
作者&投稿:隆别 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Can you tell me the way to the station? (D)请你告诉我去火车站怎么走?Go straight ahead and turn left at the traffic lights. (D)沿这条路一直向前走,在红 绿灯那儿向左转。1).问路的几种表示方法:a. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the museum?请你告诉我去...

。10. I'm new here. Can you tell me how to find ts address?我第一次来这里。你可不可以告诉我怎样才能找到这个住址?。1. Take the one-way street. 走这条单行道。。哦 顺便提一下,我现在学的ABC夫下在线的助教说过,就是要掌握好英语很简单的..绝对有个恰当的学习情境和熟练口语对象...

回答问路,还有以下表达法:Take the bus No. 231, get off at the Garden Plaza bus stop. 坐231路公共汽车,在花园广场站下。Take the subway\/metro No. 1, get off at the Garden Plaza station. 坐一号线地铁,在花园广场站下。 那么,今天的课程就到这里了。这里是《Faith口语课堂-天天学...

A:Well, I seem to be a little bit lost here. I'm worried that I'll never find my way. What's worse, I forgot my glasses and I'm as blind as a bat now.答:嗯,我似乎迷路了。我担心我永远不会找到我的方向。更糟糕的是,我忘了我的眼镜,我现在像个瞎子一样(原文是bat(...



情景交际 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)请根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出...

1、你知道你在我心里是什么嘛是什么我未来孩子妈 2、我结婚你一定要来为什么?因为没有新娘会很尴尬 3、你也太喜欢我了吧我怎么啦?为了见我居然偷偷跑进我的梦里~4、装你和我的盒子叫什么?不知道天作之合。5、我觉得所有的门都应该让你敲?为什么这么说呢?因为你敲好看。6、你长得好像一只...

情话对话短句一问一答,生活中大家都会接触一些使用较为普遍的情话,情话是最基本的表述单位,经常互说一些情话可以增进彼此的感情,以下分享情话对话短句一问一答。 情话对话短句一问一答1 1、“我最近好像盐吃多了?” “嗯?然后呢?” “闲的没事总是想你。” 2、“你近视吗” “不近视啊” “那你怎么看不出...

一萤火虫应到:人们爱赏灯,自己虽然瓦数低了点,至少也能发发光! 30、 一新兵去磨房,因路不熟,便问一老汉,老汉指明道路。几日后,新兵又去磨房,又迷了路,正巧又遇到老汉,遂再问路,老汉大惊:小同志,你还没找到啊? 3 有个人问他的朋友:“你为什么一抽烟就笑,是不是烟很香啊?”朋友回答:“哪里,我刚看到...

訾郊15622172882问: 英语问路的语句.一问一答 -
陆良县调经回答:[答案] .「问路」的十句话 .新闻点阅数:次 .1.Excuse me.Can you tell me where the Taipei Hall MRT station is?抱歉.你可以告诉我捷运台北市政府站在哪里吗? ..How do I get to the lton Hotel?希尔顿饭店怎麽走? ..Excuse me.I'm lost.Can you show me ...

訾郊15622172882问: 一篇"问路"的英语小对话 -
陆良县调经回答: 原发布者:englishftj问路英语对话1.A:Excuseme,WhereamIonthismap?B:Wearehere,busstation,weareintheheartofthecity.A:Oh !IthinkI'mlost.CanIgofromheretotherailwaystation?B:Headstraightupthestreetabouttwoblocksthenturnleft.A:对不起,...

訾郊15622172882问: 6句英语问路对话我要两人一组的6句问路对话,要回答简单点的!1.Excuse me,where is····?2.Could you please tell me the way to·····?3.Is···... -
陆良县调经回答:[答案] Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the post office? Sure.Go straight ahead.Turn left at the first crossing. Is it far from here? Yes,it's about 2 kilometers away.You'd better take a bus. Which bus shall I take? You can take the No.2 bus.It can take ...

訾郊15622172882问: 英语问路语句,一问一答 -
陆良县调经回答: A: Execuse me? B: Yes? A: Can you show me how to get to XXX please? Do you know the way to XXX? Would you please tell me how should I go to XXX? B: Sure! Go along the street, take the second turning left, and walk for about fifty meters, and...

訾郊15622172882问: 关于问路的英语对话16句 -
陆良县调经回答: Dale : Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum? Nancy: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off. Dale : Yes, but I'm driving my own car. Nancy: Oh, then you drive along this street, turn right at the third ...

訾郊15622172882问: 帮我写一段很简单的英文问路对话!是两个人的问路对话!早上好!我想去苹果园地铁站,应该怎么走?你可以坐959路车,在第三站下车就好了!然后两句... -
陆良县调经回答:[答案] A:Good morning.I want to go to Apple Yard subway station,how can I arrive there?B:You can take the NO.959 bus and get off in the third stopA:Thank you very much!Happy new year!B:You're welcome.The sam...

訾郊15622172882问: 英语写作,写一段有关问路的对话假设你是问路的,想去火车站.别人告诉你去火车站步行要半小时,并建议你乘汽车去.写一段有关问路的对话 -
陆良县调经回答:[答案] Excuse me,can you tell me the shortest way to go to the railway station?It will take you half an hour to there,you'd better take a bus there.Ok,well,thanks very much.

訾郊15622172882问: 6句英语问路对话 -
陆良县调经回答: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the post office? Sure. Go straight ahead. Turn left at the first crossing. Is it far from here? Yes, it's about 2 kilometers away. You'd better take a bus. Which bus shall I take? You can take the No. 2 bus. It can take you there. Thank you. You are welcome.

訾郊15622172882问: 英语问路情景对话求一篇英语问路作文,要对话,12句就行,最好有个翻译 -
陆良县调经回答:[答案] A:Excuse me.I'm afraid I got lost.Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站... Nancy:That's right. Dale :Are you sure that I won't bump into any one-way streets? Nancy:Well,...I don't think you will.I don't see ...

訾郊15622172882问: 英语问路语句,一问一答 -
陆良县调经回答:[答案] A:Execuse me?B:Yes?A:Can you show me how to get to XXX please?Do you know the way to XXX?Would you please tell me how should I go to XXX?B:Sure!Go along the street,take the second turning left,and wal...

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