
作者&投稿:冷馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【 #二年级# 导语】对话,指两个或更多的人用语言交谈,多指小说或戏剧里的人物之间的。对话也是主持人采访形式对话,面对面交流。以下是 整理的《二年级小学生情景对话》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】二年级小学生情景对话 1、A: Oh, excuse me. I just spilled my coffee on your...

【 #小学英语# 导语】研究证明,小学时期是学生各方面全面发展的起步时期,这时候会更容易接受信息输入,所以,英语语言学习在这一阶段是很好的发展时期,更加容易吸引学生的兴趣,当然,学不进去是多方面的原因。不妨从下面 为您准备的资料里面去寻找学习英语语言的兴趣。 【篇一】Let‘s fly ...

英语口语水平的提高,需要平常进行业余情景对话的练习。下面是我给大家整理的英语情景对话大全,供大家参阅!英语情景对话大全篇1:介绍和开场白 1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.B; I'm very glad to meet you.C: It's a pleasure to meet you.B: How do you like Texas so far?...

有关交通的英语口语情景对话 Part One: Expressions 1.Can't you see there's a line?你没有看到有一条线吗?2. You haven't taken the bus before?你以前没有坐过公车?3. Besides, you should let old people on first.除此之外,你该让老人先上(车)。4. Excuse me, how do I get...

英语教学是教学中最重要的组成部分,而英语对话教学是整个英语教学中一个必不可少的重要组成部分,其不仅可以有效地提高学生的英语口语表达能力,还可以培养学生良好的英语应用习惯。我整理了小学英语对话教学材料,欢迎阅读!小学英语对话教学材料篇一 Billy: I'm bored.Sophie: Yeah,me too.Sophie: Let's ...

以培养和提高学生的英语综合水平作为最终目的,在进行英语教学中运用真实且自然的语境,不仅利于增强学生的学习热情度,还有利于形成学生在学习参与过程中处于主动、积极的学习状态,培养学生的英语交际意识。我整理了两人英语情景对话,欢迎阅读!两人英语情景对话一 A:How I wish that my son Mark could ...

情景对话不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣,对于培养学生口语交际能力起到了积极的作用。今天我整理了2分钟二人英语对话给大家,希望对大家有所帮助!2分钟二人英语对话篇一 Health and Fitness 运动健身 dialogue 1 A: good afternoon, madam. How can I help you?下午好,女士.有什么能为您效劳吗?S: well, ...

西班牙语情景对话 1不用了 场景一 A: Te acompaño al hospital.B: Gracias,pero no hace falta.A:我陪你去医院吧。B:谢谢你。不用了。场景二 A: ¿No quieres que te ayude?B: No,gracias,Puedo solo.A:要不要我帮你?B:不用了。我自己来。场景三 A: Toma un té antes...


【迷你小对话】A: I really like your new boyfriend. He has the most winning smile.B: Thanks mom, that’s sweet of you to say so.A: He was so kind and police to your father and me. We couldn’t help but find him agreeable.B: He’s always very gentle...

佐冒15230513478问: 求英语2人的口语对话,20句(简单点的) -
衡水市天方回答:[答案] 朋友: A:I had a big argument with david yesterday.I hope he's not still mad at me. B:what did you argue about? A:he borrowed some money from me and I needed it back.He said he didn't have the money yet. B:well,he should pay out back.It's only ...

佐冒15230513478问: 求一篇20句话左右的英语对话两个人的对话,任何话题都可以,20句左右每句话长点 -
衡水市天方回答:[答案] A:Hello,John!What were you doing at Chemistry class earlier?You didn't look at the teacher the whole time! B:I have something cool.Look,this is my new 3G mobile phone.I just cannot stop playing with it! A:What is 3 G mobile phone? B:It is so popular ...

佐冒15230513478问: 日常英语口语情景对话 -
衡水市天方回答: 1、你好 hello 2、没问题 no problem 3、就这样吧 that's all 4、别担心 don't worry 5、这是你的吗? is this yours 6、给你 here you are 7、别紧张 take it easy 8、别客气 help yourself 9、保持联系 keep in touch 10、太离谱了 it is going too far一...

佐冒15230513478问: 英语对话20句1:1 or 2 interesting things you did.(初二英语) 2:Your favorite person.(初二英语) 3:Your life goal.(初二英语)写出20句以下面3个专题为主... -
衡水市天方回答:[答案] 1 你做过的一两件有趣的事 2 你最喜爱的人 3 你的人生目标

佐冒15230513478问: 求英文情景对话 -
衡水市天方回答: Jack:hi,Mrs.Anderson Mrs.Anderson: hi,jack j: what are you doing here? a: i have bought many things in the shopping center and i am going to go home now j:oh, i see. your bags looks so heavy. do you mind to go home with me,i will travel you home....

佐冒15230513478问: 英语小短文(情景对话) -
衡水市天方回答: 第一个 Hi ! welcome to our class ! My name is Linda . There are 70 students in our class . You will be very happy in here . Our Englishi teacher is Mr.Zhang ,a very handsome man ,he is 32 and his class is interesting ,i like his class . My favorite ...

佐冒15230513478问: 帮忙写篇英语口语对话共20句,简单点的,场景如下 -
衡水市天方回答: topic: How to spend your weekend? A:HI, jane, B, Hello, john, nice to see you A, me too. wow,,, it's friday again, do you have plan for this weekend?

佐冒15230513478问: 求英语好的同学写一份不少于20句的英语对话 -
衡水市天方回答: A:Hi, what are you doing? B:I am reading an english story A; so, you are learning English? B;Yes. recently, I am so interested in it. A;I can see. Nowadays, many young people are learning English. B;Yeah, in fact, this has been a trend. A;But why do ...

佐冒15230513478问: 家庭成员之间的英语对话20句左右,对话得形势 -
衡水市天方回答:[答案] Dad:Son.Do you know where your mother is Son:Sorry dad,I don't know.Dad:daught.How about you Do you know Daught:Yes ,mother has been to the supermarker.Dad :Thank you!Daught:You are welcome.

佐冒15230513478问: 七年级英语情景对话10个对话,情景对话,不少于十句对话,2,3个人对话都可以. -
衡水市天方回答:[答案] A:Hello,which is your favourite festival? B:I like Halloween best. A:When is Halloween? B:It's on the last day of October. A:What do you usually do on that day? B:We play a game called "trick or treat". A:What else do you do? B:I go to Green Park. A:...

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