
作者&投稿:陀耍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Duck:(很好奇)Hello,Miss Cat.What are you doing?鸭子:你好,猫小姐。你在干什么?Cat:(急得抓耳挠腮)Hello,Little Duck.Theres a big fish in the river.Im hungry,but I cant get it.猫:你好,小鸭子。那条河里有一条大鱼。我很饿,但是我不能得到它。Duck:Dont worry.L...

4人英语短剧:(One day, the class is over,student A and B walk together.)A: Labour Day is coming, we should relax a little on vacation, what are you going to do.B: I have no idea no.How about you?A: I intend to go to the Baotu Spring,It’s said that it is a...

4人 六分钟 英语幽默短剧(带中文翻译)
公园记(四人课堂话剧)A(衣衫褴褛) B(衣着光鲜) C小花 E椅子 F新闻记者 B坐在E上吃东西,A一乞丐上前。A:先生,先生,请给我些面包,谢谢,我饿得不行了。B:(厌恶)让开,让开。(然后便起身离开,这时他的钱包掉到E上头了) A:先生,先生。(A看见后,立即拾起,追上了走远的B...

Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威)T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B---BearTiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hu...

Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is!狐狸: 我是狐狸。 您能看,我是俏丽和可爱的。 我是擅长于欺诈0and告诉谎言。 我刚才...

甲:欢庆元旦喜气浓,乙:我们公司乐融融,丙:今天举行大联欢,丁:高兴!甲:在座朋友真不少,乙:叫声领导辛苦了,丙:先给你们敬个礼,丁:新年好 然后穿插一些和贵公司情况有关的内容,一两段即可起到画龙点睛,合情应景的效果 甲:这年头活着不容易 乙:天灾人祸不断升级 丙:日本地震传噩耗 丁...

1: yo, dude[dju:d] ! what you gonna[�0�4ɡ�0�0n�0�5] do? 哟 哥们,你要做什么 2: i'm gonna have a picnic. wanna join? 我要去野餐,愿意加入吗?1: really? why not? let's go! 真的吗? 干嘛不呢...

有创意的英语小短剧,4个人 3分钟左右
SW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人 P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物 音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was ...

英语短剧:小兔子乖乖 人物:Little Duck,Miss Cat, Miss Rabbit,Mr Dog 旁白:Little Duck要去看望外婆。一路上他又唱又跳,高兴极了。在小河边,他碰到了Miss Cat。Duck:(很好奇)Hello,Miss Cat.Whatre you doing?Cat:(急得抓耳挠腮)Hello,Little Duck.Theres a big fish in the...

make way for a fool." "But I will," with that Goethe retreated aside.《歌德的容忍》一次,歌德正在魏玛一个公园的一条狭窄小道上散步。碰巧他遇见一个对他怀有敌意的评论家。两人都停了下来,彼此相互对视。接着评论家说道:“我从来不给傻瓜让路。” “可我给。”说完歌德退到了一边。

雷嘉17226037796问: 帮找篇英语短剧4个人的 10分钟左右的 搞笑的 带中文的 -
翁牛特旗力派回答:[答案] 人物:Chris,Pitch,Patch,Chap,Ran 时间:2:00 A.M. 有一个名叫Chris的女孩,不知为何睡在了人偶们的屋子里... Pitch: It's 2 o'clock now! Patch: Yes,we're free! All puppets: We're free! Chap: Let's play! ...

雷嘉17226037796问: 英语小短剧,4人表演用的,5到8分钟,最好搞笑点,可以有旁白;四人有三女一男,实在不行可以反串. -
翁牛特旗力派回答:[答案] 人物:Narrator:It's Christmas time.B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus. A---在睡觉,B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人. 场景:A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡) B:(clear his throat,starts singing) I wish you ...

雷嘉17226037796问: 幽默四人英语小短剧 -
翁牛特旗力派回答: 小剧本-----小红帽 Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放...

雷嘉17226037796问: 急求,英语小短剧,4人 -
翁牛特旗力派回答: 人物: Narrator: It's Christmas time. B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus. A---在睡觉, B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人. 场景: A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡) B: (clear his throat, starts singing) I ...

雷嘉17226037796问: 急求四人英语情景短剧 最好搞笑的或有内涵的 -
翁牛特旗力派回答: A man committed a crime and was arrested by thecounty magistrate. He was sentenced to be floggeda hundred times and was terrified. Fortunately, he was rich so that he was able to bribe the magistrate and pay someone to take the punishmentin ...

雷嘉17226037796问: 求一个英语搞笑短剧,千万不要童话题材,四个人以上! -
翁牛特旗力派回答:[答案] 英语短剧剧本一The Pocket Money Characters:Narrator (N),Salesman(S),Dad (D),Maggie (M),Alice (A),Candy(C),Policeman (P) Preparation:学校布景,做糖果用桌及相关材料,小贩家布景 Scene1(At Salesman's home) N:In a dark dirty house,...

雷嘉17226037796问: 四人英语话剧 -
翁牛特旗力派回答: 龟兔赛跑(Hare and tortoise) Bird: Friends, friends, come here and have a look. (伙伴们,伙伴们,快来看啊!)The hare and the tortoise will have a match again. (小兔和乌龟又要比赛了.) M...

雷嘉17226037796问: 急需四人英语小短剧 -
翁牛特旗力派回答: 物:Little Duck,Miss Cat, Miss Rabbit 旁白:小鸭子要去看望外婆.一路上他又唱又跳,高兴极了.在小河边,他碰到了猫小姐. 第一幕 Duck:(很好奇)Hello,Miss Cat.What are you doing? 鸭子:你好,猫小姐.你在干什么? Cat:(急得...

雷嘉17226037796问: 求4人英语小短剧剧本. -
翁牛特旗力派回答: 中文部分是翻译,正文在下面啊! A(衣衫褴褛) B(衣着光鲜) C小花 E椅子 F新闻记者 B坐在E上吃东西,A一乞丐上前 A:先生,先生,请给我些面包,谢谢,我饿得不行了. B:(厌恶)让开,让开.(然后便起身离开,这时他的钱包掉...

雷嘉17226037796问: 求4个人的英语短剧(七年级)急~ -
翁牛特旗力派回答: 英语幽默短剧剧本The Pocket Money Scene1(At Salesman's home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make...

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