
作者&投稿:韦荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、present 英 [ˈpreznt] 美 [ˈprɛznt]adj.目前的;现在的;出席的;[语法学]现在时的 n.现在;礼物;瞄准 vt.提出;出现;介绍;赠送 vi.举枪瞄准 第三人称单数: presents 复数: presents 现在分词: presenting 过去式: presented 过去分词: presented 例句:1、The carpet...

1. This is a small present for your son.这是送给你儿子的小礼物。2. Here's a small souvenir from Beijing.这是在北京买的小纪念品。3. I have a surprise for you.我要给你一个惊喜。4. This is for you. I hope you'll like it.这是给你的,希望你会喜欢。5. Happy Birthday!

礼物英语怎么读present present英文怎么读语音
“礼物”的英文表达是present,发音为:['preznt]。礼物的英文表达除了present之外,还有gift、souvenir等。英语依靠音标来标识发音,英语国际音标分为两种:英式音标(DJ音标)和美式音标(K.K.音标)。present的意思 adj.现存的;当前的;出现;在场;出席;存在 例句:We do not have any more information at...

礼物 [词典] gift; present; souvenir; giving; tribute [例句]1、They believed the unborn child was a gift from God.他们认为腹中的孩子是上帝赐予的礼物。2、He gave her a beautiful present.他送她一件漂亮的礼物。3、A souvenir for you and yours to cherish.请你和你的家人惠存的一...

此外,英语中还有一句常用的俗语“Present is the present”翻译为现在就是礼物。告诉人们要珍惜当下,活在当下。其他与礼物相关的单词 bribe贿赂 E.g: He used his considerable wealth to bribeofficials.他用他那巨大的财富去贿赂官员。E.g: Neither bribe nor threat will budge him.不管是贿赂还是...

礼物present英文读作\/ˈpreznt,prɪˈzent\/。一、礼物简介 礼物是在社会交往中,为了表达祝福和心意或以示友好,人与人之间互赠的物品。礼物是送礼者向受礼者传递信息,情感,意愿的一种载体。人和人之间互相赠送的物件,目的是为了取悦对方,或表达善意、敬意。礼物也用来庆祝节日或重要...

在英文中礼物的两种说法是:Gift和Present。1、Gift:这是最常见和通用的表达方式。Gift一词可以用作名词和动词,表示给予或接受的物品或表示心意的行为。例如:She gave me a beautiful gift for my birthday.(她给了我一个漂亮的生日礼物。)I gifted him a book on his graduation day.(我在他...

礼物的英语单词1: gift 英 [ɡift] 美 [ɡɪft]礼物的英语单词2: present 英 [ˈprezənt] 美 [ˈprɛznt]礼物相关英语表达: 礼物经济 Gift economy 礼物店 Gift Shop 礼物袋 gift pack 诞礼物 Christmas gifts 礼物篮 Gift Basket 退休礼物 retirement ...

礼物英语怎么读 关于礼物,你只知道gift和present吗?
今天口语君为了帮助大家更好地掌握关于“礼物”的词汇,下面将给大家盘点一下关于礼物的英文多种表达。1、gift 解释:n. 天赋; 赠送; 赠品,礼物; 天资 vt. 赋予; 向…赠送; 天赋权力(或才能等); 授予 例句:My son was hugging the gift from his aunt.我儿子紧紧抱着他姑姑给他的礼物。He ...


戴瑾15176235392问: 给人送礼物时,最好的英语句子 -
灵石县誉利回答: 1、Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.杰出的人有着目标,其他人只有愿望.2、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好.3、If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably...

戴瑾15176235392问: 关于送礼物的英语对话 -
灵石县誉利回答: 英语日常会话-送礼物 这是送给你的. This is for you. This is for you. (这是送给你的.) That's very nice of you. (太谢谢你啦.) Here's something for you. I got this for you. 这是你的那份. This is your share. *share“(一个一个分开的...

戴瑾15176235392问: 送礼物 英语怎么说 -
灵石县誉利回答: give a present(gift).送礼物 give presents 送礼物 gift-gbiving

戴瑾15176235392问: 送礼物 用英语怎么写
灵石县誉利回答: send gifts

戴瑾15176235392问: 送礼物的送用英文这么说 -
灵石县誉利回答: 翻译如下 送礼物的:送简单的用give就可以了 例句 姐姐送我一本书.My sister gave me a book.

戴瑾15176235392问: 送礼英文怎样说
灵石县誉利回答: 译成英语为: 1 give a present; 2 present a gift 3 send gifts 你的采纳 我的动力 希望我能继续帮你

戴瑾15176235392问: 送礼物英文作文 -
灵石县誉利回答: Everyone likes gifts, but most of people enjoy substance present rather than spirit present. However, the spirit present is the best gift. Love is the most popular gift among friends and families. So even if it is a very small gift, such as a leaf from a tree, ...

戴瑾15176235392问: 求英文作文:送礼物 -
灵石县誉利回答: dear sir/mdmMerry Christmas!!! i wish this Christmas will be a memorable one for you.First of all, i would like to express my gratitude for your guidance and patience. You kind words have constantly motivated me to work hard to improve my ...

戴瑾15176235392问: 超急的!!谁帮写下送礼物的英语小短文???!!!
灵石县誉利回答: Dear XXX, Your birthday is coming. I wanna buy you a gift. Guess what is it? No matter you can guess it correctly or not,you must like it very much. Wanna know what it is? It's a secrect right now. You'll get a big surprise on your birthday. I wish you a ...

戴瑾15176235392问: 互赠礼物用英语怎么说
灵石县誉利回答: 你好,可以说:exchange gifts /presents

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