
作者&投稿:藏纯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

以school life为主题设计一段九个回合左右的二人英语口语对话,小弟跪求...
"I can affect you!"啊?我并没有夸奖你的意思,事实上,能影响你的人只能是你自己。当然你说我影响了你,我也很高兴。毕竟我从来没听说过类似“我能影响你”的观点。A , B,C: Let us work for it together!让我们大家一起努力吧!这段比较合适学校的生活,简单的翻译了一下,请查收 ...

英语口语二人对话两分钟 话题volunteer
A: Hi B, any plans this Sunday?B: Hi A, I need to do volunteer work at the hospital this Sunday.A: That sounds interesting. What exactly is a volunteer? And what type of skills would you need?B: A volunteer is simply a person who is willing to give some time to ...

英语口语二人对话两分钟 话题 love
"what is love? It is really hard to tell.""Yeah, it is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind""some says, Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like luck"" what do you mean by that?"i mean, true friends can develop into lovers, for ...

甲:听说你喜欢下象棋 乙:没错 甲:你爸爸也喜欢下象棋。乙:是啊 甲:可不,以前我老和你爸爸下棋dao。乙:对 甲:有一回我们俩下棋,我还剩一士,你爸爸还剩一象。。。乙:那不和棋了吗?甲:是啊,依着我也是和棋,可你爸爸不干,非得接着下不可?乙:啊??那怎么下呀?甲:呵呵,...

口语考试,二人对话。问路指路的有关,10来句话就可以,用英语谢谢_百度知 ...
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to ***(例如:Yuexiu Park)?B:Yes, my pleasure. Go down this street and turn right at the first crossing.The Yuexiu Park is on your left.A: Ok, thanks. The Yuexiu Park is next to the Bank of China, right?B: No, the Bank...

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a clever, wily peasant, whose tricks could be much talked about. The best story, however, is how he once got the best of the devil and made a fool of him. One day the peasant had been working in his field, and just ...

A:Hey, Tommy, I heard that you travelled to America to spend your summer vacation last year, what do you think of America?B:Well, honestly, it's a country with modern fashion flavours everywhere. It's a shopping heaven and so convenient for me to find what I want to ...

hey hey,dude How are you doing these days?Well。。Not good,,,Um...What happened?It's complicated,My mum and my dad divorced。。。What?Oh...Sorry...But why?> My mum has got a better job in NY.My dad wanted my mum to stay...

A:hi,most poeple have mental problems now,do you know what's the main reason?B:well,It's hard to say.there are so many reasons may cause this.such as, houses,cars,jobs and marriage.A: so what's the result of it if someone has got the mental problem?B: You know ...

A:请问如何登机?A:어떻게 탑승해야 됩니까?B:请拿身份证和机票到值机柜台换取登机牌,需要的话,也可以办理行李托运。然后到安检入口进行安检。到登机牌上写的候机室等待登机。等待时请注意机场广播的提醒!然后到登机...

骆言14757028935问: 求英语2人的口语对话,20句(简单点的) -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] 朋友: A:I had a big argument with david yesterday.I hope he's not still mad at me. B:what did you argue about? A:he ... B:I like people who are open and friendly.Those people are usually more active and fun to be with.I like spending time with my friends...

骆言14757028935问: 简单的英语两人对话每人十到二十句左右, -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] 面试经典(一):Q:Why would you be particularly good at this business?A:I was a pastry chef,so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new product development.Recent preservatives h...

骆言14757028935问: 英语简短二人对话,不要太多,一人4到6句,偶是预初学生,话不要太多. -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] 你需要的是什么场景啊 我写的你参考下吧 也许太简单了 A:" Morning! " B:"Hello! Long time no see , guys!" A:"Yech,yeach. How are you ?" B:"Fine,and you?" A:"Emm,me too!" B:"I will go to school,so I am gald to see you,bye!" A:" I am...

骆言14757028935问: 两人英语对话,12句,不限题材,简单点 -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] a: hi kenny b: hi jenny a: where shall we go for lunch b: the resteurant near my home a:have you ever go there before b:no.but seems that is good.the new one is better than others.their prices are lower. a:okay then. anyone come with us? b:yes..um..my ...

骆言14757028935问: 帮忙编一个简单的两人英语对话 -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] A: Hey how are you? Been well? B: Yeah pretty much, you? I was working on my assignments. So busy. A: Really? I've handed mine in. Weren't yours due a week ago? B: Yeah I had applied for an extension because I went to the hospital for three days. ...

骆言14757028935问: 两个人的英语简单对话,一个人7句左右.简短一点的, -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] A : Good morning ! How are you?B:I'm fine. Did you go to the cinema with Jim?A:Actually, I did not. I had to do my homework.B:What a pity !Will you go with him next week?A:I'm not sure. I mean, th...

骆言14757028935问: 一段两人外语对话,极其简单的.80字左右. -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] A: Hi, Bruce! B: Hi, Alice! How are you? A: Pretty good. The summer vacation is approaching, do you have any plan for it? B: I want to go to Disneyland in Los Angeles. A: TWhy do you want to go there? B: My cousin went there last year, and he said he ...

骆言14757028935问: 英语2人对话5句,不要太难英语两个人对话5句,不要太难,不要太简单 -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] Tommy:Hey Dell,how have you been doing these days?Dell:Just so so.There is nothing interesting to share with you .How about you?Tommy:Well,I am busy studying Chinese,it's really a difficult task for m...

骆言14757028935问: 二人英语情景对话 -
泸水县复方回答:[答案] A:Hello,B.Long time no see.How are you?B.长时间不见了.你怎么样?B:I am fine,thank you,and you?我很好,你呢?A:I am fine,too.我也很好.B:Where have you been?I have not seen you for several days.这段时间你都到哪去了,我好几天没见你了.A:...

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