
作者&投稿:书良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 i do what my teacher told me to do such as finishing my home work in time foucing during the class . practicing as much as i can .And i think watching some english moives is very helful and so is english broadcast i guess there is not short cut in english learning an...

A:Hi, Lynn, long time no see, how are you?B: Well, actually not good, I mess everything up.A: Oh, honey, take it easy, what's going on?B: You know that I am busy in my final dissertation(毕业论文) in these days.A: Definitely, I saw you in library many ...

中英互译会有四个话题,生活类一般都会考,比如美国的肥胖率。还有实事类,比如2010年我考到全球经济复苏。。。即使是专业领域专业不到很深的 有点像笔试的听译,但停顿时间和间隔时间自然完全不一样~


你好!你不会就说SORRY,I donnot konw.自我介绍我当时是10几20秒,然后会让你阅读一篇文章什么的,回答几个问题,最后有个问题,面试老师会跟你讨论,是个开放式的话题。要自信,脑子反应要快,最后那个话题,你可以引用那些经典名句啊、电影啊什么的,这样会加分的,所以口试前,准备些吧。不过不同...

给你提供两篇文章,你根据口试时的要求,稍加改动回答即可。 1、《感恩》 生活如此慷慨,我心怀感恩。 那些曾经,终于在我生命中消失不见。 多年以前,年幼的我待在外公的葡萄藤下,听着歌唱祖国的童谣,喝着外婆打来的嫩豆腐,懵懵懂懂地度过了童年时光。依稀记得外婆跟我诉说她年轻时经历的动荡时代,外婆的脸湮没在...

同病相怜啊,我明天也要口试了,说来也巧,我中考的时候就是在四平中学考的.我正好需要题目练习,下面就仅供参考咯.祝你好运啊 1.Very nice!2.I think the bus should be better.3.That's all right.4.Oh,yes.I'll take your advise.5.Thank you for your reminding me.6.Yes,why not?7....



常用表达包括:1. 自我介绍与寒暄:在口试开始时,考生通常需要进行自我介绍,并与考官或其他考生进行寒暄。例如:“Good morning, examiner. My name is John Smith, and I’m here for the BEC exam.” 或者 “Nice to meet you, I hope we can work well together.&...

项乖13823082497问: 求9个英语口试话题求9个大学英语口试话题作文,时间三分钟左右 1.What do you think sports can bring you in life?2.How to p[revent students cheating in ... -
定兴县盐酸回答:[答案] 1 )talk about a film Brave Heart is part of a historical film, part of a hero legend, part of romantic and part of nationalistic. It is about the story of William Wallace, a poor but free Scottish ma...

项乖13823082497问: 英语口语考试,双人对话,求个话题 字数要求是双人对话1 - 2分钟左右 内容要简单易懂 常用对话 不要搞非主流Topic 1 Memory A complains to B that he ... -
定兴县盐酸回答:[答案] A and B meet at the caferteria. B: How are you doing recently, A? A: Not so good. It's easy for me to forget things easily. I'm afraid that I'm going to fail the exam. B: Come on, everyone forgets things. You must be very tired recently, right? A: Yeah, a little. ...

项乖13823082497问: 英语口语考试,双人对话,求个话题 字数要求是双人对话1 - 2分钟左右 内容要简单易懂 常用对话 不要搞非主流topic:A.a computer major.needs help in landing ... -
定兴县盐酸回答:[答案] A:I'll graduate this year and I'm looking for a job. But because of the economic recession, the IT industry is shrinking and employment for a computer major is not good. B:Yes. You really have to ...

项乖13823082497问: 英语高考口语2分钟口述话题作文 -
定兴县盐酸回答: Different people have different hobbies. For example,someone likes reading, someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on.I used to read books because by reading books I could learn many funny things. But now I don't like it ...

项乖13823082497问: 考研英语口语热门话题,至少10个,最好给出范文,没有也没事 -
定兴县盐酸回答: 1身体健康类(包括个人的身心健康和社会的健身活动)2职业道德类3人口增长类4环境保护类5人文情感类6文化交流类7社科教育类8人生价值类9家庭关系类10社会热点类

项乖13823082497问: 急求关于 的英语口语考试话题资料 ~~~ -
定兴县盐酸回答: 1 cultureat first , culture is the combination of ideas and behavior .in my opinion,a culture is definately related to its social environment.so people from different countries speak different language ,keep different value system,and have different way ...

项乖13823082497问: 英语口语加试话题内容 -
定兴县盐酸回答: 1、my name is wa zi. i am a boy. i like playing. i like my wife very much. thank you !

项乖13823082497问: 英语口试短文 -
定兴县盐酸回答: 1 i do what my teacher told me to do such as finishing my home work in time foucing during the class . practicing as much as i can .And i think watching some english moives is very helful and so is english broadcast i guess there is not short cut in ...

项乖13823082497问: 英语口试话题简述.. -
定兴县盐酸回答: TITLE:one of my favorite books CONTENT: 例如:Moby-Dick is one of my favorite books, the novel mainly talks about a sailor, whose name is Ishmael, depressed by the alienation between man and society, man and universe, escaped from the ...

项乖13823082497问: 南京中考英语口语考试20篇话题 -
定兴县盐酸回答: 1.个人介绍 Self-introduction2.学校生活 School life3.我最好的朋友 My best friend4.住房 Housing5.我的家乡 My home town6.爱好与学业 Hobbies and studies7.推荐 Recommendations8.

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