19850792558问: 关于问路的英语对话16句 -
河源市伯来回答: Dale : Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum? Nancy: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off. Dale : Yes, but I'm driving my own car. Nancy: Oh, then you drive along this street, turn right at the third ...

桐胥19850792558问: 问路的英语对话3人对话,问路场景.要求每个人至少6句话以上(除Hello、Hi、Thank、Bye等简句).水平: -
河源市伯来回答:[答案] A和C是朋友,B是个路人(男的) A:Excuse me sir,do you know how to go to the museum(你在museum前面加个你那边的博物馆的名字)? B:Oh,of course.Do you want to walk or take the bus? A:How long will it take for you to walk? B:About fifteen ...

桐胥19850792558问: 一篇"问路"的英语小对话 -
河源市伯来回答: 原发布者:englishftj问路英语对话1.A:Excuseme,WhereamIonthismap?B:Wearehere,busstation,weareintheheartofthecity.A:Oh !IthinkI'mlost.CanIgofromheretotherailwaystation?B:Headstraightupthestreetabouttwoblocksthenturnleft.A:对不起,...

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