
作者&投稿:智时 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital?
B:Of course ,walk along this road ,and turn left at the second turning ,and
then walk sraight about 200miles,and you will see a big sign of Lianhua supermarket。 you can't miss it
A:er....I'm sorry I can't get what you have said can you say it again
B:OK I will go there with you
A:that's great thank you
B:It's my pleasure

A: Excuse me! May i ask how to get to Changcheng Hotel?
B: Yes. Go along this road and turn left at the second corner.
A: Is it far from here?
B: No, you can go by foot. But you can also take a No.5 bus to go there.
A: Ok, thank you very much.
B: You are welcome.
A: Bye!
B: Bye!


A:Hi, excuse me, I'm sorry to bug you, but do you know where The Royal Hotel is?

B:Just a minute. I'm as busy as a bee right now. Ok, I'm done. What can I do for you?

A:Well, I seem to be a little bit lost here. I'm worried that I'll never find my way. What's worse, I forgot my glasses and I'm as blind as a bat now.

B:Well, keep your chin up. I'll try to help you. Where are you going?

A:I'm try to get to The Royal Hotel. Do you know where that is?

B:Yes, uh, no problem. You walk down this street. You turn left at the first intersection. Walk along that road. Turn right at the corner. After that you make a left-hand turn at the first traffic light. The Royal Hotel is on the right side.

A:Great! Are there any landmarks near by?

B:Yeah, I think so. I think the hotel is right across the street from the post office.. You can't miss it.

A:Oh, that's good. I should be able to find it pretty easily then. Is it far from here?

B:Yeah, it's gonna take you a while if you go by foot. I'd say it's about a 30 minutes uphill walk. You have to be as strong as a lion to make it.

A:Oh, that would take too long and I'm kind of in a hurry. Can I take a bus there?

B:Well, you could take a bus there, but you would have to transfer buses twice. A taxi would probably be a lot quicker.

A:Alright, I guess I'll take a taxi then. How long will it take by taxi?

B:Not too long. It should take about ten minutes by taxi.

A:Cool, thanks.

B:You're welcome.

A:嗨,对不起,很抱歉打扰你,但你知道皇家酒店吗?B:Just a minute. I'm as busy as a bee right now. Ok, I'm done. What can I do for you?B:等一下。我现在忙得不可开交。好的,我完成了。我能为你做什么吗?A:Well, I seem to be a little bit lost here. I'm worried th...


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