
作者&投稿:孟敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

怎么写SUMMARY摘要(summary)是一种对原始文献(或文章)的基本内容进行浓缩的语义连贯的短文.它以迅速掌握原文内容梗概为目的,不加主观评论和解释,但必须简明、确切地表述原文的重要内容.摘要写作(summary writing)是一种控制性的作文形式,它能使学生通过阅读原文,吸收原文的文章结构与语言方面的长处,写出...

有没有练习写summary的文章啊?有的话把文章发上来吧,最好有summary的范 ...
How to Write a Summary?摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述。它用最简洁的语言概括了原文的主题。写摘要主要包括三个步骤:(1)阅读;(2)写作;(3)修改成文。第一步:阅读 A.认真阅读给定的原文材料。如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍。阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻。B.给摘要起...

内容概要(Story\/Essay Summary)的语言素材建立在课文A之上,往往是课文A的总结或续写,从而使该项练习同已学内容紧密相连。《新视野大学英语:读写教程3》精读量为9,000词左右,与《大学英语教学大纲》[修订版] 规定精读量8,000词相比,超1,000词;泛读量为37,000词左右,与大纲修订版规定的35...

1、简介的英文是 brief introductionbrief 意思是简明的, introduction 意思是介绍。2、简介 jiǎn jiè 1 summary 2 brief introduction 近义词或词组 intro abstract indicative abstract 例句与用法 1 他有许多要说明的,但又没时间开长会,所以只好把一份长汇报削短成半小时。3、brief是quot...

 summer summary july week 30
首先,你要找准文章中发生了几件事,有哪些主要人物,捉住关键的事件,然后就可以直接用简短的语言描述事件和人物了,即总结文章了;如果文章是一本书或一则报告的话,前面还可以加插这些语言:The book is mainly about ...等等之类的话.关键就是要多练,练多了,感觉就有了,还要对照一下范文,看自己差...

OBJECTIVE:To contribute developed customer relations and administrative skills to a challenging in ahotel.SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS:Developed interpersonal skills,having dealt with a diversity of clients,professionals and staffmembers.Detail-and goal-oriented.Function well in high-stress atmosphere...

工作 总结 (Job Summary\/Work Summary),以 年终总结 、半年总结和季度总结最为常见和多用。下面是我为大家整理的大学生顶岗 实习总结 ,仅供参考,更多大学生顶岗实习总结点击“ 个人总结 ”查看。 大学生顶岗实习总结1 转眼间三个月的实习即将结束,回头看看实习的每一天,忙碌或空虚、泪水或笑声似乎都有,而这些将...

This is but a brief summary of my abilities. And there is much, much more to share.I feel I have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested. Please contact me if you would like to hear and see more.这只是对我能力的简单总结。而且还有更多更多的东西可以分享。我...

In a word\/in summary\/to conclude, it is more valuable that 托福写作结尾模板 仔细解读了这个规定,我总结出了几个比较常用的文章结尾。 重申立场+总结理由 简而言之,此 方法 就是再陈述一下对于文章的看法,然后分别列出支持你的观点理由,这些理由全完可以是主体段落的主题句的改写 题目:More and more peopl...

Debate:As the fourth debater, took charge of free debate in the middle period and summary statement in the end, the topic was “Value Process or Value Result”Worked as propaganda department’s secretary in CSSA, Assisted in holding Chinese culture festival as well as the Overseas ...

牧阳15894432643问: 英语summary范文,希望是读者文摘之类的summary.summary就是对一篇文章的缩写啊.请再给我提供点信息吧. -
遵义市一芷回答:[答案] MY TEACHER My former teacher, who had taught me English for six years, is a woman in her sixties. I describe her as a "woman" at her age because in my mind's eye, she never loses her attraction in fashions, light cosmetics, and particularly, her ...

牧阳15894432643问: 用英文写出以下的summary,(50words)the next day,to pay Mr.Twit back for the frog trick ,Mrs.Twit sneaked out into the garden and dug up some worms.She ... -
遵义市一芷回答:[答案] The next day,to pay Mr.Twit back for the frog trick,Mrs.Twit mixed the worms in with the spaghetti in her husband's lunch plate,disguising them with tomato sauce and shredded cheese,and took great pleasure in watching him eating up the worms.(45 ...

牧阳15894432643问: 求summary范文英语写作方面的范文.谢谢. -
遵义市一芷回答:[答案] MY TEACHERMy former teacher,who had taught me English for six years,is a woman in her sixties.I describe her as a "woman" at her age because in my mind's eye,she never loses her attraction in fashions...

牧阳15894432643问: 求一篇英语summary -
遵义市一芷回答: summary of this term summary of this termthe fisrt semester of the senior year will come to the end in one day time. how time flies. i remember that i was pretty curious about what the last year was like. to some extent, i did expect something different ...

牧阳15894432643问: summary范文200字care of the elderly:a family matter -
遵义市一芷回答: Care for the elderly As is vividly revealed in the picture above, an old couple sits at the table lonely and waits for their children and grandchildren to come back for dinner together, with plenty of delicious meals on the table. However, their children and ...

牧阳15894432643问: 有英文文章要缩成写不超过70字的概要,请英语好的帮帮忙啊(1)Directions:Summarize the following passage in your own words.Your summary should be ... -
遵义市一芷回答:[答案] Despite that your academics should occupy much time,you need to develop friendships,interpersonal communication and leadership skills.Many groups provide such chances.Activities like sports focused on...

牧阳15894432643问: 求summary范文 -
遵义市一芷回答: MY TEACHER My former teacher, who had taught me English for six years, is a woman in her sixties. I describe her as a "woman" at her age because in my mind's eye, she never loses her attraction in fashions, light cosmetics, and particularly, ...

牧阳15894432643问: 高分求写高一学英语的感受(summary)的英语作文16篇急求写关于高一学习英语的感受和总结(summary)的作文16篇,最好有译文 -
遵义市一芷回答:[答案] 度过了一个火辣辣的假期,新的学期又开始了.有位诗人曾说过:上帝给了每个人一份珍贵的礼物,那就是青年.青年是崭新的,在你们的脑子里总会有那么多的新点子、新方法、新感受、新作品、新经验,新思维、新作为,在你们眼...

牧阳15894432643问: 我要《呼啸山庄》的英文summary!不用太长.200 - 300字左右. -
遵义市一芷回答:[答案] A Summary of "Wuthering Heights" Perhaps the most enduring and affecting of the Bronte sisters' work is Wuthering Heights.Emily Bronte's tale of heartbreak and mystery still resonates on an emotional level with its theme of doomed romance.It was ...

牧阳15894432643问: 有人可以帮我写下一些名著的英语summary吗希望有人能帮我写 傲慢于偏见 苔丝 儿子与情人 呼啸山庄 简爱 中其中一篇的英语的summary,要求要200字的, -
遵义市一芷回答:[答案] 我就写的吧.我对这部小说很有感情. the soul and center of every romantic novel is about true love.but they strike u in different ways.after reading Jane Eyre,i was deeply impressed by the plain love between jane and Rochester.the words and expressions...

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