求一篇英语口语对话,二人对话,三分钟左右的,在线等,急,求大神帮忙。主题是mental health 心理健康

作者&投稿:常民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一篇英语口语二人对话,三分钟左右的求大神,主题how to solve unemployment problem 如何解失业问题~

I lost my job.do not worry man you still have chance to found a new job.ok cool seeya.seeya buddy.


A:What do you think is the problem between the English and the Americans?
B:That's a very interesting question, because both nationalities share a common
language and are usually on the same side in war-time, yet they rarely speak
well of one another on a personal level.
A:Are we talking about a struggle for superiority?
B:Yes, but we measure our superiority in different ways. Ours is cultural and
historical. We believe we're more civilized. We're the country of Shakespeare and
the industrial revolution. Americans visit England in search of culture and history.
A:So in what ways are they superior?
B:Well, obviously in size. Everything's bigger - their country, their salaries,
their roads, their companies. Theirs is the land of MacDonald's, Coca Cola,
Microsoft and IBM. They enjoy telling us that they're the best.
A:And are they right?
B:Yes, if you measure success purely in dollars, but there're two points here.
Firstly, many English people actually believe that "Small is Beautiful". They
prefer countries where you don't get mugged in parks and subways.
A:What's the other point?
B:I was coming to that. It's the difference in character. Maybe you think you're
the best in the world, but you don't go shouting about it from the rooftops. Americans
lack our modesty and reserve. They're probably warmer and more friendly, but
they're often very loud and extrovert to go with it.
A:So you prefer the British character?
B:Not entirely. We tend to be rather oblique in our conversation. When
Americans speak, you can take them literally, but when English people speak you
have to read between the lines.
A:We say one thing and mean another?

A:hi,most poeple have mental problems now,do you know what's the main reason?
B:well,It's hard to say.there are so many reasons may cause this.such as, houses,cars,jobs and marriage.
A: so what's the result of it if someone has got the mental problem?
B: You know mental disease is more serious than any other disease. it will make people depraved and negative.even worse, it will make people commit suicide or commit a crime.
A: That's true. do you have any idea how to solve the problem?
B: I think the best way to keep mental health is to make more friends and share your bitter and happiness in life. with the families' help also very important.


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