
作者&投稿:右卸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   情景对话不仅能激发学生的学习兴趣,对于培养学生口语交际能力起到了积极的作用。今天我整理了2分钟二人英语对话给大家,希望对大家有所帮助!

  Health and Fitness 运动健身

  dialogue 1

  A: good afternoon, madam. How can I help you?


  S: well, I am a little bit out of shape. I think I should get some exercise to keep fit. what kind of service do you offer?


  A: first of all, we'll tailor a work-out plan according to your physical conditions and your personal needs.


  S: how can you get that done?


  A: well,we give each of our customers a qualified personal trainer. The trainer will give you a fitmess asssessment and then come up with the work-out



  S: what else?


  A: since everyone is different, your personal trainer will help you find out all the exercise equipments that are suitable for youe fitness level. Then you'll be taught all the necessary techniques to use these equipments and achieve your goal.

  因为每个人的情况不同,所以私人教练会帮你找到所有合适的运动器材,教你具体使用 方法 ,好达到健身的目标.

  S: sounds pretty good. How much do you charge?


  A: that depends. We offer membership for one month, half a year and one year.


  S: perhaps one month. I'll just have a try at first.


  A: wise decision. that is 400 yuan. You'll find it's totally worth it.


  S: OK, I'll take it.

  Shopping Online 网上购物

  dialogue 1

  A: your mp3 looks so cool. Where did you get it?


  W: I bought it online.


  A: really? Do you often shop online?


  W: yes. I buy most of my daily necessities online.


  A: I've never tried E-shopping. Is it better than shopping at an actual store?


  W: yes, much better. You can log in a website, browse through many items and categories comfortably at home, order the goods, pay by credit or debit

  card, and the goods will be delivered to your home.


  A: sounds good, and I don't have to queue up at the cashier.


  W: and you can still go "window shopping" just like in a real shopping mall.


  A: well, are there any other advantages?


  W: yes, most of the shops are closed at 22:00 or even earlier,but the internet operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can be accessed anywhere.


  A: are there many choices of online shopping?


  W: sure. You can buy almost anything you can think of.


  W: perhaps I should have a try.

  A: hey, you look great! how's everything?


  S: yeah, you know what?I've been going to the club regularly. The training really pays off. Now I am in a good shape and I know more about how to keep fit.


  A: really? tell me about it. I haven't gone to the club for a long time. I am too busy with work.

  真的吗?跟我 说说 .最近工作忙,我已经很久没有去俱乐部了.

  S: it's important to do proper exercises.


  A: you're right. Too much or too little won't do any good.


  S: the trainer tells me, besides regular sports activities, I should also have a healthy and balanced diet.


  A: sounds reasonable.


  S: we should eat more vegetables instead of junk food to stay energetic.


  A: and fruits!


  S: surely it is. Getting enough sleep is also crucial for fitness.


  A: I've heard that. Does your trainer tell you anything about keeping fit?


  S: yeah, he advises me to stay in a good mood. That can help one to keep sound physical health.


  A: I think if you follow your trainer's advice,you'll be on the right track.


  S: you bet it!



1. 二人英语一分钟对话精选

2. 2分钟两人英语对话短文

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4. 二人英语对话短文精选

5. 两人英语对话短文带翻译精选

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