
作者&投稿:冯逄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

以上人员,待遇从优。有意者请将个人简介、薪金要求、学历证明复印件及其他能证明工作潜力的资料送至(或邮寄)公司人力资源部。本招聘长期有效。公司地址:广州市××路××号 电话:×××、××× 传真:××× 邮编:560008 招聘广告范文(二):一、公司简介 XX老年服务中心于20XX年在西安成立,...

美容师招聘广告范文: 美容师大招募(高薪虚位以待美容师) 一、高薪等你来挑战! 1、工资构成:底薪3000~5000元+提成+补贴+奖金; 2、包食宿,每天有水果; 3、工作时间7.5小时\/天,加班另计加班工资或补休,月休6天; 4、定期组织资深美容师进行培训; 5、达到考核要求可以申请晋升(不同等级要求不同)。 二、我们需...

优秀英文招聘广告范文 Wanted Project Management Assistant Responsibility:---Provide service for the project in Chongqing.---Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work.---Responsible for file management, customer service for students and parents Requirements:---College degree ...

(一)标题 招聘启事可以简单地由事由和文种名称构成。如“招聘启事”或“招工启事”,有的写作“_邢桶瘛薄 较为复杂的招工启事还可以加上招聘的具体内容。如“招聘抄字员”、“招聘科技人员启事_保褂械恼衅钙羰略诒晏庵行疵髡衅傅牡ノ幻啤H纭啊痢练俺д衅钙羰隆薄 (二)正文 招聘启事的正文较为...

1、有房产销售行业的相关知识,及愿意在房产行业发展的有识之士;2、具有较强的组织计划能力、协调能力及执行能力,善于处理复杂的人际关系;3、男女不限,有上岗证、技术职称证; 4、有客户资源或管理经验者优先考虑;二、、招聘岗位:工程土建人员 所属部门:工程部; 人数:1名 学历要求:大专以上...

提醒:一份招聘广告对企业很重要,招聘广告怎么写,除了要做到以上所说的内容外,还在在整体上把关招聘广告语的设计效果。 招聘临时工怎么写招工启事? 因业务需求(或者别的),本公司(单位,个人)现向社会招聘临时工,要求:待遇:有意者联系: 想要模板,如何写招聘信息范文? 招聘信息范文,这个写比较简单。如果你在哪个招聘...

招聘启事格式模板【一】 招聘启事一般要简明扼要,直接了当的说明需求,一般常用的招聘启事的写作范文如下:标题: xx有限公司责任公司招聘启事 招聘要求:xx有限公司责任公司招聘:详细内容一定要具体写明招聘的人员等具体事务。1.先公司自我介绍 xx有限公司责任公司成立于xx年xx月xx日,属于民营企业,目前...


5、招聘网站JOB.RU:送上门的是板砖,而不是好工作。JOB.RU的这则文案,简单粗暴地表面:别等了,不然灾难比工作提前来到。这是另一款找工作神奇,不用下载APP,扫码即刻找互联网工作。p.s.仲基欧巴追完了,就用他找工作伐!7、招聘计算机工程师:这个B,只给有能力的你来装 这条招聘广告文案...

招聘启事格式模板【一】 招聘启事一般要简明扼要,直接了当的说明需求,一般常用的招聘启事的写作范文如下: 标题:xx有限公司责任公司招聘启事 招聘要求:xx有限公司责任公司招聘: 详细内容一定要具体写明招聘的人员等具体事务。 1.先公司自我介绍 xx有限公司责任公司 logo设计 创造品牌价值 ¥500元起 APP开发 量身定...

迪狄13191166070问: 英语招聘广告范文 -
宿城区八味回答: Job Description Recruiting Assistant needed for Raleigh corporate office. This candidate will primarily be assisting the head Recruiter with duties that include but are not limited to maintaining a nationwide database, leading new hire orientation, ...

迪狄13191166070问: 用英语写一则招聘广告. -
宿城区八味回答: A store of the Pasta King National Chain in this city will be opened soon. The store needs a professional chef and three waitresses. The chef must be able to prepare all different flavors of pasta and speak English and Chinese. The waitresses must ...

迪狄13191166070问: 怎么写英文招聘广告? -
宿城区八味回答: wanted: Do you like English ? Can you speak English well ? Dou you like singing and dancing ? Do you hope hard work ? Dou you like children ? Are you good with children ? Dou you want to be an English teacher ? If your answer is "yes",then ...

迪狄13191166070问: 写一篇英语招聘广告 -
宿城区八味回答: The school concert will be held, presently recruits music talented person, please have music talented students actively participate in the school concert, let us can hold the marvelous! Pass through, don't miss opportunities in front of you, please grasp...

迪狄13191166070问: 写一则英语招聘广告 -
宿城区八味回答: ADVERTISE JOB OFFERS Our hotal is now recruiting waiters and waitresses.If you own the following conditions, we hope your application: (1)Age between 18 to 35 (2)have an active attitute towards work (3)at least have a junior high school degree (4)willing to endure hardship We are looking forward suitable applicants!

迪狄13191166070问: 英语培训招聘广告图文版
宿城区八味回答: Expressways Resin is a growing international plastics and rubber distribution business that is part of a pan-Asian network of sister companies. We are the leading ...

迪狄13191166070问: 用英语写招聘广告急用~ -
宿城区八味回答: Salesgirl/Salesman wanted!Think you're industrious and voluble? Here's a job that perfectly suits you!A salesgirl/salesman is needed here in the lately opened supermarket. The job is mainly in charge of the sale of onions, tomatoes, potatoes and ...

迪狄13191166070问: 初中英语招聘广告例文 -
宿城区八味回答: Job Description Recruiting Assistant needed for Raleigh corporate office. This candidate will primarily be assisting the head Recruiter with duties that include but are not limited to maintaining a nationwide database, leading new hire orientation, ...

迪狄13191166070问: 英文招聘广告 -
宿城区八味回答: Programmer Wanted! We are hiring someone motivated and creative and has experience in computer related fields. Skills in java and other programming languages are a must. We are looking for people who can work full-time at $15 per hour from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Fax applications to (***)***-****. (我不是同志,谢谢)

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